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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. I've issued an update for the Shock Trooper. Team skins, including a backpackless version and an updated belt are the changes I have made.
  2. I suppose if the older versions don't come out I might just take them up.
  3. I've got a WIP shader in progress. It's pretty good but as of this moment it's a bit too intense so I'll continue to play around with it. EDIT: Thoughts?
  4. I assume you mean helmetless like the Clones in the deleted scenes? You might ask Salvoo. Jedi frankensteins seem to be his specialty.
  5. Skin wise I have pretty much everything set up. That is aside from the helmet, which still needs some lines drawn before it gets chromed.
  6. Again, I know someone has done one. I don't believe it includes the laser nor was it publicly released but I saw one somewhere.
  7. Technically these two are not the same thing and if I recall correctly, I believe @@Mandalorian had one in the works. I don't think it ever got released but he might still have it.
  8. You will need a collection of programs to skin. GIMP for the general editing Mod View for viewing your edits and PakScape for setting up the pk3.
  9. As there is already a thread on this request, this one shall be locked down. You may continue your discussion at one of the other threads.
  10. I believe it does actually have an npc name. I think it is along the lines of "dt_ep7_stormtrooper" or something like that.
  11. I saw the movie today and it is easily one of, if not THE, best Star Wars movies I have ever seen. This movie hit a lot of emotions for me from the opening text crawl to many of the character reveal scenes. While there were certainly somethings that could have been better such as Phasma's role and the Starkiller Base point, I loved the nods the movies made to the previous films. The twist of Kylo Ren's identity really took me by surprise and I still have no real problems with his character at all. I really would have liked to see more events from the character's past dealt with and more of Luke but I did not leave the theater disappointed in the slightest. Chewie is absolutely fantastic in this movie!
  12. Say, you wouldn't mind teaming up on Phasma would you? I've been working on my own version as well and that cape is certainly something that would make it better. Your call of course but I think we could knock this character out if we combined forces.
  13. Just out of curiosity, are you going to consider adding the Heavy Gunner vest at some point?
  14. Question: If you wanted to see any other Clone legion as a Stormtrooper, which one would it be?
  15. Considering there is indeed an SP thread in the requests forums and this really is more a request, I will point you towards that. http://jkhub.org/topic/6452-the-force-awakens-conversion-mod-for-sp/ EDIT: I have also relocated this thread to the requests forum.
  16. Apparently there's more than one "Bacara".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Barricade24


      Not exactly. What I mean that there is more than one Bacara in Revenge of the Sith. At least three if you pause on a scene in Mygeeto, you can see them.

    3. Wasa


      To be fair his equipment wasn't personal according to Wookieepedia.

    4. Kualan


      Yeah, you can see several in the distance shot of Ki-Adi-Mundi advancing through the gunfire.

  17. Yeah, I remember that. It hasn't been released yet, frankly I don't even know if Chalk even finished that version. He's been offline for quite awhile so I don't know what he's been up to since then. You may be able to find a better shot if you skimmed through here: http://jkhub.org/forum/52-unleashed-15/
  18. Okay, hate to be even more of a bother but you think you could upload them to a different site? 4shared keeps leading me to links for a downloading manager.
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