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  1. Prior Knowledge Requirements: Creating/Modifying/Opening .Pk3s You know that video that sits in the center of the main menu when you play on Jedi Academy Multiplayer? You know those cinematics of Jaden flying his Headhunter fighter to Korriban in Jedi Academy Single Player? Those are ROQ files! This tutorial will go over a very short and very easy step by step on how to make these videos and add them to your game. If you're making an ROQ with the intent of having it play as a part of your main menu in multiplayer mode, I will also be including a guide on how to prevent overwriting the original video whilst still playing your new one, as well as explaining how to remove the pesky grid that covers the default video on the main menu. Firstly, you might want to download Quake Video Maker. (Yes, really, it's essential!) This can be found here Second, get the video you want to convert to an ROQ. This video must be of the .AVI file type. If it isn't, you're not going to get any further! If your video isn't a .AVI already, open up your video editing program and recompile the video in this format, or Google yourself an AVI convertor. Right! You have your video ready to convert to ROQ, now start up Quake Video Maker. From the top-left of the program, select: File > New. On the left, you should now be able to spot "Scene 1", on the right, you should see a lovely selection of fields. Don't touch anything yet! On the right-hand side, look for "Sequence Format" and click the "..." button. When you have done this, navigate to your .AVI file and select it. When the above step is done, click the "Scan Frames" button on the right-hand side of the program. By using the navigation buttons by the preview box, ensure that you're at the first frame of your video. Click "Mark Start", then go to the very last frame and click "Mark End". When you have done this, click "Apply"! If you take a peak to "Scene 1" on the left, it should now have a numerical value in beneath the frames heading. Next, shift your cursor to the top of the program and click Movie > Settings. Change the size of your video to 512 by 384. If you attempt any other dimensions, your video will not show up in game, sorry folks! When you've made the adjustment, click "Ok". Now! You should be ready to compile your ROQ video. Shift your cursor to Movie > Generate. When you do this, you'll be prompted to select a quality level. You should be able to guess the pros and cons of this. More quality means better picture but a larger file size and a waaaaay bigger compile time. Reducing the quality means less space and a quicker compile. If you want a decent quality video, move it towards the higher end and generate that video. Create a new pk3 file, then inside, create a folder named "video". Place your ROQ file in this folder and save your pk3. Getting it in-game So currently, if you play JKA Multiplayer, on the main menu you will see a video in the center of the screen. This video by default is a brief clip of the SP cutscene showing the Yavin Runner 2 flying past the camera to Yavin IV. If you open up your PK3, rename your ROQ file to ja01.roq, then it will overwrite the mentioned single player video, but will also function as the video shown in the main menu in multiplayer mode. How do we stop this? Well, if you want a new multiplayer video without overwriting the original single player video, you'll need to open up assets1.pk3 from your Base folder. In the "Shaders" folder, you'll find ui.shader. Copy this file on to your desktop for a moment and open it up in Notepad. If you're using Notepad, tap Ctrl+F and enter the following: "gfx/menus/videologo" Doing so will instantly scroll you to where this text is written. It should look like this: gfx/menus/videologo { { videoMap video/ja01 } } Change ja01 to whatever you have named your ROQ file. When you have done this, create a new folder in your video pk3 named "shaders". Place your new ui.shader in this folder and save your pk3. Note: Do not place your ui.shader back in the assets pk3, this would muck things up if you ever wanted to uninstall your mod! Note: If you have named your pk3 something that is spelt in such a way that it would come before an Assets file in your Base folder, place a "z" at the beginning of the pk3 name. This will push it to the back of the line in your Base folder and ensure it is read after the Assets file. Removing the Grid In Base JKA, the main menu video has a grid covering a small portion of the video that plays. If you browse through your Base folder and pop inside your assets1.pk3, you will find a folder named "gfx". Inside this folder, click the one named "menus". Two images affect the grid's appearance in the game. These are "main_background.tga" and "main_centerwindow.tga". All you have to do, is copy the images to your desktop or somewhere that you can edit them. Modify the images yourself to remove the grid. For that, you'll need an image manipulation program that recognises .tga images and can handle transparency. GIMP or Photoshop should do the trick! Now, create yourself a .pk3 and place a folder named "gfx" inside it. Create a folder named "menus" and place it inside the gfx folder of your new pk3. The modified main_background.tga and main_centerwindow.tga go inside that menus folder. Then! We move that new (saved) pk3 into the Base folder OR the mod folder (e.g. Gamedata/japlus rather than Gamedata/Base) Right, got all that? Good, now forget everything that you just read, download this little zip file that contains a .pk3 with the .tga files already edited by, me. All you'll have to do is follow the steps at the beginning of this tutorial to create your video, compile it and place it in a pk3. Copy the contents of the .pk3 that can be downloaded in the sentance above and merge it into the same .pk3 or, slap it in the Base folder on it's own to remove the grid over the default video. There you have it! Someone fetch me a Jammy Dodger.
