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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. Due to family situation I haven't got much time to play (or anything), even less inspiration to work on anything, so I've been trying to distract my mind playing with @@Seven's model(s) and made a Luke version with different heads so I can choose freely without having to load multiple models
  2. Thanks @@Seven, hopefully it can be used. The full-face mask reminds me of a Robotech Bioroid.
  3. Why? Jeff's version looks as AWESOME as if it was ported. Jeff, the model looks GREAT! Thanks a lot for the AMAZING models, we really appreciate your patience, hard work and dedication!
  4. Made a version with 3 skin files of each head, plain head, Hooded head and Helmet head. Everything is fine, except the TFU version. Since the hair and head is one piece, can't turn off the hair and it shows through the helmet. Apart from that, everything is fine, only need hooded and helmet icons for TFU version. Also worked little by little through the week adding the heads to the Pilot version. Since each head is different, each head has its own helmet too, just need new icons.
  5. Looking REALLY good! Torso Texture color needs to match the head texture color just a little bit more but really AWESOME!
  6. oh, ok..thx for the clarification , No idea how those models work. I thought the obj file was some part of the model.
  7. I think I found a model of Thexan, but I think it doesn't has a head (I am not sure, or don't know if it can be used). https://mega.nz/#!DFRGVYzY!ekjl8VDIFHWx_eMdYEYaBX8mn7XN2BN6ADUFSJQ5NYw
  8. It really is. If you look at the original picture, you can see @@Seven did a GREAT job.
  9. The neck still needs to be fixed but I don't know how yet. I am trying to learn how so I can fix it before releasing it.
  10. That's what I did. However, I want to make it simple and use the head section for just that, selecting the specific had, and the torso section to choose the outfit. The problem is that not all heads match with every outfit. For example: The version with Dark_Apprentice's head (second form left to right) hair get;s through the hood. The version form Dark_Apprentice's and the version from TFU (3rd form left to right) hair get through the Endor helmet. So I will need to create several copies to match each head and I am trying to avoid that.
  11. Decisions, decisions....Why you have to make it harder?
  12. TFA blades are one of the best blades (along with Evulant sabers and TFu ultimate Sith edition blades).
  13. Hi Seven Thanks a lot for the model, it is awesome! Went home late last night for a few hours and couldn't wait to try it out. The mode looks awesome, but I found 2 small problems (I just fired up OpenJK and look at it from the SP menu). No big deal, just a little feedback: - I don't know about shaders but something looks a little odd with the face shaders, especially the area between the eyes and the nose. - when looking at the robed version from the front, the upper half of the robes looks transparent. Again, no big deal, the model is awesome, just FYI.
  14. ahh....Sorry, I thought you were talking about the Outcast book. I have no idea. I haven't played Outcast in ages, heck I don't even know where my CDs are, but I think I saw something about that a while back in the Modding assistance section.
  15. It has been approved, you can check it in the main files section. Sorry for not posting the direct link but I can't get all the posting menu options on my phone.
  16. Luke "invasion", TFU Sith Assasin and Jedi Hunter have been approved. Will try to update the links on the first page tonight if I have a chance. Thanks for the comments, makes hard times a little less harder. Once again, special thanks to Dark_Apprentice and Seven for their help and support with the TFU models.
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