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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. If it has an nvidia graphics card it's not using it, it's using the intel onboard card at the moment. Try and reseat your graphics card and see if windows detects it after a restart.
  2. Well I thought perhaps interest had died off...
  3. There's a nice tutorial here on how to do proper horizon blending: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/89-horizon-blending/ It definitely can be done with Jedi Academy, but it does take effort. Easier by far to make something like this in Cryengine though.
  4. Have you tried it on other machines to see if it's just your computer?
  5. Yeah that'd be a good idea Working without version control is...crazy.
  6. I'm thinking the multiplayer one will probably need code changes to work.
  7. This should help: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1413-blender-264-jedi-academy-plugin-suite/
  8. Any normal zip compression program should work, have you tried Keka (based on 7zip)? @Xycaleth where is the source code for this? Bundled up with openjk?
  9. Why are you using the old builds though, instead of getting the newer ones? Max Saber Victims uses int not float too, as ensiform says.
  10. That is incorrect, we did not bother registering the domain a second year since none of us wanted to continue to maintain the site. Hence Kenji Hiraiwa owns the domain. The website is a fake placeholder site though if you're interested, Mr. Hiraiwa is in the business of buying up domains and attempting to retail them back to the original owners for significantly marked up prices. Surprised he isn't bothering serving spyware too while he's at it, just some fake home alarm company which does not actually exist.
  11. Wut? Quake 3 is a terribly out of date engine, still uses bsp map format for goodness sake, to say nothing of it's decade old rendering techniques. It's an awful engine by today's standards.
  12. You guys are welcome to organize a match, I'd be happy to participate when you do. I may try to get an official one going eventually, but I'm hoping to do so after the next release which could take some more time before it's ready.
  13. Ha you think you can stop me from making 16385 sub directories in the models directory!?
  14. Hey while that's cool you fixed the problem it might be useful to other people that have the same problem in the future if you posted what you need to do to fix it here.
  15. Yeah that's kind of what I was thinking, this is just a fun little project that isn't supposed to be like pro map or whatever, just a fun little pass along. I mean I'm an awful mapper, I could do like square rooms and stuff, yay.
  16. Oh that's what you mean, I was thinking like only having one copy in program files and then trying to edit like asset0.pk3 on the fly.
  17. But why? Can't you just mute the game music and have youtube play a playlist in the background?
  18. Yes, but that means all programs run within the context have admin privledges, including malware a dumb user tries to run, which means it can do whatever it wants without asking you first. It's a bit of the same reasoning as to why usually people don't recommend running every command under linux under the root user, and instead use sudo when it's needed. Unless he copies all his assets from jka to openjk's directory, he would still need admin privileges to edit the game's assets if JKA stays in the program file directory.
  19. Will disable uac completely, the better safer way to do this is to install jka to a non protected location such as a directory on the desktop. Disabling uac completely represents a big security risk though not recommended
  20. I wish I could get the footage from Star Tours, they have some new 2016 made Coruscant renders that looked sweet, among other things in the newest version of the ride...
  21. You see Ivan, when capitalist pig see you have big shoulders, they assume you have bigger package and squeal like little girl.
  22. I'm not sure how we'd do a map like that without putting blender models everywhere and making most of the map in blender. Since Degobah is basically just patch terrain with trees, bushes and ponds everywhere. Seems like more of an advanced map that half of us would not really be capable of doing.
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