  2. Altering Jedi Academy Multiplayer Duel Music Prior Knowledge Requirements: Creating/Modifying/Opening .Pk3s Tools: Pakscape, Your MP3. Following this tutorial will allow you to replace the music that plays when you challenge someone to a private duel on Jedi Academy Multiplayer. Create a new .pk3. Ensure that it is named something that will come after the assets pk3s alphabetically. Create a new folder within the .pk3 named "music" In this "music" folder, create another named "mp" Rename your desired mp3 track to "Duel.mp3" and place it inside the "mp" folder. Save your .pk3 and place it in your Base folder in the JKA directory. If the mod you are playing on has its own duel music, place your .pk3 in the Gamedata/ folder instead of the Base folder. Ensure that the .pk3 is named in such a way that it will be read after the mod .pk3 that contains their music modification. Note: What types mp3 settings have to be met for music to play correctly? Your mp3 should be: 44100Hz, Stereo, and 128kbps (If anyone objects to this, feel free to interject. This has always worked for me.)
  3. Altering Main Menu Music - Single Player & Multiplayer Prior Knowledge Requirements: Creating/Modifying/Opening .Pk3s Tools: PakScape, Notepad, Your MP3. Single Player: By default, the main menu whilst playing Single Player in Jedi Academy, has no music. If you want to add your own track to play in the background whilst you are on the main menu in a Single Player game, open up your assets1.pk3 from the Base folder. Once you have done this, open the "ui" folder called ui. From here, copy the file main.menu out of the .pk3 to somewhere you can make modifications (E.g. Your desktop). Now that you have the file, open the main.menu file in Notepad. To quickly scroll to the part we want, use the find command (Ctrl+F) and enter this into the search criteria: "setfocus newgamebutton" This should scroll you to the appropriate section of the file. It will read something like this: onOpen { setfocus newgamebutton } To alter it to play your music file, change this section to read the following: onOpen { setfocus newgamebutton exec "music music/yourmp3.mp3" } When you have made the change, save the file. Done? Create a new folder and rename it "ui". When this is done, place your main.menu file in this folder. Now, create yourself a new .pk3 and place the new "ui" folder within it. Place your .pk3 in the Base folder of the JKA directory and voila! Done, right? Nope! We haven't added your music in yet. In your new .pk3, create a new folder named "music". Place your mp3 in this new folder inside your .pk3. Ensure that the name of the .pk3 matches what you wrote in the main.menu file! Note: Be sure that the name of your .pk3 would come after the assets .pk3s alphabetically, otherwise this modification will not work! Why? Because JKA will read your modification, then the assets, rather than the other way around. For you to overwrite something with a modification, it needs to be read by JKA after the assets! If you want your music to overwrite the music played during the main menu of a single player conversion mod, place the music .pk3 in that mod folder, not the Base folder. Multiplayer: Changing the multiplayer music for Multiplayer Jedi Academy's Main Menu is very straight forward. In fact, it is nearly the same process as for Single Player. This time, navigate to your Base JKA folder and open up assets1.pk3. Open up the "ui" folder in the .pk3, then open up the "jamp" folder inside that. Once again, copy the main.menu file to somewhere outside the assets1.pk3 so that you can modify it. Open the file in Notepad and again use the Find command (Ctrl+F) and enter the following search criteria to quickly find the section we need to edit: "t2_dpred/ImpBaseB_Action" When you have done this, you should find the section of the file that looks like this: onOpen { exec "music music/t2_dpred/ImpBaseB_Action" ; } This is what tells JKA which track to play when it opens up Jedi Academy Multiplayer. Change the above to match something like this: onOpen { exec "music music/mymp3.mp3" ; } Wait, why can't you just overwrite the t2_dpred track? Well, you can. But doing so will interfere with that track when you play Single Player Jedi Academy. You could copy the file directory and name your .mp3 to overwrite the above file, but as I just said, this will mean that music is always overwritten. Anywho! When you have made the change, save the file. Create a new folder named "ui", open it, and create another new folder inside it named "jamp". Place your main.menu file in this folder. Create a new .pk3, and place the "ui" folder with the "jamp" and "main.menu" inside it into the new .pk3. Create a new folder inside the .pk3 named "music", place your mp3 file inside this folder and save your .pk3 again. Place this .pk3 in your Base folder and ensure that it is named something that will be read alphabetically after the assets files. Note: What types mp3 settings have to be met for music to play correctly? Your mp3 should be: 44100Hz, Stereo, and 129kbps (If anyone objects to this, feel free to interject, this is what has always worked for me.) If you want your music to overwrite the music played during the main menu of a multiplayer mod, place the music .pk3 in that mod folder, not the Base folder. E.g. Gamedata/japlus rather than Gamedata/Base. Hope this helps!
