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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Futuza

    Road Map

    Can't you do something like a check to see if it is already locked before attempting access though? At least make the error smarter. eg: "You are already running an instance of jamp.exe, please end the process before attempting to open another."
  2. Bump. Updates please Szico? I'm eager to see this map progress.
  3. In otherwords it should be perfectly compatible with all your mods. Also if you are using firefox going to this will open up irc in mibbit: irc://irc.arloria.net/#JACoders
  4. The ascii artscene logo is highly unlikely to be the cause of the security hole. That's likely just their little tag they're sticking on their 'hack'. I would try to check with Razor via pm or by jumping in onto the irc for jacoders if this is an urgent issue.
  5. Can you give us a better idea of the cvar's used in the attack?
  6. Are you going to replace some textures, it looks a little base jka-ish?
  7. Futuza

    Road Map

    Most of the errors you've probably just got so used to. There's a few new 'featury' things that I'd like added. For instance, when you scan a server list have it auto reload the server list instead of making you push on the refresh button. Also getting rid of vm_create failed issues completely would be nice, especially when its caused by two jamp.exe's running.
  8. Doesn't it apply multithreading too @@Xycaleth and take advantage of multiple processors?
  9. Too early to tell to be honest.
  10. Oh yes and if someone takes it up, you should totally let JKG use it. Hoping someone takes this offer up, I'd love to see this made.
  11. You realize you posted the google image search image right? Also...Assassins Creed?
  12. That's what they say, its a cool concept at least. Most of the newer stuff like f5, cloudflare, etc... all try to use anti-bot nets in a way to prevent ddosing.
  13. Usually I'm super board bored riding the bus/train home and bring nothing but a notepad with me. Ideas tend to hop into my head when I'm just sitting there board bored, so I write them down, start improving them, then write some pseudo-code, control diagrams, etc...
  14. Also provides near instant gratification because you can see your work nearly instaneously. Coding, , modelling, all tend to have a bit of a wait time in my experience.
  15. But using internet terrorism to force a private company to do what you want? The right answer seems to be just to boycott the product and complain to Microsoft until they change it. But attacking, DDOSing, and doing the other usual crap Anoynomous usually does to people who upset them is the wrong answer. I'm all for what you're saying, I just don't believe web terrorism is the right way to get what you want.
  16. Sorry...I couldn't resist. I was trolling a little bit there. Its great if you can find someone else who might be interested in committing lots of time to making the mod, so best of luck to you. Perhaps something that might interest people though is if you posted a bunch of videos fo different advent rising powers in use, so if someone likes them they could create some customized force powers based off of them to use in a jka mod. And are you thinking like single-player or multi-player?
  17. Futuza


  18. Will you make it? That would be fabulous. I'd love to play it when you're done.
  19. Not sure why Anonymous should really be concerned about this. Just don't buy it if they don't like it. That group does incredibly stupid things sometimes.
  20. Nice. Moondog that's pretty clever. I was thinking just bind /give health, /give shield in the lazy man's way. This is much more efficient.
  21. We do something like that in JKG for our AI's random names. I believe LUA is used.
  22. Can you get the generic starwars name to pull a random generic name from a name list file?
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