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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Tweaked the lighting, added some PBR textures & testing out different compile switches: No floating light sources to help brighten the area up!
  2. You don't have to have them cut like that, it's just to show the extra segments in SoFII. We now have an 18+ rating for games, so pretty happy about that.
  3. It would be upto projects such as JK:E to implement it, and artists to make models that use it. I personally would love DF2 models to explode via rockets or grenades.
  4. https://youtu.be/hGsdDO672ps But we can use caps. To make this look any good, you'd have to make it so the chunk mesh "seams" aren't visible by editing the normals.
  5. Using surfacelight was one of the things I tried, but for some reason it doesn't affect the lightmap.
  6. Way too bright, compared to the cutscene. @@AshuraDX, need the .map file as well.
  7. So we can do up the maps with lightmaps for now, and just add the new lighting later on? I like it. Extra work, but not wasted work. Good to have these things since we're not using GL1 at all. Btw I've added parallax mapping to the setup menus, with the option to choose relief mapping. Both makes things slow on my PC, but it sure does make 07yun look nice. @@AshuraDX, leave the lighting to me. I have an idea on how to make it better. You're needed to make awesome models & textures.
  8. Yeah, that's not what it should look like lol. From what I understand, we won't need to do the weird floating lights once SomaZ is finished with the lighting stuff because of light bouncing off surfaces. Could be wrong though. I'll look into trying to do something to fix it for now, though.
  9. Updated: - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll - df2gamex86.dll - DF2_assets.pk3 Changes: - added parallax mapping to setup menus - removed light flares from setup menus - removed cubemap size from setup menus
  10. Looking good. A few things: - did you make an emissive texture for the light? - why are the metal beams on the ceiling, black? - did you mess with the lighting?
  11. Can you please add using an image as a dlight? I think warzone has support for it.
  12. No idea if this is on Win 10 or not, but I have to disable desktop composition on Win 7.
  13. Mysteries of the sith xpac is bad, but only because of the mono audio. DF2 had stereo. Does this count here?
  14. I find radiant 1.5 has a much better UI. Go to Build>>>Customize.... Scroll to the bottom of Build menu where there's a blank line, and input the name. Then, input each line after that in Commandline Click OK Upload your edited .map file, and I'll see what's going on.
  15. Looks like complete shite in-game, will have to edit.
  16. Updated: - 11gorc_gl2.pk3 - DF2_assets.pk3 - DF2_textures.pk3 Changes: - updated 11gorc_gl2 to use the new tracklight3 texture - added tracklight3 PBR textures - added DF2_lights.shader
  17. I already fixed it by altering the animation. Had no reason then to keep a backup of it, so I didn't. Ran the imported both_wind through noesis to make a gla and there's no jitter. No point uploading that. You should create a test animation with one of your models, I don't really have any time to spend on this atm.
  18. Tried to import both_wind.xsi. The hierarchy is screwed.
  19. Not sure what difference the model will have over the brushwork. The edges are still ultra sharp, same as the brushwork. Anyhow, add this to your radiant build menu, the first line is the name, the rest is the actual compile commands: Q3Map2: (final) BSP -meta, VIS -saveprt, LIGHT -fast -patchshadows - shade -deluxe -bounce 8 -v [bsp] -meta "[MapFile]" [vis] -saveprt "[MapFile]" [light] -fast -patchshadows -shade -deluxe -bounce 8 -v "[MapFile]"
  20. I'll send the wind animation source and the JKA gla as this is the best example of the jitter. Yes it's before the precision was fixed in 2.2, but 2.2 will still give you jitter if the animation has very fine movement.
  21. Just need to make sure you don't replace anything that's structural, or the map will leak and not compile.
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