  4. Prior Knowledge Requirements: Creating/Modifying/Opening .Pk3s This tutorial will explain how to replace both the image that presents when you load Jedi Academy Multiplayer, and the image that shows when you are loading a map that does not have its own levelshot. Loading (Splash) Screen To get started, navigate to your Base folder. When you're there, open up Assets1.pk3. Inside the Assets1.pk3 is a folder named "menu", open this folder. The image named "splash.jpg" is the default loading screen, recognise it? Copy this image somewhere that you can edit it. Make your desired changes to the image using an image manipulation program. Save your changes Create a new .pk3 Create a folder named "menu" within the .pk3 Place your modified "splash.jpg" image inside the "menu" folder of your new .pk3 Save the .pk3 Name your new .pk3 something that would come after Assets1 alphabetically. (E.g. LoadingScreen_Overwrite.pk3) Place your new .pk3 in your Base folder and run the game! Unknown Map To get started, navigate to your Base folder. When you're there, open up Assets1.pk3. Inside the Assets1.pk3 is a folder named "menu", open this folder. Inside this folder is another named "art", open this folder. Locate the image named "unknownmap_mp.jpg" and copy it somewhere outside of the pk3 where you can edit it. Make your desired changes to the image using an image manipulation program. Save your changes Create a new .pk3 Create a folder named "menu" within the .pk3, then a folder named "art" within that. Place your modified "unknownmap_mp.jpg" image inside the "art" folder of your new .pk3 Save the .pk3 Name your new .pk3 something that would come after Assets1 alphabetically. (E.g. MapLoadScreen_Overwrite.pk3) Place your new .pk3 in your Base folder and run the game!
  5. Prior Knowledge Requirements: Creating/Modifying/Opening .Pk3s H'okay, this tutorial is basically going to go over the step by step process of how to change the chat bubble for Jedi Academy Multiplayer. What is the chat bubble? I'm referring to the (by default) black and yellow speech bubble that hovers above your head whilst you're typing or you have the console open. Anywho, this is how we begin! First, navigate through your JKA folder directory to the Base folder. Within the Base folder, you'll find "assets1.pk3" lurking about. Open this .pk3. When you have it open, look for a folder named "gfx". Inside the "gfx" folder is another named "mp", open this folder as well. Inside the "mp" will be a file named "chat_icon.tga", copy this somewhere that you'll be able to edit it - your desktop for instance. When you have done that, you can close down the .pk3 for now. This image is what tells JKA how the chat bubble should look. As it is in .tga format, you'll need something stronger than MS Paint if you want to tinker with it, programs such as GIMP or Photoshop will naturally suffice. Anywho, open the image and make the desired changes to the image. When you're done, save it again. (Keep it in the .tga format!) Now, create yourself a new .pk3. You'll want to name this .pk3 something that would come after "assets1" alpahbetically. "ChatIcon_Edit.pk3" or something would suffice. As a side note, when you're creating .pk3, always label them so that it is easy to tell what the .pk3 contains at a first glance. When you've made your new .pk3, create a folder within it named "gfx", and inside the "gfx" folder, create another named "mp". Place your modified "chat_icon.tga" image inside this "mp" folder and save your new .pk3. Place this .pk3 inside your base folder and voila! When you next play Jedi Academy Multiplayer, your new chat icon should be replacing the old, boring one.
