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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. Yeah, I was just curious, and now I can choose whichever version I want (via NPC or SP Character menu).
  2. I was just curious how it will look with the head from 's Dooku's head.
  3. Not exactly the same but close. BTW, I didn't made the saber. As mentioned above is on a hilt pack on ModDB. I just re-textured it and added some shaders. You can see the original and re-textured below.
  4. Version 1.2


    IMPORTANT: This pack was put together for SP only Description: This is a Frankenstein/kitbash/re-skin based on a model request at the Hub https://jkhub.org/topic/8641-nautolan-skin-model-request/ Parts Used Scerendo's Quinlan Vos body Toshi's Vader robe Jeff's Lord Kallig belt Peneke's pack Kota (shirt collar) Neomarz (original/base Fisto head) TFU (new head mesh) NPC Name: Nautolan_watchmen Bugs: Some minor clipping between the belt and robe. Install: Place the file Nautola_watchmen.pk3 in your base folder Uninstall: remove the file Nautola_watchmen.pk3 from your base folder.
  5. It can be easily done. There is a saber pack in Moddb that has Doolu's jedi saber but is old and low res (maybe an idea for @@Rooxon or @@Seven as they are amazing with sabers). You could also use Backflip's Dooku head (https://jkhub.org/topic/8281-backflip1s-skins-kitbashes/page-12?do=findComment&comment=125780) but it will look too old for his time as a Jedi.
  6. As for this guy....I haven't forgotten. I re-shaped the face (eyes, nose, cheek bones and mouth) to make it look a little bit more fierce. Need to work on the boots and collar textures which I suck (and have free, limited software).
  7. Doesn't looks like much but, I didn't liked the way the neck/chest area came out for Tatooine and Yavin version (ROTJ verison doesn't matter since its hidden underneath the shirt): Since I am a stinking newbie, I made a rookie mistake. I split the head mesh (to avoid the over 1K verts issue) first, then tried to re-align/re-size the chest/neck area....then I couldn't match back the resulting meshes, so I started again from scratch. This time, re-sized/re-aligned everything before splitting the mesh. Still have some clipping issues on the right shoulder of the Tatooine version (still learning how to fix the weights), but so far I think it looks pretty good. Also, tried to make the Tatooine pants/boots a little bit darker.
  8. Thanks! Very good. Some feedback hopefully to improve it: - As Tompa said, it looks like it has a sunburn. - Sideburns could use some work. - The "hair shadow" on the forehead is too dark. If you can improve this, it would be great.
  9. Great, thanks! Will download it as soon as I have a chance!
  10. Thanks @@swegmaster!. I was finally able to figure it out after reading several posts. But it came out ugly as #@!!. The problem is, it first came up with error "UV seam found! Split meshes at UV seams", so I tried this https://jkhub.org/topic/8804-uv-seam-found-split-meshes-at-uv-seams/?do=findComment&comment=126199 Then it gave me the "Verts without UV coordinates. I was finally able to delete those verts and export it but it look like $#!*
  11. Thanks! I am not sure form which game it is....I've been collecting models from FP and some other sites and lost track where I got each model (I guess is from FP but can't recal) in hope to learn to port them but after many failed attempts, I decided to stick with porting only parts for now. BTW, Tatooine version has a lot of issues on the neck/chest area due to the area divided into multiple pieces to overcome the 1K verts issue. I will try to see how can I fix it I am also trying this but getting a lot of issues wit "Vertex without UV coordinates" and this (same issues)
  12. Just FYI https://jkhub.org/files/file/3011-clone-wars-general-kenobi/ By @@Jashugan
  13. Looks Great!!! Looking forward to its release. Not sure about the other versions, I personally just love "regular Kenobi". Maybe others will like the idea of the pack. After all, the more options to choose from, the better. Maybe add robe and Battle worn options?
  14. Yeah, recoloring should be enough. Currently (might just be the screenshot), looks a little bit darker, especially that shadow between the hair and the forehead. Apart from that, IMHO, looks really good. I have mix feelings about the prequels, but no matter what, Obi Wan is my favorite prequel character and this is a great texture of him. I know we have a few great Obi Wan skins but never hurts to have more.
  15. I guess you will work on the hair but so far Is coming out really good. Great job.
  16. Reading the forums, I know there is an NPC limit. I also had an issue, I have lots of models with their individual NPCs. There was a point where the in-game NPCs wouldn't load (in SP). I consolidated all NPCs in a single NPC file (with almost 100 NPCs) and so far I haven't had another issue (using OpenJK). Not saying is right or wrong, just what I experienced.
  17. Just a thought, I know you are getting as much as possible. EP V is missing.... See @Jeff's WIP https://jkhub.org/topic/5134-jeffs-never-ending-wips/page-16?do=findComment&comment=107952
  18. Love Maul on the top screenshot. BTW, is it just me or that male character looks like Hugo Weaving....
  19. not saying is better, just that I personally like it better. Each person has its own preferences. Anakin on this pack also looks great https://jkhub.org/files/file/3168-ea-jedi-skinpack-2010/
  20. You keep getting better and better with the hilts. Especially love the last 2!
  21. Hopefully. If I am satisfied with it and get the appropriate permissions from the original authors. No ETA ATM.
  22. Due to life issues and lots of frustrations with trying my hand at porting, I am no longer active trying to mod. However, if I see something I like for personal use, I will try it and if I like the results, share it with the community. Back in December I saw this request https://jkhub.org/topic/8641-nautolan-skin-model-request/ by @Baal and I thought it was interesting and the character looked really cool. so I started working on it little by little as I had a chance and here is what I have so far.
  23. Looking great, I bet it will look even greater when finished.
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