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Everything posted by Cor

  1. Tough choice, but my vote goes to TFFA Brutal. I feel it could be a classic TFFA/FFA map. Plus it looks beautiful in rend2. 2nd place to Oasis Mesa and 3rd to Castellaris which are both creative, beautiful and have good map layouts!
  2. I installed rend2 with the default settings and while the map looks really good, it doesn't look like the screenshots here. Mainly, it's a lot darker. Are there any settings you suggest using for rend2 instead of the default ones, or specifically for this map? Or is this a HDR thing and it's tone mapping (my monitor isn't HDR)? P.S. I am correctly running rd-rend2 renderer, not vanilla (see screenshots).
  3. Hey Rogue, nice to see you here. That's quite a journey!
  4. It's not the same as before, but you can use this: https://mysticforces.net/lugormod-models/ I also have the files on my PC which pops up the webpage locally if you need it, in case the website ever goes down. This is just for JKA though.
  5. I fell in love with Huyang in Ahsoka... if anyone wanna try a hand at him. Asking for no specific purpose, just putting the idea out there. Thanks!
  6. Good addition!
  7. In regards to "The Wayward Star", I hope "personal ship map" doesn't mean you won't be releasing it . Wood in a spaceship is a nice surprise. And I especially like the conference room.
  8. This is fantastic. I love the look of the mountains outside too.
  9. YES.
  10. Love it!
  11. I'm really happy you like it! You created a beautiful piece of art. It's very idyllic.
  12. I tried to reproduce the JKHub banner in game just for fun and I thought I would share. Made in lugormod. In lugormod, you modify maps using only the base game assets, which means clients don't need to download anything to join: And here are some other concepts:
  13. Cor

    6. Motion Blur

    The links in "3. Action" unfortunately don't work anymore.
  14. I can't wait to download this. Opinion on islands: one single island has more impact visually. More evocative.
  15. Woah, great features. This will improve or simplify things in the future. Especially like the bokeh and scripting. Thanks ent.
  16. This is an original design? I fucking love it.
  17. Really nice, I love the golden look.
  18. What a beautiful skybox!
  19. Thanks Jeff, and thank you for your wonderful creations! They really improve the video.
  20. Thank you! It's nice to hear from someone who's in the credits. I believe you made the 2-1B droid that appears in the video?
  21. Hello all, I've just released a JKA video. The result of hundreds of hours of work and featuring dozens of player-made mods, I present to you "THE SITH OF QARR": (if the running time of 26 minutes discourages some, I suggest this to you: reach the 1 minute and 30 seconds mark, and if nothing's caught your attention, stop there) Please, do give me your feedback. I'd love to know your thoughts, WHATEVER they may be. Thank you!
  22. Some interesting visuals in there, well done!
  23. Yes, I really like that name as a map! Much more memorable than New Republic Prison Ship.
  24. I don't know if that's helpful to you but here's a tutorial about shaders:
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