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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Looks like you got a leak into the abyss somewhere. As it's SJC's map, it'd be hard for someone else to fix it without his permission and he didn't release the map source either. :/ Little odd it works fine in MP and not in SP though.
  2. None of that cheating load game stuff.
  3. Is this on the multiplayer client or the single player one?
  4. We still plan on doing it...sometime eventually, as I think it'll be a fun event. Just not anytime in the near future. It isn't so much an issue of a lot of work needing to be done on a JKG, as much of an issue of the devs not having enough free time to complete that work at the moment (it isn't just eezstreet either who's been busy). I've been doing some other things in the meantime with other parts of the game, but most of the stability eezstreet mentioned is waiting for some code from him before we can test and release it.
  5. Here we are. Hope it helps.
  6. I could probably make a few transparency png blood splatters, you could slap on whatever. How big do you guys want them? 2000x2000 big enough?
  7. DLL files are basically libraries of instructions a normal executable would access to finish whatever task it is doing. They are usually used when two different programs might need to use the same set of instructions and thus instead of embedding a static library in each exe (and increasing the file size of each exe unnecessarily) they just have one dll they both refer to and share. There are also other reasons to use dlls instead of static libraries such as in jka, allows a Dev to publish a change to the game on the code side without requiring a new executable. (Can also make 3rd party libraries this way, so you only have to provide code for certain parts, instead of everything. If you want you could possibly create a new cvar for your weapon idea so once the MOD is created and distributed users of the MOD can make changes they want on the fly, without needing to wait for a new dll.
  8. I'll vouch for this, they are the only image host I've found that hasn't gone off the deep end in a short amount of time. They don't care about hotlinking and were actually built around just hosting images for Reddit. Every other image site I've used is garbage and I only host images elsewhere if I expect the image to be gone in a year.
  9. I have two copies of jka, one with an empty clean base as if it were freshly installed and one where I put my mods in it. That way if something breaks I can compare the two and mix and match until I find the problem mod.
  10. Was always confused, because so many other games refer to it differently. Thanks for the clarification
  11. I've never really been sure, does JKA have a particle system?
  12. @@JaceSolarisVIII This. That has nothing to do with the engine, and everything to do with how they deliberately designed their game. Sounds like you have a misunderstanding about what game engines are for vs game design. A little history is in order, in the past making a video game was usually done from scratch, using nothing, but code, a compiler, and some assets (think like sound or image files). This is all very fine and well until you start wanting games more complicated then side stroller space ship shooters, and asteroids. When you start wanting features like: 3d enviromentsrealistic physicsparticle systemsaccurate reflectionshigh quality and accurate shadow renderingrealistic real time lightingdynamic weather systemsscripting input/pluginsrealistic randomly generated terrainAI routing and behavior systemMenu generationmassively sized mapspost processing effectslocation based audio and audio processing effectssupporting a wide variety of file formats (images, 3d modelsmiddleware for communication between multiple rendering apis (eg: opengl and directx)etc. Things quickly get very complicated. So how are you supposed to do this alone? You don't. You get a group of programmers and other developers and make a game engine that is multipurpose and does all of those things and probably more. Then since such a program is expensive and hard to develop you make it easy to use and then sell it to other game developers for profit. Maybe as a licensed product. Hence then we get game engines like Cryengine, Unreal, Frostbite, Unity, etc. Game Engines are more of a platform you build your game on, then the game itself. Quake3 is not a great engine (from a 2016 standpoint). There's so many things it can't do and perhaps more importantly it isn't easy to generate new content for it. (For example the map editor is a completely separate bundle (GTK Radiant) that offers very limited WYSIWYG functionality and you still have to wait for it to compile the lighting for it before you can test it out in the game itself). Making a game like Jedi Academy, with directional based lightsaber combat, etc. is definitely possible in other engines. For example, look at Kingdom Come Deliverance's combat on Cryengine. Applies a lot of the same basic combat principles from JKA, but with a lot of realistic restrictions specific to what that game wants to feel like. I agree though that Battlefield's combat (lightsaber combat in particular) is lackluster, boring and targeted at being casual and easy to pick up. Not much effort was put into the design and it is unsurprisingly boring.
  13. You can see if there's packets actually being sent/received and associated latency which would tell you if it's working. If that's still not enough you could always grab wireshark...
  14. If you're just locally hosting the server on one of your own computers you shouldn't need to go through game ranger, just host it directly. I'm not sure how gameranger implements server hosting for jedi academy, if they even do it all, but it should basically run exactly the same as a normal server. Just load the server with command line args specifying which mod folder to use.
  15. OJP Enhanced probably. There's a fixed version here.
  16. Not necessarily, you could put it all in one map, it would just be a rather large map.
  17. Receiving or sending through the port? This is a pretty good external service to see if the specified IP has open ports or not: http://www.canyouseeme.org/ In windows you can check currently active ports by opening the resource monitor (open task manager -> performance tab -> Open Resource Monitor -> network tab -> tcp connections and listening ports
  18. Link to the manufacturer's manual guide for this particular laptop? Or an Amazon sell page for the laptop?
  19. Pull the battery out and the harddrive, and maybe the keyboard depending on the laptop. But yeah, might be a little much if you don't have the right kind of screwdrivers to pull it apart. Maybe try device manager first to see if you can just uninstall reinstall nvidia drivers, see if it even shows up there.
  20. You're talking about reviews. If someone produces a low quality skin/model/etc. users are expected to review it as such with 1 or 2 stars and a rant about how awful the model is. Properly made models, will get 5 star reviews, simple as that.
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