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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Some very interesting features you are developing - can't wait to data mine and try it out!
  2. Yah...that would be nice. I'm the type of person who never deletes any messages, so that could get full really quick...
  3. Awww...that poor robot. That was so awkward...
  4. Good start! I would love to see some pushable tables (script time!) and the bars on the cell be more...round?
  5. Check out a huge update I did to my personal website! Find the link under modders in the JKHub bar!

  6. Ashura models at the speed of light. Thus, 3.0 x 108 models a second. Prepare yourselves.
  7. Looks to be the start of another great model. Totally port to JKA.
  8. I feel like slowly dismantling Avast's components until it fails completely - a sort of public execution. I'm gonna try that antivirus that Cael suggested in the software topic.
  9. Thanks, Caelum!

    1. Inyri


      Did I miss sexual favors?

    2. Astral Serpent
  10. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT PROGRAM, CAELUM! I used that program and traced 120gb to a hidden folder called "application data". I dug deeper and found the avast folder. Surely avast can't take up that much space, I thought. I was wrong. There was 124gb of log files for avast. One hundred and thirty useless, dirty little files. Deleted them all. I now have only 20 gb used, 130gb free. I would like to thank all of you for your help. Caelum: you rock.
  11. Any rules regarding laming and such?
  12. Millions of voices cried out as one and fell silent. Too bad, though.
  13. Lookin' good! Nice texturing, especially on the clock, sir.
  14. I have really combed my computer for any offending programs...the biggest I have is JKA, and that is about 16,000 MB. I've bascially deleted anything I can spare. Not exactly sure what partitioning is...will research it, thanks! Will also try that program. I really hope that gives a solution - would save me like $70... CMD command, right? This is the embarrassing part: I already did that. I've had lots of internet troubles so, this summer, I did a full wipe. Worked well for a while... B)
  15. Woah...looks great! The water shader looks out of place, but I'm sure you know that. What are those up and down arrows for?
  16. I deleted eeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyytttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnng. Got 1.2GB, though!
  17. Hey guys. I have a quick question regarding the "P" word. (Porting). I need to know what you think of the following things. So I made a scripted duel between Malak and Revan, set on the Star Forge. It is really almost complete, and probably could be shipped out really soon, but there are some legally gray zones I have encountered. First of all, there is the problem of the antagonist, Malak. There is a really good model of him made, and it is used in Movie Battles II. I did some digging, and it looks like the model is a half-port. It seems as if the author ported it, but then edited very heavily. Here is a post about the model itself: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=121464 . I would love to know what you guys think of using this model in my mission. The second problem is sounds. I directly ported all of the voice-overs directly from KOTOR. There is no substitute for this. Are these OK to use in the mod? And finally, there are some general sounds (music, menu sounds) that add to the KOTOR experience that really make the player feel like its KOTOR. I would love to release this mod, but I'm not sure what to do about these three things. And opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  18. Hey, thanks guys for all the help! Unfortunately, the cleaners didn't find anything substantial, and I accidentally deleted all my system restore points. I have about 2 gigs now from frantic deleting and turning indexing off. I'm going to do a really deep search for malware, but it may look like a full disk wipe may need to happen. :unsure:
  19. The time you had Hydroball this sunday was great for me. But weekdays are difficult.
  20. Just make them inactive and make the script activate them for like a second than they become inactive again.
  21. Looks great! Good thinking, Mug. That's a good solution. I would try a more erratic path for the box and maybe some hurt triggers from the fire and or the blast. Maybe slighly less powerful....maybe you could even make it bounce with carefully timed move commands.
  22. Hmmm....mind posting your scripts? Would love to take a look. As for your first problem. Did you use "Remove" and in the event editor put the script_targetname of your brush/func_static? Try giving it a regular targetname as well, not just a script_targetname.
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