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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. Thanks. Photofiltre (since is a free edition) practically has no options. I was able to capture one of the errors and it says something about "RLE-RGB Images (type 10) must be in bottom-to-top format [name of TGA File]". I did nothing to the file but opening and saving it.
  2. - "I normally use Photofiltre free edition, but I tired in a friend's computer with different apps he (even photoshop, I think)" - JKA (openJK) just crashes. If it shows a message, it happens too fast to see.
  3. Sorry to interlude in the tread but since you are already talking about differences between TGAs and PNGs, I have a problem with TGAs. Whenever I save a TGA, even without doing any changes (just open the file and save it back without doing anything to it), JKA crashes, so I have to save it as PNG (or JPG). I normally use Photofiltre free edition, but I tired in a friend's computer with different apps he (even photoshop, I think) has and still have the same problem. Any ideas why?
  4. Thanks. But all the credit goes to Peneke's Team and @@Jeff for the light saber hilt and original Arcann model. I am just having fun adding SP support for regular (non-MovieBattles) JKA. The "resurgent" version (left side, second screenshot) only includes the texture for the "extended mask" "painted" over the "bald head", but who cares, it looks awesome!
  5. Found the fixed model. Thanks @@swegmaster and @@Penekowski !!! Fortunately the part names remained the same so swamping the torsos back was easy. Had some fun to take my mind out of the failed porting attempt frustrations.
  6. Thanks. I don't want to break any rules nor take credit for something somebody else put so much work into.
  7. That's awesome! Thanks for the feedback! Have to look further. I just browsed through the folders until I found the one with Arcann/Thexan model.
  8. I could but it doesn't belong to me. I am just having some fun with it. Is up to Peneke's team. If they want I can send it to them and they can release it (or give their blessing and I can share it).
  9. Going back to Arcann, added torso/arms/head from @@Jeff's version. I know is "mirrored" but is the only one I have.
  10. Not sure if we should make a separate tread....I think we are hijacking this tread. Anyway, personally, since I am a SP kind of person, I would like to see: Hero Armor Jedi Adventure Outfit...already provided in Peneke's pack. Dreamer Sith Assasin "Training" Kashyyyk "Cloud City" (Bounty Hunter) "Aviator" (Tie Pilot outfit) Raxus Act 1 "Experimental" (Clone) Raxus Act 2 Arena I would use each one in different missions (i.e. Raxus act 1 for Tatooine droid rescue, "Industrial" or "Raxus Act 2" and "Tie Pilot" versions for Imperial base missions, etc.). I would also use the Sith Assain version with regular "human head" textures for the "Tomb" missions.
  11. I would like to see the actual Jedi Hunter and Sith Assasin...
  12. Thanks. For sure will check again ASAP! Edit: You are right, my bad. I might have confused the "Training" outfit. I love it!. I really, really appreciate it! Would have been even better if it included the entire (shirt) neck so we could add a version without hood (we can just add the full head we already have), but love it none the less. Edit #2: Oh, well...
  13. I mean the models are there (in obj format), they need to be ported (to JKA glm format). I tried myself but only got a lot of frustrations and disappointments. Also, if you mean the "Jedi Adventure Robe" version, I am not sure who the original creator o but is been out for a while (https://jkhub.org/files/file/2876-galen-marek-jedi-adventure-robes/) and is not fully ported. This is how the model would look:
  14. I am glad you got a new job that give you more time to spend with family and your music project, looking forward for it. I am really greatful for your work, your teachings and the inspiration.
  15. That baby is just like me when I see the awesome models you guys provide for us to enjoy!
  16. Yeah, I used it to replace Kyle. Wish the Starkiller models in that Russian site were ported too.
  17. About, maybe a little less. My time is really limited lately and I am not as fast as I used to be.
  18. You have the wrong model (glm file). You can see it in the tunic collar and sleeves as well as in the lower part of the tunic (skirt like). I agree add-on are better, but until yesterday I had no idea what Peneke pack was. I installed MB2 once (a long time ago) but it wasn't for me and didn't lasted 30 minutes on my drive. But when I read Arcann and Thexan were in Peneke's pack, I did a search and got directed to the MB2 page. I was still lost so I went to the downloads area but nothing about the pack was there. Next I went to the forums and searched...and there it was. I downloaded it and started browsing through it but wasn't that easy so I unpacked everything. I saw some folders had graphic files with nothing else while others had the opposite. I checked each folder and set the view to large icons. That way I saw the icons of which model should be on the folder. I also checked the skin files to check where the associated textures should be. In less than an hour I had an idea how it worked and started moving the folders I was interested to a temporary folder and started putting all the pieces together. I put together Arcann/Thexan, Kota and a couple other models I liked it, and added SP Support in less than 2 hours total time.
  19. Also,, is a REPLACEMENT pack, as I said in my original post, You have to browse through the models and find which models it REPLACES, then "combine" them to make the whole model. Is easy if you look at the model icons.
  20. The pack is there with all the models, I downloaded it and found the models. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
  21. Nope, is the full package. There are 2 links, one for the entire updated package (about 800MBs) that includes everything and one with just an update (about 14MBs) for the previous 1.6 with just some texture. I think you are downloading just the update.
  22. Is on Peneke's MovieBattles page. It has some nice skins, including (I think a ported) Kota.
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