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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, but I'm extremely happy to say that I finally got around to fixing the Windows builds after a few weeks of work. See for yourself!


    We're now using a hosted service (http://appveyor.com) so downtime should be very minimal. Integrating our solution for deploying builds to @@Didz's server turned out to be a lot of work, but now you can expect a new build every Monday at 20:00 UTC time.


    As with all our builds, we don't thoroughly test them so you might encounter some problems with this one.


    That's great news, thanks a lot!

  2. Those aren't white. They're blue.. And the other one that The Punisher posted are different shades of green, to match her Clone Wars era sabers.


    Is not blue either, Is an emulation of white using a purple and a green blade (same as the lime green using a green and a yellow blade together).

  3. I think is time I break my silence and clear the air.



    Small side note, I was never the one asking for constructive criticism, I was suggesting you pass some down to The Punisher, instead of brag. Maybe I am not the only one reading between the lines.


    was not referring to my work. He was referring to all the crap and drama and the take-for-granted and "gimme gimme gimme" attitude of some people.


    From all the great people here at The Hub that have influenced me like Salvoo, Kualan, Scerendo, AshuraDX, Katanamaru, etc. (even Toshi who I only know by his legendary work), Seven, Jeff and Dark_Apprentice (especially Dark_Apprentice) are the biggest influences that inspired me to learn and improve (and make them proud of their work, tips and inspiration). He would have never tried to "belittle"  my work. I have only thanks and appreciation for all his work and inspiration.


    We "talk" constantly and help each other with stuff and/or ideas. In fact, he just expressed what I (and other that I've talked to) are experiencing.



    Of course I can't compare to other good modelers in here, that can also create something from scratch, which I really respect and admire. But also I have stopped publishing models or even updates of old models, because I have some reasons for that and one of the reason is because there are other people that are really annoying and pushy on this. I don't make a living from this, so I am not forced to create/update my models or someone else's stuff. Also really disappointed when other people get your work without permissions and in the end you turn out to be the "black sheep".



    I've been really upset with this and the development of the last couple of months here at The Hub (again, I am not alone on this), so I've been trying to focus on fixing some small problems here and there, like a problem with the ported Anakin head (where light seems to come out from one of his nostrils and what looks like a small cut on the back of his left ear), porting the TFU ObiWan head to accompany Anakin, trying to make a better texture for Luke's hair (which I have said hundreds of time I am terrible at) and finally figured out how to weight the mouth and eyes for animation (on my own, comparing and analyzing other models), all this while trying to ponder if is worth with all this crap and drama.


    If I change my mind, I will  continue working on models and publish them. In the mean time, If you want to discuss models or issues with models, you are welcome to do so, if you want to complain or trash-talk, please make your own thread.

  4. Is there a way to do the same with other NPCs? For example, I always wondered if something could be done with the droids or the mercenaries, even stormtroopers. I know there is a mod thatakes the R2 units show in random (RGB) colors but not every droid in the SW universe is an R2 unit.

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