  6. Here's a step by step for you all who aren't in on this little trick. The following instructions will explain how to create a desktop icon that will connect you directly to a server of your choice. This process was drafted up on a Windows Vista operating system. Your process may vary slightly if you are using something else. However, the basics are still the same. So don't sweat it! Navigate to your Gamedata folder in your JKA directory. Locate your JAMP.exe file and right click it. Select "Copy Shortcut" Drag this shortcut on to your desktop, feel free to rename it. (Maybe to your server name!) Right click the shortcut icon that you placed on the desktop and go to "Properties". Along the top is a tab called "Shortcut". Add a space, then type "+connect [iP Address]" into the "Target:" field. See screenshot below for example. Click Apply, then Okay. Done.
  7. All of the music files for Jedi Academy are stored in the assets0.pk3 inside of your base folder. If you open it with Pakscape, you should be able to work out the file structure pretty quickly. Just extract the music from the .pk3 to listen to it and know what you're replacing first. Then, choose your tracks and change their file name to match a track from the original game and place it back inside of a new .pk3 with a matching folder structure. For example: Let's say I wanted to replace the music that plays in the Yavin temple with "Yoda and the Younglings" from Attack of the Clones. I'd make a new .pk3, create a folder inside named music and then create a folder inside of that called yavin2_old. After that, I'd make a copy of my Yoda and the Younglings.mp3 and rename it to yavtemp_explore.mp3 and place it inside of the folders I've just created in my new .pk3. I save the .pk3 and place it in the base folder and that's it, done! I know what to name the folders and the .mp3 because in assets0.pk3, there's music/yavin2_old/yavtemp_explore.mp3 and that's the track that plays on the Jedi Academy levels.
  8. - StarWars.com Here's a more thorough interview from Hero Complex: http://herocomplex.latimes.com/tv/star-wars-rebels-ralph-mcquarrie-legacy-on-view-in-animated-series/#/6
  9. Star Wars Rebels takes a lot of inspiration from Ralph Mcquarrie, the concept artist for the original trilogy. In his concepts, the lightsabers had very thin blades: The design of Zeb is Ralph's original Chewbacca concept. If you look through his artwork, you'll find all sorts. His original C-3PO even makes it into the show. Here're some more examples of things you will probably recognise from episodes of Rebels: Zeb (Original Chewie design): http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ItupKaSPK9Y/VUV5NjdGuXI/AAAAAAAAQQI/EyZIagdyXDs/s1600/zebchewie.jpgMore Lightsabers: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-S6hKJzg0Tic/UhvrvMhdV2I/AAAAAAAAOu8/78kKRMTCbhk/s640/luke-and-vader-duel-concept.jpgLeia's Outfit: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56272186e4b0a79b5123f467/t/56a4672a5a5668d9c8ca641e/1453614896432/The Spiders (Original Dagobah): http://starwarsblog.starwars.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2014/08/McQuarrie35.jpg
  10. That's not a bad start you've got there, I approve! My suggestions (non-obligatory!): Consider looking into shaders to apply to the robes. With a transparent one, you could make the cloak and flap look less straight and ironed at the bottom. If you're looking for a suggestion for the model itself (from a non-modeler!) Maybe approach the bracers as a separate piece of the model to break up the arms and hands.
  11. Haha, I like it!
  12. Since I can't delete my own thread! I solved this a moment ago after looking at the original Jedi Outcast temple for reference. Rather than tick "inactive", I've ticked "locked", which contrary to what GTKRadiant says, will allow you to use the door again. So a trigger_once points to a target_relay which in turn points to a locked door. Firing the trigger unlocks the door, no target_activate required.
  13. Good morning! I'd placed an affect on the player already and that wasn't working. I've done a bit of a cheaty way which is to just have the animation line re-appear a few times in the script. It's not the most efficient way, but it works without hindering anything so it'll do for now.
