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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. OMG, do you will release it? finally we have a good and acurate Han Solo model , in the Seven's WIP I posted a reskin of his TFU ported Han Solo but this one is better so far,regarding Leia i like the Hapslash model but this one is awesome too, keep it up with this amazing work


    Thanks. This is just @@Seven's Han Solo with Force Arena head (below are the Bespin and ROTJ outfits -  same model). Same with Hapslash's Leia.






  2. I want to see a Sith version!

    Maybe in the future. For now I just want to finish the Yavin of Luke (almost done, need to do some cleanup), this and another one I am working on before trying again to port "Hoth Luke". Not sure how will that go, my first attempt was a disaster.

  3. Thanks a lot Langerd. I like challenges, but you should take into consideration a balance based on who you are playing as. For example, Vader wouldn't go around jumping every where when he could use the force to bring things to him (mostly because of his powers but also because his arrogance).


    One thing I noticed, in the beginning there is also another Vader just standing in front of his Tie. not sure if this is intentional or if another mod might be causing that.


    Also, if I drop the saber, it shows the default SP saber (saber1) on the floor. Once it return to my hand, it turns into Vader's saber again. No big deal, just a few things I found so far....might be able to provide more feedback once I make the jump (don't like using cheats).


    Btw, I am using openjk....

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