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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. 4k just means 3840x2160, really should be called 3.84k. There is also another standard, mainly used in film making that's 4096 × 2160. If you have a monitor that will support 4k, sure you can use it. Just run the command arg options to set custom resolution. eg: openjk.x86.exe + set r_customWidth "3840" + set r_customHeight "2160" +set r_mode -1EDIT: As a note, if you have a native desktop resolution of 4k then just running +set r_mode -2 should work fine.
  2. Movie Duels is fun, but not really the same at all. However, you might find it interesting to note someone is 'remaking' KotF with the legal mess sorted out: https://jkhub.org/topic/8041-kotf-21/
  3. I thought the CGI was fine, sure it may not be convincing in 5 years from now, but right now it's probably the most convincing I've seen so far this decade. Industrial Light and Magic outdid themselves yet again imo.
  4. Are you compiling openjk or the original game source? You'll want it to look something like this: Release -> exes and openal32.dll, rd-vanilla_x86-x86.dll, rdsp-vanilla_x86.dll, SDL2.dll, EaxMan.dll, IFC22.dll, and a 'base' directory. base -> jagamex86.dll, cgamex86.dll, gamex86.dll, uix86.dll
  5. Mustafar is such a better location anyway, given Vader's past. Makes sense for the Emperor to want to 'imprison' him there and always have him reminded of how much of a failure he is. Gotta keep that darkside aura up. Agree this would be pretty cool, I'd like more info on it though - maybe they'll release an interior map/diagram in a few months.
  6. What's the error? MP3s are picky in JKA. They need to be at 44100, and if being used for non-music (eg: A character taunt) must be monotone. Try opening the mp3 in audacity, then set the project rate to 44100, and then highlight the track and go to Tracks > Resample... and set the new sample rate to 44100hz. When you're done reexport it as a new mp3 file.
  7. Eh, I figure if you are coming in here you should expect to have things spoiled by this point. I'm still putting stuff in spoiler tags, but...this topic is literally about Rogue One so...
  8. Futuza

    Secret Santa 2016

    Merry Christmas thanks for the gift! (BTW if the person who got my gift has problems with it working, send me a PM and I can troubleshoot/release a patch. I probably should have tested it on basejka instead of just openjk).
  9. assets99.pk3 is a foreign entity and must be purged!
  10. Using a lot of mods? Sounds like you're just hitting the limit most likely. Have you tried it with a clean base (no mods) to see if it occurs then?
  11. Yeah I think we need to have a bit of a discussion as to what to do with non-lightsaber martial weapons. Its obviously easiest to just give them lightsaber stances and mechanics, but that isn't nearly as fun.
  12. Futuza

    Secret Santa 2016

    Ha. Mine was so in before the last time zone.
  13. The movie came out literally last week...lol. No need to make it K-2S0 specific though as it could serve as any imperial droid if someone does want to make it.
  14. I haven't read all the thread, but I basically agree with Cerez with the difference being that the Sith are supposed to study both aspects of the force (they rarely do). Its important to remember that Sith!=Dark Side. The Sith are superior in philosophy and potency, because the embrace both light and dark sides. Harmony has its place, but without conflict there can be no growth. The Sith understand also that emotions are necessary and make the individual stronger for having them, but only so long as the individual is not controlled by your emotions, but rather uses them to accomplish good. Anger can be a powerful tool, as can love. However, if one is controlled by them they have already lost. The Jedi once understood this, but have become so afraid of emotion and its power to control a person they sought to repress and deny it completely. There's is a sad broken philosophy which cannot stand to reason. However, that being said the Sith order itself rarely follows its own philosophy and has many times embraced the Dark Side at the expense of forgetting the Light side. The true Sith beliefs and practices are centered around balance and control, not impulse and one sidedness. Another interesting aspect is that Jedi seek to be controlled by the force (they want to do its will, worshiping it as if it were a god), while the Sith understand it is merely a part of nature and seek to bend the force to their will instead. One seeks to be controlled by the force, the other seeks to control the force.
  15. KSO had no competition. He was basically the movie version of HK-47 and good instead of evil. And whoever voted for Jyn, wtf, explain to me what made her a good character because I have the hardest time believing someone would like her. She was so bland. In terms of writing though Bodhi Rook had the best character, he changed, grew up and overcame his fears. Krennic was good too, but kind of static.
  16. Futuza

