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  1. So you want some Pokémon NPCs I have some Pokémon NPCs right here. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/3vd47l2s6ve5i/Pokemon_NPCs+Star+Wars+Jedi+Knight+Jedi+Academy
  2. 5 downloads

    This is Maarek Stele NPC from Star Wars TIE fighter the video game he spawns as a enemy NPC to spawn Him type in. NPC SPAWN MAAREK_STELE
  3. No I don't think you can use Him for multiplayer I think he's coming as a character for Star Wars Galactic Legacy mods next update you might be able to play as Him in multiplayer then don't forget Star Wars Galactic Legacy mod also has a multiplayer feature I didn't know how to add Max as a multiplayer feature He's for NPC support only.
  4. @Rayce Yes it works as an NPC and a Player Model type in. PLAYERMODEL MAX or PLAYERMODEL MAX_DF2
  5. 53 downloads

    This is Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess she is an ally NPC you can spawn Her anytime to help you the person who rigged this model up for me Noodle gave me permission to submit her to spawn Zelda as an NPC type in. NPC SPAWN TP_ZELDA I hope you enjoy it you can also play as her in multiplayer.
    Best mod for Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy ever I love it next to Star Wars Movie Duels mod.
  6. 26 downloads

    This is Max from Sam and Max hit the road in Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 I had permission from DarthValeria the guy who rigged this model up for me to submit this player model. To spawn this Ally NPC type in. NPC SPAWN MAX or NPC SPAWN MAX_DF2 One max NPCs one to spawn with Han Solo's Blaster Pistol and one is spawn with Kyle Katarn's blaster Pistol.
  7. 80 downloads

    This is Carl Johnson from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas he is as an ally NPC, yes I had permission from Maui, the person who rigged this model up for me said I can submit him. NPC SPAWN CJ NPC SPAWN CJ_SABER *Ported from GTA San Andreas
    Nice SpongeBob SquarePants player model it looks and sounds just like him my best friends Jonathan and Matthew Atwood the Atwood Bros love SpongeBob SquarePants and I love SpongeBob SquarePants as well.
  8. Please make a Mae and Osha that will be nice.
  9. Someone on JKHub DarthValeria made the max model from Sam & Max hit the road I wanted he works and plays perfectly. https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/yaez1qa6mmar18h/Max.pk3/file
  10. Never mind I have a Carl Johnson from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas right here. NPC SPAWN CJ NPC SPAWN CJ_SABER https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/x4nfcycf8hliecr/CJ_GTASA.pk3/file
    I love it awesome Grand Theft Auto Vice City character please make Carl Johnson from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
  11. Please make a Star Wars Dark Forces Level1 Secret Base Remake.
  12. I have a Max from Sam & Max hit the road NPC file I exported this Max model to a glm model file I have the max sound file from Sam & Max hit the road exported the obj to a glm file but I don't know how to put in the animations or skin things I might need some help fully exporting this model and putting in some of the animations can you please help me. https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/x5u3obmjoh13fec/Max.npc/file https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/ybnah46qstoypg5/Max.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/cw5bq2avygbcl7b/Max_sounds.7z/file
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