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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. Not sure if this is actually in the movie or not but... http://www.ebay.com/itm/311424600230?rmvSB=true
  2. I just had one my most tense experiences on the Arc Hammer.

  3. When I went to see a movie last Friday, the second Star Wars Episode 7 trailer came on. I have to say even watching the trailer on the big screen was just incredible.
  4. I think Cody will be the first one to be up. Both Phase 1 and 2 will be included.
  5. Oh boy this is probably quite a dozy of a pack. I think I'll review this model by model as you are really getting a lot in this pack. CloneNaval: First off we have CloneNaval who you will probably recognize immediately from the bridge of Clone Wars Starships. He's based off of Haps' Imperial Officer, which is the perfect body choice for a character such as this, and has the head of Mars' Commander Cody. Overall the uniform is a pretty close representation of its appearance in the Clone Wars. The only things I notice that are missing are the "flap" that goes across the front of the uniform and two black decals on the sleeves. As a bonus you get both a "hat" version and a "pilot" version, which include both the hat and comm tool that Jango wore in AOTC. So props to Kualan for getting some variations in here. The minor complaints I have are that the pilot comm looks really bland in comparison to the rest of the textures, which are quite vibrant and nice, and that the the side of the clone's head looks a little squashed. I can't recall if the original had the problem or not. I think some nice touches would be to use Mandalorian's Jango textures for the face and comm. Provided he allows it and that the are of the same model as the one used here. Overall this is an excellent representation of the Clone Naval Officer and the variations included are an added bonus! CloneOfficers: These next batch of skins are custom Clones from Kualan's Tales of the Clone Wars web comic. I believe the have a slightly adjusted Phase II helmet model that is a bit better than the original. The main unfortunate detection I have with these is that they retain the horrid stretching of the original textures. With that in mind though, I'll go through each one. Bolton gives off a camoish vibe to me with his green and light brown color scheme. He has a logo on his torso, presumably his legion's symbol, and with another logo on his helmet. I know how hard drawing logos on helmets can be and this one looks quite good. His trooper looks essentially the same but without the added gear. It would have been cool to see some scratching done on them though. Up Next we have Falco who has a particular unique helmet design that I immediately like. I absolutely love the dark gray on the sides of the helmet! He also has a nice set of scratching along the edges of his green color, which looks very nice. The shoulder logo he has looks really nice and I really like the overall pattern this guy his. Something that does stand out though is the use of the classicclone textures, which really disrupt the unified feel for this guy. I would have preferred if he had been based only on the phase 2 textures like the rest of the armor. Falco's Trooper, again is much like the case before accept with a Shocktrooper styled helmet. I do think it would have been cool to include the dark gray sides on the helmet but that's just me. Fox is fairly well known from the Clone Wars. He is essentially an inverted Shocktrooper with a kama and headgear. But that's just what he should be. My main criticism here is that Fox had quite clean armor in the Clone Wars and this version is quite dirty and scratched up. He also lacks the red heels on his shoes, which Fox has. I'd personally say this is one of the weaker clones of the pack, due to the inconsistencies the skin has. Fox Trooper seems to be a straight up Shocktrooper from the original pack so nothing to really mention aside from the adjusted helmet model. Frenken Is freaking WICKED! Nuff said. Frenkentrooper Not as wicked as Frenken himself but still cool. I love that skull logo. Scratching is also very nice! Killik is quite similar to Falcon in design but with a dark orange color scheme and shoulder symbol. I really like that gray patch in the center of the belt though. Killiktrooper Is sort of a darker version of the 212th trooper but with the same shoulder pad as Killik. He does have a unique helmet though with the hard gray sides that Falco had. Rawls reminds me of candy. Rawlstrooper I don't really have any feelings for. I like Rawls a bit better. Sohn looks like a fearsome dragon hunter with an awesome helmet logo! He gives us a very Chinese appearance to me. But I like it! SohnsTrooper again is essentially the commander but without the added gear. Trackshot is interesting. Don't really have any other choice of words besides that. He does have a shoulder cape though. So that's unique. Trackshot'strooper is basically Bly without the added equipment and in turquoise with a shoulder symbol. ClonePoncho The ClonePoncho or Hawkbat Battalion was from the old, old, old Clone Wars miniseries where Clones were wearing ponchos! The clones use Toshi's Luke's Endor poncho, I believe. The look is about is accurate as you can get. Only things I noticed is that the dirty version seems to be missing textures and that the belt does seem too covered by the poncho. Otherwise it's a pretty accurate replication. All in all you get a lot of unique Clones here. Some better than others but Kualan really came up with some cool concepts for these clones. I can't imagine how much time and effort went in to making this. If you love concept clones, then is the pack for you. Especially Frenken he is awesome! Let's give a hand for Kualan, folks! 9/10 Frenkens
  6. Looks like some sort of Walker. A modified version of the AT-AT perhaps.
  7. I decided I am go to release some of the clones I have technically finished from awhile back. If the clone is essentially done it will most likely get out. Some of which are Phase 1 Jesse and Phase 1 Cody. If a clone has hardly any work done, then I'm not going to bother to finish it. If it basically done though it is likely you will see it released at some point.