    Secret Santa 2016

    Han will have that shield down, we've gotta give him more time!
  17. Jyn has about as much character as Bella from Twilight. She's a blank slate designed purely to be a window through which the viewers experience the film. She has no remarkable traits or quirks which make her stand out, simply that she wants to rescue her dad and fight the evil empire, but...every generic hero wants to do that. Every line she says is literally something anyone would say if they were in the same situation. She's 100% relatable, and 0% unique. There are about fifty things they could have done to fix this, but poor plot planning held them back from giving her a real character because of lack of running time. It's interesting that the music for Rogue One was so lackluster in my opinion, especially since I like some of Michael Giacchino's stuff. eg: His stuff from the StarTrek reboot in 2009 was amazing. I feel like maybe he's gotten burnt out lately as a composer, needs to take a break and study some more classical music then come back and do a movie every once in a while. However, that being said, it also isn't fair to compare someone else to John Williams, he's literally the best movie composer alive. While Hans Zimmer and others can certainly make beautiful music it isn't nearly as refined and powerful as William's score.
  18. Hmmm...just watched I'm a little torn on what to give it. Going to spoil stuff so ignore this post until you've watched
  19. Doesn't seem to work very well for me either.
  20. So Crysis and Skyrim now? Need a desert landscape next. eg:
  21. Player Trading Initiate Trading Session Players may initiate another trade with another player by using the bound trade key. In this example, let's suppose you've bound +trade to "k". I walk up to [JKG]EEZSTREET and press K. A chat message will inform eezstreet that I wish to trade with him. He will have 10 seconds to respond. If he makes no response, or refuses the offer to trade, the system will reply to me with a message, "[PlayerName] has refused your trade offer". The message eezstreet will see reads, "[JKG]DarthFutuza has offered to trade with you. You have 10 seconds to respond, accept? Y/N". If eezstreet replies with /y it will accept the trade. He can also accept the trade by looking at me and pressing "k" within the 10 seconds. (The reason we will not use a popup dialog box, is because it is exploitable. eg: Player presses k at another player and then shoots them while they're looking at popup). If you attempt to trade with someone who is already trading with someone else or doing something else such as Pazaak, the system will respond with "[PlayerName] is busy right now. Try again later." Once the trading session begins, you will see a screen similar to the following: Explanation: Items listed under inventory can be selected and added to your offer box (left pane window), by pressing add item or right clicking on the item and selecting add item from the context menu.Items offered to me by eezstreet will be shown in the right pane window.Clicking on the money bag icon will open a popup dialog box to offer credits/adjust the current credit offer.Pressing y draws the chat overlay on top while you are typing.Console log of trade actions and chat between you and eezstreet will be shown in the center console panel.Items can be removed by selecting it and clicking "remove item" or by right clicking on it in the offer window and selecting remove item.Multiple items can be added at once via the context menu.Once both players are ready to trade and have adjusted their offers, they will press accept. A checkmark will appear on the offer indicating the offer has been accepted. If a player adjust their offer while the other has accepted the present offer, the acceptation will be cancelled and the new change will need to be accepted. Once both players have accepted mutually, the server will exchange items.Pressing decline when you have accepted the present offer, will remove your acceptation. Pressing decline when no offer has been accepted will close out the trade.Credits: indicates how many credits are being offered.Market Value: Represents the total market value of all items offered + creditsIf the present offers have a more than 10% market value difference between the two, a warning icon will appear as well as a < symbol toward the offer that is worth the most. (This is just a warning and can be ignored if desired).Hovering the mouse cursor over an item (in inventory or offer window), will show the item description and name. (Draws the description box from the cursor towards the center of the screen). Example: I have offered eezstreet an HK-972 Deepcool Carbonite Rifle and 2342 credits (total market value of 4900) in exchange for a Broken Blastech Detonator Scrap and 2342 credits (total market value of 2400). The system shows the warning icon and shows that my offer is worth more (I'm ripping myself off). We both have accepted the offer (it draws a check mark on your offer panel once you have accepted the present offer). At this point in time the trade dialog is about to close out and the server will exchange the items. Trade can be initiated between any living players in Phase II. During Phase I trading will only be allowed between living members of the same team. Other Screens (very WIP):
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