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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. DISCLAIMER: Many Nikto were harmed in the making of this file. At least on my side they were.
  2. The first download is mine...Unless @@Circa or @@AshuraDX beat me to it...
  3. Barricade24

    TFU Stormie

    It's SJC'S Kashyyyk map.
  4. I found another angle and the new pauldron doesn't have the piece that goes under the arm as the ANH one does.
  5. The TIE isn't out just yet. I believe it is supposed to be released around September 4th or so. This is a 6-inch scale fighter and I believe it is running up to $170. You should be able to find plenty shots at sites like Rebelscum or Toyark.
  6. Guess what? They've got pauldrons, too.
  7. I'd say the Magnaguard would be the best choice to base a skin off of. They seem to share a lot of common parts. You would probably need to frankenstien a few parts to make it a bit more accurate but overall it should suffice.
  8. A little off topic but I'm liking the new avatar, DT.
  9. I love Troopers so this will be a huge hit for me. The only comment I have is that the AT-DP driver appears to have a normal belt with out the two additional packs on the front. I'd love it, it if were possible to include a version with the standard officer belt. But either way it looks like you adapted this guy to a realistic style extremely well! I will absolutely download this when it is finished.
  10. I agree this is something that would be quite nice to have. Most we would need is just a head. I imagine using the new Ben Kenobi model might work out.
  11. Basically, expect several new vehicles to be up as soon as I get them ready. EDIT: TIE Defender has been added. EDIT 2: Y-wing has been added.
  12. While it is not the A-Wing I have found a b-wing vehicle that can be uploaded. It is under as long as proper credit is due license so it should be just fine. I'll have it up shortly.
  13. Let's tone things down in here. This is an introduction thread not a debate to whether or not a name is good or bad. I don't want to see anymore debate on this issue. Tone it down.
  14. Siege of Lothal has been the BEST Rebels episode I have ever seen! One of the most prominent things I noticed was how competent the Imperials were this time around. Vader was absolutely terrific! He knew exactly what he was doing and was displayed as over powered and strong just as he should be. The show also seemed to stop pulling punches. Sabine getting shots reflected back at her was definitely a nice touch and that scene when Vader sensed Ahsoka... incredible. If this is any indication as to what the future of Rebels is going to be, then I am quite excited to see what comes.
  15. I don't really like how the are constantly reusing music from the original trilogy in an inferior kind of way. Clone Wars had it's own unique soundtrack and it was unique to the show. I don't like it being used so much. I also don't like Sabine's new hair color. /rantover
  16. How did I not know about this? Apparently I confused Leslile Burke with Lesile Nielsen. Yeah...
  17. Will do. Also I am attempting to place the shadow bike under a different name but I am getting an "R_LoadMDXM: missing animation file" error when I go to open up the bike in modview. How would I go about fixing this?
  18. I would love a FNAF map and character models. That would be fun.
  19. I was expecting a Jedi Lord in Hoth clothes not a Jedi who was actually named "Hoth".
  20. I've got two really good ones I have had for quite awhile, the first: and the second, which is actually from DF2, but still quite good.
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