  14. I feel like I've been making dozens of these recently! A particular target_activate in my map doesn't seem to be working and I'm struggling to work out why before sleeping on it. I've two doors which open together into the main dojo. The key/value combinations are as follows: angle 270 (and 90)classname func_doorsoundset impdoor1spawnflags 128 (inactive checkbox ticked)speed 60targetname arenaentranceteam duelwait 5 I've then made a target_activate, the targetname of it is "arenaunlock", the "target" is "arenaentrance". Finally, I have a script which reads as follows: //(BHVD) rem ( "The player can unlock the dojo if they bother to pick up a training saber." ); affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@[member='weaponx']_NAMES*/ "WP_SABER" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABER1", "SINGLE_1" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABER1_COLOR1", "yellow" ); } use ( "arenaunlock" ); use ( "lockoff" );"lockoff" is a target_deactivate which disables a target_print and target_speaker informing the player why they can't open the door. This part of the script works completely fine, the doors just don't unlock and remain inactive. As stated above, I have plenty of other target_activates in the map, I'm not sure why this one in particular is being a problem. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, please drop a note!
  15. I like it! I'm a little jealous of your terrain.
  16. H'okay, so the good news it that Kyle's fixed! I just had him change to a walk when he got close. I also tidied my waypoints. There were multiple targets from one in particular. Question though, //(BHVD) task ( "animation" ){set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_BOTH", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_STAND1" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 25 );} My hope was that the above would prevent the player from performing the idle animation during the interaction. This doesn't seem to be having any effect. I was hoping someone might be able to steer me in the right direction.
  17. I did a quick mock-up of what I'm after, pay close attention to Kyle's movement when he approaches the player. The waypoints in the map are strung together in a perfectly straight line and the navgoal which Kyle is running to from his starting position further down the corridor (there is only 1 navgoal, the one he's running to) is also sat along this straight line. If the player hits the trigger close to the edge of the corridor, Kyle just runs straight up and stands normally. If the player approaches the trigger via the center of the corridor, he does that weird turn upon approaching the player. Does anyone know if this is purely a distance thing, or am I not doing something right? Thank you!
  18. I had this idea earlier in the week as well but was ultimately unsuccessful. I've given it a further go (along with a few other various ways I can think of) and nothing is coming through. It doesn't seem to matter where I place that particular line in this script or any other, it just won't activate. I've even replaced my script with yours (including the filepath) to test it and strangely, that doesn't work either (yet it does in the example you shared.) I'm baffled.
  19. I only have one info_player_start entity in the map! Also, interesting update: The working example @@Noodle sent earlier works when tested by itself. What I eventually tried was copying the aspects of the test/deathscript into my script to see what would happen. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_UNDYING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_HEALTH", 20 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ARMOR", 0 );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DEATHSCRIPT", "test/deathscript" ); The test/deathscript works on the small map Noodle sent, but not when these values are incorporated in with my script. The player does not die, they stay at 1hp. Their health starts at 20 and their armor is 0. It's solely the death script part that does not seem to be being applied.
  20. Sure! I've done a few interations. Because it didn't seem to be triggering though, I've just left it at this at the moment:
  21. @@Droidy365 That particular part of the script that I quoted is from JO, I referenced it as an example to say that the deathscript line was pretty much identical. I'm not using the "weaponx" part but thank you for the shout! The script is named duel_end.ibi and it's in scripts/yavin_temple in my .pk3 (I have tried changing the file path to scripts/yavin_temple/duel_end in the script below). Here was the last version of the script that I used: Please be gentle!
  22. I am getting the impression that's it not finding my deathscript. It's currently set up exactly as shown in the picture above, inside the affect player brackets. My minor tweak did nothing to impact it.
  23. I did replace "Kyle" with "Player" when I tested it last night. I've had a quick look at it again this morning and I did find a minor error, so I'll share the results this evening if successful or not. ^.^
  24. I hadn't realised how much time had passed until I popped back in here (sorry about that!) Suffice to say that this issue still hasn't quite worked out the way I was hoping. The undying part works fine. The player hits 1hp as described above and then doesn't die. The problem is that the death script doesn't seem to kick in. The above is basically a replica of how the same thing is done in Jedi Outcast when Desann defeats Kyle on Artus_Topside. Below is an example from Jedi Outcast, which I'm using for reference. affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ){set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ORIGIN", $tag( "player_start_cin9_fight", ORIGIN)$ );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_UNDYING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_DEATHSCRIPT", "cinematics/cinematic9_run_end" );} I feel like I'm missing something. Does anyone have any ideas as to what that may be?
  25. Apparently so! That's all that I needed, thank you.
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