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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Thanks! I tried the first one - it nabbed about 2000MB. Not too shabby. The bleach one, however, is still running. It is like "Wiping free disk space: 2000 minutes remaining". The minutes keep getting higher and higher. Very scary. So I think it's a good sign.
  2. Hey guys! I've been having some trouble. Recently, my computer space is just...gone. One time I had a couple hundred MB left, not even enough to use the internet. I then go on file killing sprees, but then my computer only gives me like 6 or 7 GB back, and those will be gone even quicker. I really don't know where all my GB are hidden...what can I do to make that blue pie purple? -Defragging? Found this under system tools - says it needs like 19GB though...I don't have it. Says it can do it without, but I'm scared. -Disk clean up? Does nothing than give me a couple lousy KB. What else can I do? I'm down to my most essential files, and I still don't have barely any space. And I know I should have more. Thanks.
  3. I personally could see a gallery of levelshots that the user could choose from. But I do agree, would love to see something new in the background department.
  4. Yah that happened to me, to. Did you get a little pop-up? I just closed that and pressed the update button.
  5. *Grabs firefox banner* Prepare for war, gentlemen.
  6. Both of these. 12,000 entities. I would love to have this .map file just for scientific purposes.
  7. Well I know there is nothing ICARUS scripting about it, unfortunately...
  8. Hmmmm....would a 1 round match limit work? I mean when the time limit/score limit (maybe you can make some score entities give 1000 points to the winning team) is hit and ending the match and restarting. Maybe even a warm-up so people can choose player models and such. Understand what I'm saying?
  9. I always just jumped in and started making whatever came to mind. But, there is a certain elegance of connecting various parts of your maps correctly. It makes if feel more "real". So, I do basic scatches when I'm at school and have a rough idea in my mind.
  10. Oh my MUG....that just looks so...tastey. It's so beautiful. You are to be commended, sir. The beauty of it astounds me.
  11. Why not just have all the players be tele'd back to starting position and re-open all the doors, remove the weapon pushers, and such when the obj is complete?
  12. Nice early brushwork! Looks like the ref-pic to me!
  13. Welcome! Great to have more CTF players!
  14. Survives JKG. With 7gb to spare.

    1. CaptainChar


      how big is the mod?

    2. therfiles


      Well I barely had any gigs before I downloaded it...I was literally deleting things as it downloaded. Was running on fumes for a while, so much so, I couldn't get internet. Lol.

  15. Yah. The logic is very impressive...and thats coming from a scripter. Can I ask, how did you limit it to two gun each? EDIT: Oh wait....you just put two rows of guns. Nevermind...
  16. Wow...looks fun! Those entities must have taken some time to setup!
  17. Isn't Tempest populated by mainly bots? Or maybe I'm getting that mixed up with that one server with the "leaf in your tea" name.
  18. *Frantically makes space on computer for JKG*

    1. eezstreet


      I'd say to make about a gig.

  19. Hello! Welcome to the madhouse!
  20. Just tested it out...it works! Thanks for your work, eezstreet, razor, and afiNity! BTW...what is so special about setS and setU?
  21. Using seta adds it to the list? :wacko:
  22. Wow...good work! You've done great re-creating this model for JA!
  23. These pictures look awesome! The attention to detail is so great! Great as always!
  24. I think that would be a good idea. Maybe the picture that is chosen could replace the background image (you know, now all it is just a snapshot from the f1_fatal map). It would be nice to see the background change.
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