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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Your version of luke doesn't seem to match the JKHub file. There is no hilt on the belt, and theres 3 bugged LODs on luke that prevent him from opening in modview.


    Darn...Seems I messed up during the cleanup. I restored the previous version, cleaned up again and re-submitted the update.


    I am not sure what happened to the pilot version of Nien Nunb. 

  2. @@Ramikad


    I think I got it. Not sure if is the right way but I used "Normalize" (Ctrl + N while on Edit mode and made sure "Inside" is unchecked). That seems to fix it...most of it. There were still small patches looking a little bit weird but the shader fixed that.


    Also, in Edit mode, you can select Shading/UV Tab and click "Flip Direction" 






  3. The blocky face in the second image seems to be caused by a high amount of UV splitting and seams. I'm surprised it works at all. Removing all duplicate vertexes (there's a specific Blender command in Edit Mode for that) as well as properly UVmapping it should fix it.

    As for the third image, that happens when the vertex or face normals are flipped: in other words, that basically tells the game that the mesh points to the inside, and should be rendered as if it was meant to be seen from within, so only displayed inside and not outside. I'm not sure if there's an easy fix for that, because Blender can easily flip the normals (either manually, or using the Recalculate Inside / Outside commands), but the times I've tried it never really seemed to go well, so I'm not sure if that simply doesn't work or if I've been doing it wrong.


    Thanks for the feedback. I will google it and see if I find more info. In the mean time, is anyone has more info on the fix, please let me know.

  4. OK, in order to practice more and learn how to deal with different issues, I tried another mesh that gave me a lot of grief in the past. Another mesh that keeps giving me the "uv seam found split meshes at uv seams". 


    Normally I try this and it fixes it but this time was not the case.



    I also tried this 




    But I don't know what I did wrong (guess same thing as the last time), and the num. of verts turned in over 4K, practically had to turn the mesh into a jigsaw puzzle, but it "worked" and was able to export the model.....or so I thought. The model looked fine in Blender and in Character selection menu







    But in game...








    I kept trying and trying until finally I got it (still trying to figure out what exactly I did different).


    Now I have a different problem...The textures are kind of invisible from certain angles







    unless I use a shader and set it as "twosided", but then it looks kind of "waxy"








    Any ideas where I went wrong?


    PS: The hair that comes with the mesh is horrible so I used the air from @Elek Andor's version.

    Penekowski likes this
  5. That Luke in Hoth gear would work REALLY well as the default skin for Jaden, when he's on the Hoth level. The overall buffness and visual accuracy of the model looks great. Especially considering the base game version is really "flat" looking.


    I guess you could maybe try and throw that model together and see how it comes out.. What d'ya reckon?


    That is a lot of work for a simple mission. The entire model will have to be inserted into every single player models (who know which model the user will choose, human, rodian, etc.). Structures re-assigned, skins, created, old skins modified, etc.  Plus the model is based on Seven's"ESB Pilot Luke" which I don't have permission (at least at this moment) to share.

    General Howard likes this
  6. I am not a big fan of Nien Nunb and as I've said a few times, I am terrible with texture, so I can't get too inspired too much on it but I know people around has asked and I was curious how it could be done as he was a crucial character so I tried my best.


    Still, I don't like how it came out (I can't compare my skills to Jeff, Kualan, Seven, etc.) so I am thinking on better ways to do it (have a few ideas already in mind) but is not in my priority list.

    yeyo JK and JAWSFreelao like this



    Tried to make a "red suit" but I am terrible at textures.


    Barricade24 - Imperial Gunner 2.0
    Jeff - Lando Smuggler Outfit







    Based on




    Jolly - Improved Luke Skywalker - Pilot Outfit 1.0
    Scerendo - Poe Dameron - Life Support "pipes"












    Worked a little bit more on the textures and submitted it for approval. I still don't like the textures. I might come back to it and try something different.


    Tompa9 and swegmaster like this
  8. @@The Punisher Any chance you could kit-bash that outfit onto Jaden, for the base game and turn the jacket orange?

    That would go great as a starting skin, for his introduction outfit into the game, before going into his Jedi Robes, after the Yavin Temple initiation.


    Tired. The problem is the neck/chest area. Most heads don't include that area, including the default game heads, so I used 3 different parts to cover it, and although the differences is not too much, it still doesn't looks 100% fine, especially with the in-game heads.





  9. He will release Luke when he has permission from some authors.



    Thanks @@swegmaster! Got the approvals.. Was fixing the holster to better fit the new blaster mesh. Also was going crazy trying to figure out why it was always walking/running (a little bit) in the air. Seems was the map I was using for testing. I tested 2 other maps and it walks/runs on the ground as it should. I am tweaking/fine tuning/removing unnecessary meshes. It will be ready when is ready. Demanding on capital letters will don't get it ready sooner.

    swegmaster likes this
  10. That third Nien Nunb is great! :) Is there any chance of giving us link to some of your models? :) I would really like to use:


    1. Nien Nunb

    2. Yavin Luke

    3. Pilot Luke with DT head

    4. Arcann/Thexan - like your upgraded version of Arcann

    5. TFU Sith Assasin and hooded one too - Don´t know if links at jkhub are updated with new version

    It would be cool to upgrade 1st page of your thread with links. Thank you! :)


    1 - Don't like how it turned out, textures looks horrible.

    2 - Finally cleaned up the unnecessary  stuff and added missing tags. Need to add NPC and hopefully should be ready .

    3 - That's up to @Seven, is his model after all.

    4 - As far as I understand that's a Peneke's exclusive.






    Note: Young Arcann removed as he is an exclusive to Peneke 




    it can't be redistributed publicly as that's a Penekepack exclusive and we'd need permission from our porter (who tends to show up once in a blue moon)




    5 - https://jkhub.org/files/file/3131-the-force-unleashed-starkiller-sith-assassin-with-backhand-animations/. Didn't made a hooded version.

    Penekowski likes this
  11. I know there are at least 3 amazing Pl Koon models here at The Hub. I specially love @Kualan's version, but I wanted to try one because the of the complexity of his face. It took me almost a week to over come splitting the mesh because it caused lots of "verts without UV coordinates" (and they kept multiplying like wet gremlins with every new split), specially some that were not so easy to over come so I wanted to practice with it to learn how to deal with those issues better and finally got it. It was frustrating at times but a satisfactory learning experience once it was accomplished. I feeling a little better about those issues now.


    It makes you appreciate even more the amazing work people like @Jeff@Kualan@Scerendo@Circa@Psyk0Sith, @AshuraDX, @Seven (wish I could keep mentioning all of them but we all know them) provide for us to enjoy.






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