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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Keep in this good work Puni! :) You have our trust, you have our faith. We all believe in you. I pray for finishing Yavin/Tatooine Luke :)

    Yavin Luke is good. Would like to make some small tweaks but is good. Will need permission from Seven (Han Solo hips/legs/bots) and Scenendo (Poe Cameron's body).


    Haven't been able to fix the clipping on Tatooine's look right shoulder (when he looks all the way to the left). Apart from that, is good too. Also need permission from Seven for his Luke body (and ROTJ body). Althoght I think he was working on something with Luke, can't remember ATM.

  2. Ok  i found some pages with tutorials ,sorry for ask you that,You must think it's a stupid question but  I'm still learning about modding  :winkthumb:


    Sorry for the lat answer. I think there are no stupid questions...the only stupid question is the one you don't ask because you will never know the answer. A friend of mine also says (and I tend to believe him) there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers...


    I haven't found a full tutorial covering all the aspects of porting an OBJ to a fully functional JA md3 file. A good friend gave me a lesson of how to port some specific parts. It involves assigning the mesh from the obj to the JA model, scaling the new mesh to the appropriate size, assigning vertex groups, weight the vertex group and weight the vertex. Assign skin modifiers and most of the time splitting up the mesh (a single mesh shouldn't have more than 1,000 verts). 



    The process should be the same for all meshes so I tried porting a full model but this was the result...




    For me the hardest part is the weight process. I can't get the correct weights. I would like to see a weight tutorial for dummies specifically designed for JA models.



    If you happen to find one, please let me know.

  3. Why. Push your boundaries, read, watch and learn. Some Roadblocks we're afraid to hit are just speed bumps in reality.

    Thanks...appreciate it and agree 10000%. However, it will have t wait because my time is currently very limited (dealing with some life issues that of it wasn't for a VERY good friend here at The Hub, I would have quit trying to learn some time ago) and trying to learn a few different things at the same time is not optimal for me at this time. But trust me, I hope to Lear more as time allows it.

  4. First of all thanks to everyone who supported me in the development of this skin, sometimes i think if was not a good idea upload it but now i think that was a good decision, for be my first project as a jedi academy modder(before this i made a map for Battlefront 2) I was not expecting this reception


    I will fix the red nose and the shadow on the forehead as soon as possible but don't expect it in a near future




    That will be great. I like how the face looks realistic, only needs to fix the "sunburn effect" and will be great!



    And maybe the next version will include something like this






    Nice! Could be a nice replacement for...






    Javitolo98 likes this
  5. This is holly awesome ,keep it up, did you edited the Luke's force arena head to make it more acurate to episode VI?


     I didn't altered the face nor the textures.I just ported the head form the force arena model (imported it from the obj model, scaled it, assign the vertex groups, weight, mesh split, etc.).

  6. It can be easily done. There is a saber pack in Moddb that has Doolu's jedi saber but is old and low res (maybe an idea for @@Rooxon or @@Seven as they are amazing with sabers).


    You could also use Backflip's Dooku head (https://jkhub.org/topic/8281-backflip1s-skins-kitbashes/page-12?do=findComment&comment=125780) but it will look too old for his time as a Jedi.







    Thisismyusername and krkarr like this
  7. Doesn't looks like much but, I didn't liked the way the neck/chest area came out for Tatooine and Yavin version (ROTJ verison doesn't matter since its hidden underneath the shirt):


    Since I am a stinking newbie, I made a rookie mistake. I split the head mesh (to avoid the over 1K verts issue) first, then tried to re-align/re-size the chest/neck area....then I couldn't match back the resulting meshes, so I started again from scratch. This time, re-sized/re-aligned everything before splitting the mesh.


    Still have some clipping issues on the right shoulder of the Tatooine version (still learning how to fix the weights), but so far I think it looks pretty good. Also, tried to make the Tatooine pants/boots a little bit darker.







    yeyo JK, Penekowski, J19 and 1 other like this
  8. Easy to fix, just follow these steps:


    1. Right-click on the part that has the vertex without uv coordinates

    2. Go into edit mode, then go into face selection mode, press a, and then press h

    3. You will see some black things not hidden by the h/hide key, delete those, then press alt+h to unhide all

    4. Now you can export as a glm


    P.S. The Luke head in the main screens above is from Force Arena, that Anakin above head looks like its from FR Battlefront 3



    Thanks @@swegmaster!. I was finally able to figure it out after reading several posts. But it came out ugly as #@!!.


    The problem is, it first came up with error "UV seam found! Split meshes at UV seams", so I tried this https://jkhub.org/topic/8804-uv-seam-found-split-meshes-at-uv-seams/?do=findComment&comment=126199 

    Then it gave me the "Verts without UV coordinates. I was finally able to delete those verts and export it but it look like $#!*







  9. Duuuude....That is one of the best Luke heads I've ever seen. :o


    Thanks! I am not sure form which game it is....I've been collecting models from FP and some other sites and lost track where I got each model (I guess is from FP but can't recal)  in hope to learn to port them but after many failed attempts, I decided to stick with porting only parts for now.


    BTW, Tatooine version has a lot of issues on the neck/chest area due to the area divided into  multiple pieces to overcome the 1K verts issue. I will try to see how can I fix it



    I am also trying this but getting a lot of issues wit "Vertex without UV coordinates"







    and this (same issues)







    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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