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Everything posted by Cor

  1. Wow, that's interesting, I never thought a part of the map could be a misc_bsp. I used to include misc_bsps sometimes in lugormod maps, but this can be quite buggy indeed. Anyway, this will be a beautiful christmas gift!
  2. Changing "444p" to "420p" worked, no more need of conversion... thank you very much! As for the avi files, I had tried to set mme_aviformat to 1 before but no luck... Although, recording an avi file with aviformat 1 and 30FPS results in a less buggy file, but still buggy. I have also tried since I made this post to use savewav 1, but no luck there again. As for now though, I can record in pipe, so that will do.
  3. Hi, I'm having issues with my JAMME capture files. I have issues both with avi capturing and pipe capturing, but totally different issues. I'll start with pipe, as it is what I would prefer to capture with. Pipe I have no issue per say with the file itself, the problem is bringing that file into an editing program. The program will recognize the audio but not the video (I've tried 3 different major programs). By searching on the net, it seems to probably be caused by the codec or the encoding of the video file. Anyway, apparently, no way to really get around that, so would it be possible to change the capture settings of pipe to something else... I'm referring to that line in jampconfig.cfg: seta mme_pipeCommand "ffmpeg -f avi -i - -threads 0 -preset ultrafast -y -pix_fmt yuv444p -crf 23 %o.mp4 2> ffmpeglog.txt" Don't ask me to explain any of that, this is just the default configuration. Could I change a few settings to end up with another "type" of video file? My current solution is converting the file with "Handbrake" which allows for lossless conversion, the file can then be viewed in the editing software. But deleting that step would be good. Note: I've tried installing a few different codecs suggested on the web but none worked. Now onto the avi files... .avi Then again, I could say that there is no REAL issue, as I can "watch" the files, bring them into an editing program, extract them out of the program in a more compressed version (ready for youtube) and from this point, the videos can be watched perfectly. But before extracting the videos out of the editing program, I can't actually watch them properly, as the files are buggy: they freeze a little (or a lot) and I can't get 1 second of fluidity. You could think that this isn't such a big deal as they become fine once extracted, but I will be doing a lot of editing within the editing program and not being able to watch the video plays out normally makes it nearly impossible for me to do that. I've tried capturing in 30FPS and 60FPS and I've set aviformat to 1 (and 0). I also capture in 1920x1080. Has anyone experienced this with avi capturing? Thx for any help you could give me.
  4. Beautiful! I can definitely use that as Yavin. I take it I have your permission to use it in my video as you're suggesting it to me?
  5. Hello, I'm making a JKA video, and I am searching for a custom skybox which shows the planet Yavin (not the moon, but the giant red gas planet) viewed from space. The game's skybox which shows the gas planet is beautiful, but it is viewed from the ground on Yavin IV. I basically don't care what else is in the skybox, as all I need is to show the planet. Would anyone remember seeing such a skybox somewhere? This is the only custom skybox that I found which shows Yavin from space: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7v_gJCvQuM9MEN2V1lWWDdmSDQ/view The skybox comes from this file: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1852-mkbk-yavin-prime/ by WizardMKBK The skybox isn't bad, but it's a little low resolution and the planet doesn't seem to have as much detail as in the game's base assets for example. If I don't find another similar skybox, I will ask the uploader for permission to use this one. Side note: I have gone through each and every one of the custom maps uploaded on JKHub and mr.wonko's website. This is the only skybox I found. I am not posting this in Mod Requests as the file I'd be requesting would most probably only be useful to me and not anyone else. Thanks a lot!
  6. Nice overall concept. This does look like what a dorm room for Imperials would look like! I thought you mixed the textures quite well, even though more modern custom textures would probably make it look more high-quality. My own little (and perhaps stupid) question is how do the stormtroopers get to the upper beds? Perhaps small ladders could add a little something. Or I could be trying to base this too much in reality, who knows, up to you! Good work, keep going.
  7. This looks good, the voices definitely add a ton. Have you considered making the characters' mouths open while they talk? As in while you're recording the clips in-game, you make the players use sound effects and in editing you delete the sounds and use the right voices instead. Good luck with the project, I'm looking forward to it.
  8. Looks good.
  9. I'd be interested in Jedi Academy remade in a modern engine, although if Star Wars gets removed from it I personally don't see it being worth the effort. But others might do. It's a very good game, but the context of the game is the reason I played so much. Because it's Star Wars, the game has a lot of variety, way more than in other games I know. When I want to play melee combat, which is actually all the time, I play Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
  10. It seems to me this last video, Dark Times, was your best video yet. Nice work, I quite enjoyed it. I wonder, is this an original story by you or a story from some other star wars media? And to put my share of criticism, I noticed some grammatical errors in the video even after the re-upload. I know english is not your first language, neither is it mine, but perhaps someone on the internet might be willing to look over your dialogue, who knows. Good work again, I'll be looking forward to your next videos, this last vid is the kind of JKA vids I like!
  11. Hello, I'm submitting 3 images for this contest. I want to be clear, the maps seen in these screenshots are not custom maps. These are maps from the base game, but with textures changed and models added. I think in each of them you clearly recognize Jedi Academy, so I decided to submit them on the advice of a friend. The first image is siege_desert, the second image is hoth2 made into Dagobah, the third image is t1_surprise made into a Yavin forest. First screenshot (siege_desert): http://dc589.2shared.com/download/i_nvP4uj/Screenshot__1_.jpg?tsid=20160515-180256-9bc22682 Second screenshot (hoth2): http://dc589.2shared.com/download/t9S3zGDf/Screenshot__2_.jpg?tsid=20160515-180318-96e5ca01 Third screenshot (t1_surprise): http://dc589.2shared.com/download/7GBXc8R_/Screenshot__3_.jpg?tsid=20160515-180324-743be3fb If something is wrong with these screenshots or if I did not follow a rule correctly please let me know.
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