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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I had mine on 1, but yeah I'll make sure there's 1, 2, off.
  2. I've put the map source in the yun GL2 pk3.
  3. Updated: - DF2_assets.pk3 - DF2_textures.pk3 - 11gorc_gl2.pk3 Changes: - added PBR texture door for 11gorc_gl2, and added it to DF2_doors.shader - changed AshuraDX's textures back to TGA - removed my 07yun door texture - added cubemaps to 11gorc_gl2 - tweaked lighting for 11gorc_gl2
  4. If you have the time to do models, go for it. Just export out the brushwork arch as an OBJ so you have exact size reference. You will have to make sure it replaces the lift room's wall though, and make sure the brick texture for it is scaled to match the brushwork version.
  5. Fair enough, prolly best to have 1 texture artist per level. Anyhow, looks great! I noticed that enabling parallax though bogs down FPS horribly. I'll have to add a setting for it.
  6. I did that because I only have so much space on dropbox.
  7. So I've discovered a use of UE4 for DF2 Mod - re-targeting animations to another skeleton. There would be animations we would want to redo though like stances, perhaps a walk, etc. Thoughts?
  8. Updated: - 07yun_gl2.pk3 - DF2_assets.pk3 - DF2_textures.pk3 Changes: - updated 07yun_gl2 map - added door texture for 07yun_gl2 - replaced a few textures for 07yun_gl2, with PBR versions - added a few shaders for 07yun_gl2
  9. Had a go at re-targeting a top-to-bottom slash: Not perfect, largely due to different root poses that you can fix in UE4.
  10. If this is MP, I suggest manual blocking. SP, you could have auto block for easy difficulty and manual for hard. If any re-targeting happens, I suggest redoing the fingers animations yourself to properly grasp the hilt. JKA's animations have pretty bad finger placement so I say, so why port the crap placement over. I imported the UE4 dummy skeleton against JKA's and the proportions are fairly close.
  11. The status loads but tapping the > just takes you to the users profile instead of status + comments.
  12. Should get that guy who's making the JK2 film on UE4 to help.
  13. So you're ditching the different engine idea and looking to enhance JKA on openjk? Bit confused here.
  14. Ignore the door for now, I'm still screwing with it. I'll fix it shortly. What do you suggest to do about the floor tiles?
  15. I'm pretty sure he didn't keep the original texture size, so it looks off. @@AshuraDX I've updated the pk3's, I suggest grabbing the textures.pk3 and keeping to the sizes. Would much rather do a simple texture replace, than having to re-scale everything. @@minilogoguy18 can make a list later on but for now, it would be best for you to finish up the Gorc animating so he's playable.
  16. Updated: - 07yun_gl2.pk3 - DF2_assets.pk3 Added: - DF2_textures.pk3 - 11gorc_gl2.pk3 Changes: - moved the textures out of DF2_assets.pk3 to its own pk3 - redone texture paths. Shaders are currently broken, but need to redo anyway for GL2 - updated 07yun_gl2 with current texture paths - added 11gorc_gl2
  17. I know, but who has the time? Are the marble and brick textures considered done? If so, that brick looks a bit funky with red between the bricks & the marble is missing the top/bottom edge detail.
  18. Don't forget - BSP has issues with large, open areas. The Maw map needs optimization, which I'm working on. I've managed to fix VIS, and trim down the skybox which means less open space. I think the skyportal is just for having a 3d skybox vs 2d textures. If I had to wager a guess on which provides better performance, I'd go with just a regular skybox.
  19. Personally, I would have just typed godmode and give all then nuke the bastard.
  20. Edited the About: Dark Forces II Mod & Applications posts with suggestions from the above posts. @@SomaZ, yeah I miss TNE too. I know I yo-yo'd a bit, but it was good times and I learned alot as well. Before TNE, I didn't know wtf a normal map was.
  21. Photosourcing works, if done right. Find photo's with no expression.
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