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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Wow, I am super rusty with gtkradiant. I don't know what I started making yet, but here it be:
  2. If we did a mostly underwater map, such as Mon Cala I recommend we make plenty of internal indoor structures inside the water (on the seabed or floating on the water etc), as all water maps tend to be crappy just cause JKA doesn't handle water physics very well and a ctf match completely underwater with all swimming would be...stuipd to put it mildly.
  3. Thanks NubSmoo, I'm going to be trying to put up a new build soon, so people at least have some of the bug fixes I've worked on for the past few months I'll send you a PM when it's ready. Hoping to have it before the end of the month, but we'll see what happens.
  4. Y'all start throwing out some theme ideas, sounds like we so far have underwater volcano facility and jungle reclaiming military reactor/outpost. The theme doesn't have to be stuck to, I think of it more like a guideline to try and give people ideas for the overall map, but if we pick a theme and someone wants to add a random Teletubby room to it, be my guest. No drama, we just make a map. Got any more ideas?
  5. Lol, guess you got a courtesy uploader out there. Even was decent enough to use your own email.
  6. Futuza

    GTK Radiant 1.6.4

    So I noticed that this version is somewhat out of date with the current builds on the github, would anyone be interested in releasing the next version? eg: 1.6.5?
  7. Woah the geometry on this looks crazy, definitely going to have to check this out.
  8. One of my favorite classic maps. Helped me learn about making rainbows in gtkradiant too.
  9. I think we could use some more mappers. Let me just use some summoning magic... @ , @@Garyn Dakari , @@HiddenSpy , @@Vic Hatecraft , @@Polterninja34 , @@Acrobat , @@AngelModder , @@Krattle , @@Livingdeadjedi , @@tritoch , @@@JCulley3D , @@Kalek , @@DarthNormaN , @@Szico VII , @@Pande , @@MaceMadunusus , @@J3rk , @@Siberi , @@Jeff , @@SkippyMaster , @@Langerd , @@mormord -- I don't expect most of these people to respond, but if any of you are interested in participating I think it'd be cooler, the more the merrier.
  10. You can also use the console command "playermodel [name of the skin you want to use here]" eg: "playermodel jawa" And it'll turn your player model into the jawa skin. Be warned this can screw with your game settings and force powers, etc.
  11. Lol, his name is pretty much just "sleazebag".
  12. I don't think I have enough mapping knowledge or experience to lead something like this. I just made a start on my concept to brainstorm, hoping to get everybody else thinking, inputting ideas, etc. I'm not hard set on it at all.
  13. ??? I don't see why it wouldn't fit in with the ideas discussed so far? I mean yeah, there'd probably have to be a few changes to fit with the theme I suggested (eg: add some moss on your walls and make it look less shiny and more dusty and abandoned, but overall I don't see why it wouldn't fit.)
  14. I vote we nominate Lazarus as the leader. I don't mind if we do ctf, but I don't really want to do a symmetrical map since I feel that limits are creativity too much. As far as a theme goes hmmm...how about this? The planet of Balbali (primarily jungle/rainforest) was built and used briefly during the Clonewars by the Separatist forces as a military research station, material mining, and a troop resupply point. However, Republic forces discovered the planet base and after a few skirmishes between the two forces, the military base was abandoned after the primary reactor was damaged in a Republic bombing run, contaminating the area. It has been several (50+) years since and the jungles have been retaking the base. I imagine it'd look something like this (only obviously with military structures not amusement park structures): Here's some ambient sounds I'd want to see in this sort of map: Other ideas? EDIT: Oh and an underwater volcano shelter would be cool and might even fit in with this idea as well.
  15. I'm not really much of a mapper, but I'd be happy to contribute some things. Maybe like textures, sounds, etc or maybe really simple rooms (though I'll have to reinstall GTK Radiant lol).
  16. Isn't there a ioquake tool that does this?
  17. Looks good so far, keep up the great work!
  18. That was so stupid... I'd love to see this happen though, I'd set some groundwork rules though. 1. Come up with a theme we can all agree on. I also agree that sticking with a Starwars theme might be for the best, doesn't have to be, but more interest is likely. 2. Elect a map leader with experience that we can give authority to make decisions if there are any design disagreements. Also elect a back up leader in case the original disappears off the web for large amounts of time. 3. Have the primary goal to produce the map, not to produce it with extreme quality. Better to produce a map, then never put anything out. 4. Everyone who participates agrees that we're free to use whatever they contribute and they can't take back anything they've added to the map (they're free to use it in their own work, but anything they contribute is open source). And on that note I want a reactor somewhere in this map, here's some inspiring screenshots:
  19. I think it's fine if it's non-starwars. JKHub tried to do this once. Here's to hoping it actually happens this time.
  20. Aside from what Xycaleth already said, this is for JKG which is not the same project at all and we're happy using newer compilers. But you really don't need a new pc for vs2015.
  21. It's progress, I swear! (If you're wondering why the console background is the old one, it's just because I don't have the most recent asset on my dev build. Now if you're wondering why the text colors are so messed up...that's a different tale).
  22. 1. Fair enough. I guess I just want to make sure that if players have goods they can get rid of them eventually. My problem with a lot of online games is that the bank size, or warehouse is limited and can only hold x amount of items so you're forced to try and sell stuff to vendors so your hard earned drops, etc. don't just get thrown away. 2. ? I think you misunderstood me? I'm just asking if vendors have available cash on hand, can players steal it or is it going to be totally protected?
  23. I'm not sure I like limiting how much you can sell to them, unless there's an alternate way for players to get rid of their crap (ie: global marketplace to sell to players, like an ingame Amazon Marketplace). In Bethesda games you can sleep or wait to force vendor gold to respawn, can't do that in an online game, unless you change the server's time speed scale or something - but that's be cheating and wouldn't work in a multiplayer environment. Also on that note, can their credits be stolen via some mechanic? ie: Gang of players break into Tom Groundrunner's shop at night and break open his cashbox and make off with 9000 credits.
  24. So I just noticed, why are there two credits on the bottom? For debug purposes (one for player, one for shopkeeper)? Not sure why we would show the player how many credits the vendor has in stock, if I'm correct in my assumption that that's what it is showing?
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