  8. That's even better than space battles!
  9. All righty another Starkiller costume, the "Industrial Explorer" outfit, I don't believe we've seen a take on this one before so those who enjoy The Force Unleashed files might be interested in this. To start out with, the file is a frankenstein of many various parts, the base of which I believe is Circa's take on Pilot Like based off of DT85's model. Starting out with the head, which uses the texture of DarthPhae's TFU II pack, would have been my ideal choice for a Starkiller head. While it does resemble Jaden, it is still the best head we have so far. There don't seem to be facial animations, so that is unfortunate, another thing this throwing me off is the Sith eyes. They just stand out too much and distract from the rest of the model. Another object I noticed was the use of Toshi's Vader's lower mouth area. I'll be honest, I think that was quite clever move. I don't have any extremely close views of this breathing piece on the actual Starkiller so I can't make much more determinations than that. It does kind of clip into the collar and while it isn't terribly noticeable, it is there. Onto the torso, the texture is based off of the X-wing pilot jumpsuit, which based on reference, was a good choice as that is exactly what the under portion of the costume looks like. Color seems about right, so no real complaints here. Now there is the matter of what I will just call the "survival equipment" on the front and back of the model. Unfortunately it is all just skinned on to the texture itself, making it appear rather flat and unnatural. This is especially noticeable on the back because the rear screen is off center. It would have been nice to see some additional parts frankensteined on to give it a more realistic look but regardless the "pipe lines" really don't look that bad. There were a lot of robe lines that didn't seem to be included on the hips, along with some sort of control set, which seems to have been set to replace the belt piece, which isn't really accurate but moving on... My biggest gripe with this file has to be the arms. They just look so out of place when compared to the dark tone of the rest of the outfit and while they are indeed meant to be a different color, the sudden change as opposed to coming under the covering of what the shoulder should have just doesn't look good. The arms are also lacking the gauntlets, which Starkiller has on this outfit, the hands also could benefit from some sort of armor padding as the actual costume has. The lower half of the body is also where the files starts to drift away from the actual costume, it simply now just looks like a different colored X-Wing jumpsuit. I would have liked to see some different textures added in to make it less like a jumpsuit and more like the costume itself. It looks like a blackened version of Bespin Luke's outfit might have worked here. The belt isn't the most accurate to the costume, it actually resembles Gweth's belt more than it does Luke's. So I think her belt would have been a better choice. I think the legs would honestly look better if you used the Galactic Marine's (provided that is even possible) it has the knee pads, it just overall carries a more accurate look to the costume than the pilot suit. Finally the flank cloth seems a little too small, it should completely come over to both sides of Starkiller's body. Texture wise though it seems pretty accurate to what the costume has though. So with all said in done there were some clever decisions made with this guy but it just resembles a pilot too much for it to truly remind me of this Starkiller costume. I'd say look into updating the lower body the most as that is really where this guy looks to much like a pilot. With that I give this file... 3/5 Proxies
  10. Technically, I didn't. What you are seeing are actually sabers using the e-11 gun model being held with a gun animation pose. I would certainly like to get that e-11 to replace the default one though. It really is a beauty.
  11. Version 2.0


    This a reskin of DT85's EP7 Stormtrooper made into a concept to which I call the "First Order Shadow Trooper". It is basically a black version of the standard Stormtrooper but with some shader adjustments for a more glossy armor. Two skins are included, a standard trooper skin and a commander skin, which resembles the standard trooper but has a black pauldron added and some small silver markings on the armor to slightly seperate them from the standard troopers. There are npcs in this file of which the names are: st7_shadow st7_shadow_comm st7_elite Map used: Inferno Gun used: Jedi Knight: Galaxies E-11 B
  12. It was definitely something I waned to get here as well. Dark Forces holds a very special place to me.
  13. Oh boy...wow. This. This was just amazing. I guess I'll start with the model herself. The likeness is fantastic! There is essentially nothing on this model that doesn't look like it matches the Ahsoka it was based off of. I think if you compared this model with her Clone Wars counterpart there really isn't anything that does not accurately represent her. I am pleased to see that she does come will facial expressions, which speaking on topic of the face, I know I have had some concerns about this one but really there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It resembles Ahsoka quite accurately and I don't think anyone will be disappointed by it once they see it in person. The only thing I might have liked to see added is in the inclusion of her saber holsters on her belt. On to the textures, everything here is an accurate replication of what you would see on the Clone Wars Ahsoka. From the light shade of black on the pants to her front skirt is replicated incredibly well. I see very little noticeable texture stretching on her, which pleases me as those can be quite annoying depending on where you view a model. The only thing that seems a bit off to me is that the skin on the sides of the legs seems a little flat and there is also the use of mirrored textures. That is mainly a pet peeve of mine but I can certainly overlook it as the attention to detail and dedication that I can clearly see that was poured into this model really makes it what I think is THE best Ahsoka Season 3 model we will ever get. The file also includes sounds, which from what I tested worked out quite well and were almost funny in fact. One thing I did notice while trying her out in game is that one of her sabers blade colors was coming out as yellow and I believe they were both green. Not sure if this was just an error on my side or not but regardless, this file is top notch and while I do have minor comments on this file it is hardly anything to compared to this model as a whole. This model is so great it deserves to be placed in the definitive guide for Characters, where I will add it shortly. Cerez, I applaud you for your magnificent work and look forward to whatever future files your will bring the community! Rating: 5/5 Snips -Barricade24
  14. Well this guy is completely black as opposed to the original white one and the Commander has some small silver touches to make him stand out somewhat where as the standard trooper is just straight up black.
  15. Nope. This one is actually what I call the "First Order Shadow Trooper". I thought it sounded cool. This one in particular is the commander.
  16. I gotta say when this model was first being worked on I wasn't sure on the face but now... You've done a wicked job on this one!
  17. I have to say this model has really come to grow on me. Aside from the mirrored textures, can't say I have any complaints with the model.
  18. I. Love. It. I'm a bit curious as to why the pauldron wasn't included on this model though.
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