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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Just open the pk3 file with packscape.

    Navegate to the models folder

    Look for the ".skin" files

    Drag and drop them to somewhere in your computer

    Open the files with notepad

    Do a search/replace and replace




    Do the same for l_hand

    Save the files

    Drag and drop the files back to their original folders in packscape

    Save the file


    If you use notepad, you will have to do that for every .skin file (at least the "torso" skin files and the "model" skin files (model_default, etc).


    If you use notepad++, you can do a replace in files and it does it replaces in all files for you.

  2. OpenJK has stability. I only had like 2 crashes and they were caused by mistakes in models I've compiled/modified which in turn got me to fix the models which is a good thing.


    I also play on Windows, and OpenJK also fixes the ghoul errors (JKE is based on OpenJK, but hasn't been updated in a long time). The only other thing I liked about JKE was the RGB sabers and it doesn't works with Custom Blades like TFA or TFU blades (at least I haven't found a way to make it work). The rest, I don't care. Is not worth with all the crashes.

  3. Would you still really recommend OpenJK more- even for someone who has no interest in MP?


    OpenJK is not just for MP. It works for both. I only play SP and only use OpenJK. I tried JKE just for the force Repulse but it crashes more than I can play...and the Force Repulse is just a big enhanced push, not like in TFU, so I went back to OpenJK.

  4. Open a skin file and look for lines r_hand,models/players.... and rename it to r_hand,*off...it should work, it is common bug, mostly for HS skins :)


    That will turn off a hand that is used. It should be, rename








    Do it also for the l_hand (specially needed if you plan on using dual sabers).


    See https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/137-fix-hapslashs-anakin-model-no-lightsaber-blade/


    Thanks to @ for pointing me to the solution and @@Circa for the workaround.


    I haven't found the official cause but my guess is (I might be wrong, is just me trying to make sense of it), there are multiple hand objects but only one hand tag, when you turn off the hand that is associated with the Tag using "*off", all the "child objects" (including the Tag) is turned off but maybe using "off" (without " * "), it doesn't turns of the "child objects"? That's just a wild guess.


    BTW, the model works fine in OpenJK without issues.


    It has the problem in JKE (which crashes more than a blind man in a Nascar race). I just tried the fix and it worked.

    Tompa9 likes this
  5. Thanks. Photofiltre (since is a free edition) practically has no options. I was able to capture one of the errors and it says something about "RLE-RGB Images (type 10) must be in bottom-to-top format [name of TGA File]". I did nothing to the file but opening and saving it.

  6. What do you use to save the tga's with?

    And does jka show an error?


    - "I normally use Photofiltre free edition, but I tired in a friend's computer with different apps he (even photoshop, I think)"

    - JKA (openJK) just crashes. If it shows a message, it happens too fast to see.



  7. Sorry to interlude in the tread but since you are already talking about differences between TGAs and PNGs, I have a problem with TGAs. Whenever I save a TGA, even without doing any changes (just open the file and  save it back without doing anything to it), JKA crashes, so I have to save it as PNG (or JPG). I normally use Photofiltre free edition, but I tired in a friend's computer with different apps he (even photoshop, I think) has and still have the same problem. Any ideas why? 

  8. Looks very cool :)


    Thanks. But all the credit goes to Peneke's Team and @@Jeff for the light saber hilt and original Arcann model. I am just having fun adding SP support for regular (non-MovieBattles) JKA. The "resurgent" version (left side, second screenshot) only includes the texture for the "extended mask" "painted" over the "bald head", but who cares, it looks awesome!

  9. Me too, though Jedi Hunter is difficult. Some people have the model but won't share it for whatever reason.


    What about these?















    Not sure if we should make a separate tread....I think we are hijacking this tread. Anyway, personally, since I am a SP kind of person, I would like to see:

    Hero Armor







    Jedi Adventure Outfit...already provided in Peneke's pack.








    Sith Assasin






















    "Cloud City" (Bounty Hunter)







    "Aviator" (Tie Pilot outfit)







    Raxus Act 1







    "Experimental" (Clone)







    Raxus Act 2















    I would use each one in different missions (i.e. Raxus act 1 for Tatooine droid rescue, "Industrial" or "Raxus Act 2" and "Tie Pilot" versions for Imperial base missions, etc.). I would also use the Sith Assain version with regular "human head" textures for the "Tomb" missions.

    General Howard likes this
  10. There are a lot models that would be great, though some are tricky to convert. However as i posted in Jeff's thread the Cybernetic Reconstruction Starkiller model would be my highest priority request, for various reasons. It would complete the Dark Side Starkiller roster aswell since we already got:


    Sith Stalker (Darth Shiftee)

    Desert Survival Gear (Lizfizz)

    Lord Starkiller (Lt.claim i think)

    Dark Apprentice (Xeby)

    Jedi Hunter (The Punisher)

    Sith Assassin (The Punisher)


    Punisher is right though, the russian site has many cool models that would make great additions.

    I would like to see the actual Jedi Hunter and Sith Assasin...


  11. We already ported that model, double check the files, the hands need some tweaks tho.

    Thanks. For sure will check again ASAP!




    You are right, my bad. I might have confused the "Training" outfit. I love it!. I really, really appreciate it! Would have been even better if it included the entire (shirt) neck so we could add a version without hood (we can just add the full head we already have), but love it none the less.









    Edit #2:


    Oh, well...




    "hood down" still need some fixing but was all the time I have today.



  12. Russian site?- No-oo, mate, unfortunatly we lack modders, modelers/porters in particular)

    So wonder what you mean actually?

    There's just three Starkiller full-body ports so far: hoth outfit, veteran old Galen and white robed version by some Peneke family member from their new pack.

    I mean the models are there (in obj format), they need to be ported (to JKA glm format). I tried myself but only got a lot of frustrations and disappointments.


    Also, if you mean the "Jedi Adventure Robe" version, I am not sure who the original creator o but is been out for a while (https://jkhub.org/files/file/2876-galen-marek-jedi-adventure-robes/) and is not fully ported. This is how the model would look:


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