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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I think ashura is referring to the md3 version as that's done. I'm still making all of the animations for the ghoul2 version, but it won't have all of the animations you've listed mostly due to them not being implemented in code or simply not needed for DF2. Example would be alt fire animation. There isn't one for player models, it's just one fire animation for both modes. I was thinking of doing button activate animations but it'll never 100% match up with the button on the map. You'd be watching the players finger press thin air. To fix this, you'd have to lock the player input and move them to the correct position. I've seen this done in a few games.
  2. One day man, baking lights and shadows onto the diffuse will be a thing of the past for this game and your models will really shine. Would love for you to make a few models for DF2. Psyk0sith has already taken up Gorc & Pic, though. There's still plenty others to choose from so if you're interested, shoot me a PM. Anyhow as always, superb job!
  3. Well, that's more of a job for SomaZ. I'm just a guy with VS2015 who ported rend2 to SP.
  4. can we please have the ability to see all status replies & be able to reply on the mobile version of the website? Running iOS here.
  5. Updated: - Bryar_VM.pk3 - df2gamex86.dll - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll Changes: - Bryar has the exponent removed from the shader. - Bryar animations have been updated with a new idle, and matching frame lengths to the player animations. - Bryar muzzle tag orientation fixed. - Merged in updates from SomaZ. - Numerous tweaks to Ghoul2 viewmodels, including potential fix for muzzle point being jutted out from the tag. - Fixed misc_model_ghoul, it now works with GL2. Level designers are now able to use this once again.
  6. This is now working properly under GL2, by having the skin & model using gentity instead of char.
  7. That would be me. Just used a base JKA effect, I'll tweak it.
  8. Ah ok. There's a bit of a description here, which I think is the best we are going to get: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sulon_Star
  9. Very impressive, can really notice normal mapping now. @@AshuraDX, how are those textures going for 07yun? Methinks SomaZ could use a level with proper PBR textures for tests.
  10. Clean it up and flesh it out. We don't have any cinematics I'm aware of to use, so do what you think is good. Is the sulon star an imperial ship with an interior like a star destroyer?
  11. I'm not 100% on what you've done. I think you've added lighting from textures? It's late and I'm looking at these on my phone.
  12. The new renderer won't really do much without assets meant for it.
  13. I've noticed that if there is an animation that's in the code but not in the animation.cfg, the game will print a NaN error at the top of the screen in white.
  14. Isn't there a cvar to turn off lightmaps? That could be useful, and theres a compile only ents for q3map2. One could decompile the maps, add the new lighting and then compile only ents. Or, I read that JK enhanced can load ents from an external file.
  15. Need one for DF2 anyway so when DF2 has one, we'll share.
  16. Good to see you'll FINALLY learn how to rig a model for JKA after all these years, Liam. Anyhow, looking good. Can't wait to see this finished.
  17. Afaik, the battlecry team is still powering on with their project on UE4. I think that so long as you don't sell it and don't make something that's going to compete with an upcoming game, then you should be fine.
  18. This would be a great idea. We can start with getting a fully playable, first level of JK2. Need a coder to come get a base game going, though.
  19. We should all band together and create a basic Star Wars shooter and saber combat on UE4.
  20. Well, not exactly redone. The ratio code from ent takes care of any stretching.
  21. Or some DF2 characters.
  22. It does use base. I've coded the fs mod folder command to be DF2 by default, which is why I've done away with the shortcut.
  23. Viewmodels will have all 5 fingers and all 3 finger segment bones, as will the player models at some points. When you're finished, send over the model and I'll add it to the Bryar. You do realise now, you'll have to make the entire player model right to make sure it all matches? :P
  24. Cinematics for sure. Reference for anything for the mod is always cinematics, then game.
  25. Interesting, I'll check that out. EDIT: He did that taunt a few times for me, and no crashes. So not sure what's going on.
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