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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. Inferior though it may be, it'll more than likely do the job you're after. =)
  2. Heya, welcome aboard!
  3. Hey there, welcome to JKHub!
  4. That was actually a pretty well put together video, I really enjoyed it. Muchly well done!
  5. Well that's just anti-climatic. KInda cool that they're playing with the community's mods. I can picture an employee sitting at his desk thinking: "This map's actually better than anything we've put in the game, and we're getting paid." =P
  6. I got mixed results. "Nightfall" came up, but 1.01 etc didn't. O_o
  7. I'd never heard anything about the Emperor, but it's clear that Yoda was thought about in some way, shape or form during the production of the game. Though why, I'd be interested to hear. Maybe they'd considered a few characters such as Vader, the Emperor and Yoda to be featured as extra multiplayer player choices?
  8. :: Thought re-occurs :: If thou would possibly consider: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Talz Or if anyone knows of an existing model for a Talz, that would be stupendously awesome and you would be worshipped.
  9. Here you go! http://jkhub.org/tags/downloads/JK2/
  10. Any website that actively supports the JA community is worth keeping up and running says I.
  11. Intriguing screenshots. Looking forward to seeing more!
  12. The urge to map something is resurfacing. Hmm!

    1. CaptainChar


      you know you wanna

    2. KDR_3XILE


      Finish your shuttle or maybe an iridonia map lol, you've got the skills there.

  13. And just making that minimal purchase of Cartel Coins will lend you plenty more features automatically, before you've even spent them. Tis worth the one-time investment says I.
  14. I spent about £3 today on Cartel Coins and managed to get a hold of every feature I wanted with coins to spare. Once you make a purchase, you're upgraded to "Preferred Status" instead of F2P, which grants a few of the things a lot of people were complaining were missing. A one-off £3 versus a monthly subscription and people are still complaining what an evil corperation Bioware is. =/ I'll agree with @@Doby on the playerbase. Everyone I'd met prior to F2P was great. Since it came a long, I've come across a lot more pig-ignorant people who do nothing but fill the chat with complaints.
  15. That is indeed stupendously awesome, sir! Well done.
  16. I'm anticipating a poor ping for myself, though I'll probably drop in once in a while regardless.
  17. Star Trek or not, we need more nifty spaceship maps, keep it up!
  18. I'll have to agree where proportions are concerned. I think this could turn out to be something excellent with a little more work, keep it up!
  19. MMOs are significantly different from other video games in ways which usually justify a monthly subscription fee. The content/game is forever being refined/updated as with all MMOs. You're not paying for nothing.
  20. I know exactly what they're doing, and I'm sure that's the point of it, to draw players into to subscribing or to spend incredulous amounts buying the features that they want separately. But at the end of the day, players whom either can't afford or simply don't want to pay, can still experience a lot of good gameplay. That they let you play free at all is something I'm pretty thankful for. I'm really interested in the game, but can't afford to keep up a subscription right now. I'd be paying for it, if I could. Other MMOs simply toss you to the side when you're out of money. "Sorry, can't afford to pay each month? We're going to have to make your account inactive." whilst I'm sure it probably wasn't done out of the kindness of Bioware's heart, I'm happy to take what I can get. I don't really view the the multitude of missing features as a huge loss, since it hasn't really impacted my ability to play through the story so far.
  21. I find the greediness argument a touch invalid considering that they just allowed everyone to play and experience the bulk of the game for free. I think they've been incredibly fair about what they've done, personally. At the end of the day, if you're serious about playing, you'll pay for a subscription like you would for most other MMOs. If you'd rather just have a whirl through some of the story material, role-play or w/e, then you can get buy without all of the features that require cartel coins or a subscription.
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