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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. This is a modding community after all. If we can't submit modified screenshots then what have we spent the past decade doing? Lol.
  2. Honestly all this really needs is new textures. These are so low quality it's making it look cartoony.
  3. I'm in the middle of some real life things at the moment so I haven't been actively developing stuff for JKG either, hoping to get back to that in mid-June. JKG is a weird project, it doesn't die, it just goes into hibernation for a few months every now and then. Although per your specific question of the community itself being dead. Yeah, pretty much. We try to do regular matches every now and then when we get through certain development periods and we want new features tested, but I don't think anyone is playing regularly.
  4. The wireless internet is just an option in case it's needed, I default to using Ethernet when available my living quarters are a little interesting... Yeah DDR4 would be nice, but my budget limit was $750 so a new motherboard would have been a bit pricey and DDR4 doesn't really give you that great of gains for the price imo.
  5. Well I (nearly) finished it. Waiting for my real monitor to come, but I'm getting 250fps on blank cryengine 5.1 map. Sooooo much better I ended up putting it inside an old server rack case since I got one for free from a surplus thing at work. It doesn't look like much, but it's got it where it counts.
  6. Such shiny furniture polish. Lol.
  7. Is this multiplayer or singleplayer we're talking about?
  8. Why not host them here on the Hub?
  9. This looks sweet and I would like were I not on mobile at the time.
  10. It depends on the disc, only really ancient CDs from when it first came out still would have 1.0, most retail CDs have the later version.
  11. More like way too slow. Don't want to have to reload even a small map every single time.
  12. Lol too much 1at person you're going to make me sick.
  13. Is there a reason why? usually just having the compiler pass the necessary args is fine for most projects, unless this is for a final release build and you need it to grab some sort of library dlls or something. I mean sounds like you got it figured out, I'm just not sure whatever you're doing would really benefit from hard coding it in. And even for a final release, most mods just use a bat launcher or put everything in their own base folder. If you just want the mod folder, just do what ensiform suggested and change the default path.
  14. Latest versions basically. Unreal 4 v10+, Cryengine V, the card I listed should at least support up to opengl 4.4 so I shouldn't need to worry about Rend2 at least.
  15. Sure if you want to convert them, the models are available on our google drive. The trouble is they probably won't work with base jk2.
  16. Using the fs_cdpath should be fine, eg: +set fs_cdpath "C:\mystuff'"
  17. Well I mean more of, why not include it for JKEnhanced and steal it from JA?
  18. Would provide another use for force sense too.
  19. Usually if you want a "night" version of a map you just need to compile two different versions a day and night version and then just have two different bsps for each one. It's possible someone might be able to work out some sort of magic swapping thing between multiple lightmap points if you wanted time lapsing day-night cycles, but that'd take some weird hacking above my level of understanding.
  20. I like the idea of having modern nav meshes integrated into gtk/q3map...especially since it sounds like Xycaleth already has something started. Has ioquake done anything similar already?
  21. Well this explains why we're not getting any the force awakens content for Battlefront now we all know where their time and energy is going and where that material will be going. Mystery solved. This is such a money grab it's ridiculous.
  22. Well this is sad, just don't bring your community scuffles to JkHub please. I will add though that if he owns the server he has no obligation to do anything with it if he doesn't want to and giving root access on my machine is not something I would ever give to somebody else, maybe some sort of limited admin access for someone I absolutely trusted, but not to someone I'm having a conflict with.
  23. So far it sounds like just a map bundle...also I like how EA is just like "it was a huge financial success". Lol, you ding bats. I can almost see the $ signs lighting up in their eyes.
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