Hi, I'm having issues with my JAMME capture files. I have issues both with avi capturing and pipe capturing, but totally different issues. I'll start with pipe, as it is what I would prefer to capture with. Pipe I have no issue per say with the file itself, the problem is bringing that file into an editing program. The program will recognize the audio but not the video (I've tried 3 different major programs). By searching on the net, it seems to probably be caused by the codec or the encoding of the video file. Anyway, apparently, no way to really get around that, so would it be possible to change the capture settings of pipe to something else... I'm referring to that line in jampconfig.cfg: seta mme_pipeCommand "ffmpeg -f avi -i - -threads 0 -preset ultrafast -y -pix_fmt yuv444p -crf 23 %o.mp4 2> ffmpeglog.txt" Don't ask me to explain any of that, this is just the default configuration. Could I change a few settings to end up with another "type" of video file? My current solution is converting the file with "Handbrake" which allows for lossless conversion, the file can then be viewed in the editing software. But deleting that step would be good. Note: I've tried installing a few different codecs suggested on the web but none worked. Now onto the avi files... .avi Then again, I could say that there is no REAL issue, as I can "watch" the files, bring them into an editing program, extract them out of the program in a more compressed version (ready for youtube) and from this point, the videos can be watched perfectly. But before extracting the videos out of the editing program, I can't actually watch them properly, as the files are buggy: they freeze a little (or a lot) and I can't get 1 second of fluidity. You could think that this isn't such a big deal as they become fine once extracted, but I will be doing a lot of editing within the editing program and not being able to watch the video plays out normally makes it nearly impossible for me to do that. I've tried capturing in 30FPS and 60FPS and I've set aviformat to 1 (and 0). I also capture in 1920x1080. Has anyone experienced this with avi capturing? Thx for any help you could give me.