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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Friday 1pm MST would be idea for me, if not Saturday after 5pm MST would work as well. Regardless of whether or not I can play I'll try to at least have the client open.
  2. I'm a bit busy with JKG at the moment, but I'll participate when I can.
  3. Yes, although I'm kind of thinking a vending machine that dispenses ammo might work better, we may just put it into the vendor though.
  4. Question will we consider having any types of ammo/weapons that have unlimited ammo (such as an energy based weapon that recharges itself), and its rate of fire is instead limited by heat build up or something similar?
  5. Excellent eezstreet, you've been busy!
  6. Special thanks to all the people who helped us test on the PTR Skirmish Day in order to get many needed fixes and find bug causing issues! Keep your eye on this thread for news about the results of your participation! Also we're hoping to make this a regular thing, where we have organized PTR matches sometime during the weekend after the latest release. Hopefully future PTR Skirmish Days will be less bug fixing and more playing/game balancing, but by participating in it we'll be able to more quickly find bugs and improve JKG. Looking forward to the next one! If anyone has recorded any demos of gameplay/videos feel free to contact myself or one of the other developers (silverfang, eezstreet, etc.), we'd like to make a video montage at some point of the event for people to watch.
  7. You guys testing this out helps out tremendously. Thanks!
  8. So no longer streaming, as it turns out my work computer is...very iffy when it comes to streaming and lags like hell Anyway, hopefully some of you had fun, from here on out we're going to try and do some more matches with eezstreet debugging a server while we play on it so we can fix some of these crashes. Hopefully it'll still be stable enough to have some fun and also fix some bugs in the process. Thanks again everyone for helping out today! The server address will be: to connect to. Feel free to also post any bugs you noticed from today's match into this thread as well, so we can sort them all out later after today and make proper issues and bug fixes for them.
  9. We're still playing (sorta, having server problems), but you're welcome to join.
  10. We have started! Feel free to also watch the stream: https://www.twitch.tv/jkgalaxies
  11. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/1478372400000/america-new_york/dhms/FFFFFF3B5998000000FF0000/Jedi_Knight_Galaxies_Scrimmage
  12. Welcome! If you want to learn modding, the tutorials are great here BTW. So I'm just going to put a little plug here, if you want to try a new mod while you're looking at things, feel free to join us and try JKG today when we do our skirmish match in 2 hours.
  13. Ah, too bad they would need custom modelling done. You're always welcome to add tutorials to JKHUB for modelling though, I'm sure lots of people would appreciate it!
  14. Kinda curious if you can rig skyrim custom followers/player models into JKA too?
  15. If that doesn't work out or you get a new error, one other thing you could try is getting the xp patch: http://dl.dropbox.com/s/4o15a8sjp1tcr02/jkgXP_v1-2-0.zip and then grabbing the bat included in the root directory of the zip, as well as the default.cfg it refers to inside the JKG sub directory. This will start your game with all your cfg settings changed to valid default ones.
  16. JKG USA is a badly configured server, not sure who's hosting it, but you want the public test realm one Nubsmoo suggested.
  17. Screenshot? Also system information? Steam install/cd install? Has it worked at all, and just randomly stopped working, or never worked?
  18. Yeah that isn't the exact error that will appear, was too lazy to find/make the exact one. It will be nearly identical though.
  19. If you'd like to play on Windows XP (for some crazy reason), follow the directions on this post: https://jkhub.org/topic/8508-windows-xp-support-thread/?p=122630
  20. EDIT: Out of date, this post is for v1.2.0 This version of JKG will work on WindowsXP (as well as newer systems), to install, first install the main JKGv1.2.0 as directed in the readme. After doing so download the xp patch, and extract the contents of the zip into the jkgalaxies folder, tell it to overwrite any files with the same name if prompted. Click on RunJKGalaxies.bat to play. (Note I have modified the original bat file slightly to make some things a little easier, feel free to edit it though if you don't like playing in fullscreen mode. The part about the exec the default.cfg is to help fix broken inventory bindings.) Note: If you get an error similar to this (MSVCR something.dll is missing). You need this installed.
  21. Lol that client picture download thing got waaaay stretched out.
  22. Known Issues (to be fixed in next revision or possibly sooner): Do not get ammo for grenades until respawningI is by default bound to inventory and will interrupt chat (you can rework around this by binding inventory to a different key not used to type in chat for now).Admin logins do not currently workOther issues Thanks for play testing for us! Let us know if you find any other major issues. We look forward to the scrimmage match with everyone!
  23. Most of them (all except Coruscant) have JKA versions available. And should work there.
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