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The Punisher

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Posts posted by The Punisher

  1. Mod it to get all the models and maps and stuff? I don't play MP at all, only SP. Spend most of my time setting up random duels or battles. KOTF comes with hundreds of models and it's spawning and loading menus are so useful. I also don't have the patience to make all the NPCs I'd need using the NPCTool. It's not that it's difficult, just time consuming.



    I don't play MP at all either, only SP and have no problems at all. Just start the OpenJK executable or add the parameter to load your mod. But this is derailing from the original post. If you have any questions about OpenJK, please post it in the OpenJK section.

  2. I've been tempted to use OpenJk but, admittedly, I use that old Knights Of The Force mod. For all its issues, it's so easy and simple to use and its got so many models, maps and NPCs. I keep telling myself I'm going to just spend a couple hours modding OpenJK to have all the stuff, but I just never have the time to do all that.

    Why would you have to mod OpenJK? Just install it and run it. That should be it. If you are worried about any of your mods, move them to a temporary folder. Once you have OpenJK running start moving them back on by one and test it. Everything should be OK but if there are any issues, it will be easier to identify.

  3. That's a way to do it, however is there a way to do this without having to rely on the amount of letters that comes after a custom humanoid's folder name?



    Shouldn't be an issue. The path is followed by dots. Just overwrite the dots. In the screenshot below, I renamed the Clone Wars animations to "_humanoid_cwv6" so i could use it with specific models. As you can see in both, the number of characters and the file size remained unchanged....











    swegmaster and Daedra like this
  4. Your OpenJK folder has to have a base folder, because that's where your openjk.cfg and openjk_sp.cfg are located. It should be in your User/Documents/My Games/ folder, not the folder in your GameData folder. You can put pk3s in there. It's generally best to put the bulk of your pk3s in there, so that your vanilla JKA can still launch if you ever need to use it.


    Yes, under Document,, My games there is one but only with the cfg files, the "screenshot" and the "save" folders. The OpenJK on the main "GameData" folder doesn't has anything but the default files (4 or 5 can't recall exactly). as for vanilla JKA, I don't even bother with it anymore.

  5. I don't know, whenever I add a new .pk3 I put it in the My Documents directory, and then it loads fine. I guess it's different for others/different OpenJK version.


    My game is installed in c:\games\Star_Wars\Jedi_Academy with the latest OpenJK (I am constantly checking the bilds) . My pk3s are in c:\games\Star_Wars\Jedi_Academy\GameData\Base. The only time I had problems was with JA Enhanced. I had to copy only some files in  c:\games\Star_Wars\Jedi_Academy\GAmeData\jaenhanced for them to work (mostly effect mods like lightning, lightsaber blade mods, CamSP, etc.).

    Xeby likes this
  6. @@The Punisher I would say:





    if you just check the same position as the red circles that were made on the image you can find on internet, search for Snoke Throne Room







    Yeah, there were eight in total...but so far I've only seen four different helmets. Some so similar you can barely notice the differences.


    Edit: Found this video which shows 4 pairs, each pair wearing the same helmet which would be 4 different helmets.




    dark_apprentice likes this
  7. As I posted in another tread ,



    I think there is always room for staff, but keep in mind no matter how many we have, they are just humans with lives, family, needs and responsibilities like the rest of us and no matter how much they want to work on, they need time too.

  8. The downside is that the modded character will not work in cut scenes. Cut scenes reference specific animations that the newly hexed character can not.

    There is a workaround, at least for the player model in SP...have 2 models, one without the standard animations and a second copy with the custom animations.


    Use the model with the standard animations in the characters selection menu and then call the version with custom animations via npc. That's how I use Starkiller with your backhand animations.


    katanamaru likes this
  9. So essentially in the newgame_first.menu you just set the g_char_model to one of the .npc names and the player will inheret the scale from the .npc file?



    I don't. Since I play each mission with a different model/skin I just use playermodel with the npc name at the start of each mission.

  10. You can see Yoda (player) scaled down via NPC in SP against another (spawned)  NPC.








    NPC File

    playerModel YodaTFU
    weapon         WP_SABER
    saber  single_32
    saberColor green
    saberstyle      1
    FP_HEAL   3
    FP_SPEED  3
    FP_PUSH   3
    FP_PULL   3
    FP_GRIP   0
    FP_RAGE   0
    FP_ABSORB  3
    FP_DRAIN  0
    FP_SEE   3
    forcePowerMax 400
    forceRegenAmount 400
    forceRegenRate  50
    rank  commander
    reactions 5
    aim  5
    move  5
    aggression 5
    evasion  5
    intelligence 5
    scale  45
    width  11
    crouchheight 22
    playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    class  CLASS_KYLE
    health   1000
    earshot   5000
    visrange  5000
    hfov   160
    vfov   90
    vigilance  1
    hfov   180
    vfov   180
    runSpeed  250
    // race  human
    snd  YodaTFU
    sndcombat YodaTFU
    sndjedi  YodaTFU
    dismemberProbHead 0
    dismemberProbArms 0
    dismemberProbLegs 0
    dismemberProbHands 0
    dismemberProbWaist 0



    RebelChum and Smoo like this
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