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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. Having just acquired the Imperial Shadow Squadron set, which is an awesome set by the way, I wanted to do something from it but since the Shadow Commander might need some slight model tweaks and I am not to fond of the current Scout model, I decided to do this: Honestly, I think this thing is an absolute beauty and some of my best work. Everything just works so well with it.
  2. I think for the most part they were Stormtrooper reskins but the Clone Ultima pack was released way after the movie.
  3. I could probably make a version much like the ST Battle Damaged skin I made if DT is all right with that.
  4. Barricade24


    @@NumberWan If you're interested, I could probably do the sounds for the Nikto, if you want.
  5. Ah a discussion on Dark Troopers! So far the only one we have is a Phase 1 model and that is in the DFMod. It's a pretty good likeness to what is found in DF but I imagine the Dark Trooper's appearance in Forces of Corruption would be a better way to go. If I knew how to model and such Dark Troopers would probably one of the first few things I would try to make.
  6. Very nice replication. I am certainly reminded of DF2.
  7. What I don't get is if companies want to make money, why don't they just give the people what they want? Their game would potentially do better and you would have a more loyal following.
  8. Has anyone here ever worked with DDS image files? I attempt to skin something that uses one but I only see the RGB parts when I open them. This is for EAW, by the way.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barricade24


      Well I don't have photoshop but I have GIMP. I downloaded a DDS plugin for it but all I get is the RBG parts. I somehow was able to edit them before but I just don't remember what I used.

    3. JAWSFreelao


      That's because DDS files can only be exported with one layer. To get both layers you'd have to export as either JPG or BMP then re-open and re-export as DD.

    4. dark_apprentice


      I am using DDS Viewer, it's free simple and it can convert the images to a JPG format.

  9. Anyone else seen the Bad Batch yet? Those guys we're fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onysfx


      Gonna watch it today now xD

    3. NumberWan


      Watched the episodes. Not that bad, but the story doesn't make too much impact on the general flow of the conflict.

    4. Cerez


      It's a side tale. But it's awesome! B)

  10. This is one cool looking map, can't wait to try it out.
  11. It always bothered me how the TIE Bomber and TIE Fighter in JKA are completely different colors.
  12. Barricade24

    Police Jan

    This isn't very practical police gear but that red team skin does look pretty cool though.
  13. I have begun to notice a slight variation of the Stormtrooper seen to the left of Kylo Ren. http://www.theforce.net/photo.asp?image=http://www.theforce.net/2015/promotfaposter2.jpg He appears to have some extra equipment on his armor. It would be neat to have this included as well.
  14. I think I'll be interested to see his story the most. I know Wolffe also is with him and the other clone might be Gregor. At least that's what I heard. But you noticed that they have had their chips removed by the scar on their heads. I guess someone believed what Fives told them. Either way I am really glad Rex got out in one piece and he is still fighting the good fight. Although I really don't like Sabine's new hair color.
  15. That white on the gloves is actually a cool touch.
  16. I have found some of the most unusual music from maps in Jedi Academy. Giant's House and the Shroomduck map pack to name a few.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RebelChum


      @Cerez Yeap, I know what you're talking about. It's Casa De Los Parias, located here: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Casa_De_Los_Parias;31275

    3. RebelChum
    4. Barricade24


      I feel so dumb as I have that map and visited it not too long ago. I guess the title of it kind of threw me off.

  17. We've also got complete shots of a new Snowtrooper and Flametrooper. http://www.rebelscum.com/2015-Celebration-Anaheim/Star-Wars-Celebration-Anaheim-2015-The-Force-Awakens/
  18. @@DT85 http://www.theforce.net/photo.asp?image=http://www.theforce.net/2015/fullbodytroop.jpg
  19. This is a blasted good model. She looks great. My only nitpick is that I really don't like mirrored textures. I'm not sure how much extra work goes into doing that though.
  20. I think this looks pretty good. It's just that this model is so bad it is rather hard for the good skinning work to come through. Not a fault of yours by any means you still did a nice job with it. The model just doesn't look good. He probably could use a bit more dirt on his legs and toes but overall not a bad job.
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