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Everything posted by ooeJack

  1. Hi Daedra. Have you tried not using the 'Clear Skies' dragon shout? ooeJack
  2. Hiya RASAS, Blender for the win! But whichever 3d software you go with out of the list provided in the previous replies will be good to do what you want to do. ooeJack
  3. Hiya RobiWanKenObi. It seems like you've got a vertex that is unweighted to the skeleton. You should be able to find the problem vertex/vertices by going into pose mode, selecting the most parent bone which should be the hips, and moving it. The vertex that is not weighted should stay in place while everything else moves. Good luck! ooeJack
  4. Hiya kibasennin. I've had trouble with this before. For me, it had to do with the file type of the textures, whether it be the textures on the character, or the icon that shows in the Profile. It crashed for me with the same error as yours if I didn't have the textures be png. Also, when actually saving out the textures, (I used Photoshop) I had to save them with the following settings: Compression: Smallest / Slow Interlaced: None I remember I tried to use jpg's first. It didn't work out for me until I used png's. Hope that helps. ooeJack
  5. ooeJack


    Amazing map, Acrobat. I've been playing it for a couple days with some buddies and it's great fun and a real challenge. I have't played b-mountain but I'll be sure to give it a go after this 1.
  6. Congratulations!
  7. That looks great, Dark_Cuillere! Good model and the textures are great, too. So much added detail with some well executed texture work. Nicely done. Keep it up! ooeJack
  8. Heya mate, welcome back. I hope you're enjoying your return so far. I hope to catch ya around the forum and seeing any potential things from you! Have a good one! ooeJack
  9. Heya Effacer. I'm no audio person, so I can't help you out here unfortunately. But I did want to reply to you saying this Kylo Ren impersonation is phenomenal! Pretty much spot on. Well done!! ooeJack
  10. Hiya cocco1960. A part of rigging is called Weight Painting. Weight Painting is where you tell the mesh of your character how it should move and how it should be affected by certain bones in the skeleton. This does take a lot of time and skill to get right. There is an option in Blender (and I'm sure in Max) that does the weight painting automatically based on what mesh is closest to what bone in the JKA skeleton. You might get lucky and have that do the weight painting to an adequate standard, but you'll still need to fine tune it to get it exactly how you want. For example, vertices in your character can only be affected by 4 bones maximum, automatic weight paining in Blender may add more, so then that's just even more fine tuning you'd have to do, and check to see if it's added more than 4 bones to a vertex. With your very limited free time, this may be the best option for you if nobody can help. But even me opening Blender just now to see how it works with my character. I mean, it does get the body moving with the bones, but some parts are extremely bad, and would require as much work as if doing it from scratch would to fix it. But that's what I mean before that you might get lucky and have the automatic weight painting do an ok job of it. Good luck, mate. ooeJack
  11. Heya Redemption. I'm glad you got your neck issue sorted. With your 2nd issue here, the parts of the model which are see through are simply not facing the right way. Check out this thread here: https://jkhub.org/topic/9801-bug-a-part-of-my-frankenstein-appears-hollow/ It's the same issue as yours. Good luck! ooeJack
  12. Heya Redemption. If it's fine when it's straight (bones not in any animation) and then not fine when the character is moving his head around and animating, it's a weight painting issue. Double check that you've got your weight painting correct between the head and the neck where the vertices join. ooeJack
  13. Well. A mate and I couldn't find anything in Icarus that would help out. The head-tracking-player movement is quite close to what I need actually. But instead of the head bones moving to follow a player, and instead of another player needed to be in range for the head to follow, it would be just an object moving to follow another object with a locked rotation which would always be in range and always working. I wanna work on IG-88 based off Ryan Valle's Art: https://img00.deviantart.net/9654/i/2017/119/b/4/ig_88_by_r_valle-d8fi8oh.jpg If I'm understanding it correctly, looking at Ryan Valle's art, when IG-88 would be doing a walking cycle animation, then his cylindrical shoulder would be spinning so that the arm would always remain in the slot (in the shoulder). When IG-88 would be putting his arms up, or aiming his gun etc., when his arms would move, the shoulder would spin accordingly so that his arm can actually move to the position he wanted. So looking at IG-88's shoulder, I made a quick example just to see how it would look/work: https://i.imgur.com/bYlBv8N.gifv This is essentially what I want to get working in-game, but it doesn't seem like I can so far. Was the head tracking movement done in Icarus? Am I missing something in Icarus that could actually help? Is there anything else I can try? I really appreciate your guys's help! ooeJack
  14. I'll have a look at Icarus, thanks fellas. I hope I can find what I need. ooeJack
  15. Heya guys! Is there a way for constraints that are enabled on an object to work in-game? I want to work on this character which would utilise a 'Look At' / 'Locked Track' constraint that would look awesome if it worked. In the test below, I've pointed the constraint to look at the hand region. I've tried pointing it to the hand model, hand bones, and the tag located at the hand, but no version seems to want to work in-game. Blender: https://i.imgur.com/qLsMpMW.gifv In-game: https://i.imgur.com/EGT1QVy.gifv Is there anything I can do to get this to work? Any help would be greatly appreciated! <3 Thanks! ooeJack
  16. Looks great, dude. Well done.
  17. Heya tompa9. I had a similar issue when I wanted to normal map my character. If you're using JKA without rend2, then it won't be possible to have a proper normal map on your character, but if you don't have/want rend2, then check out this thread, https://jkhub.org/topic/8692-normal-maps-for-player-models/ which goes about applying a normal map without requiring any addons for JKA. The 'Best Answer' there will show you what's up. But just a note on the 'Best Answer', you may have to adjust which colour channels you use. Green (70% Opacity) + Blue (30% Opacity Multiplied) did not look good for me when I tried it, however, Blue (70% Opacity) + Red (30% Opacity Multiplied) did. Hope this helps. Good luck! ooeJack
  18. I had to do his proportions to the limitations of the JKA rig. If I make it look exactly like the image here, either he would look really skinny in the stomach region and good near his torso, or, like I found out while working on him, his shoulders, arms etc would not align with the skeleton rig because of his wide shoulder/torso build. It's hard to see in the in-game screenshots above, but I did try to do his proportions as close as the skeleton would let me. So much so that his shoulders and the skeletons shoulder bones actually do not line up, if you check that out the artstation link in the main post. https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/958/017/large/jack-dabrowny-4-sculpt.jpg?1494990615 https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/958/019/large/jack-dabrowny-5-sculpt.jpg?1494990617 In the above 2 links, you can see I've tried to recreate his stomach to torso proportions. Granted, I can see that I could have made his stomach a bit more slimmer in width, but I definitely could not have made his torso any wider. I intend to keep working on him, and will fix what I can while adding more content to him. Also, none of the stuff here is ported. I appreciate the comments from you guys. ooeJack
  19. I also recall seeing in a different thread about this problem people talking about 1 of the JKA SDK tools, carcass. In the blender pipeline, we don't use them. But I remember reading that there was some smoothing options there... I can't seem to access carcass at the moment though. ooeJack
  20. I've tried an addon for Blender called Blend4Web, which states that using this addon, you can change the normals on your mesh manually. I've tested this, and while it does actually edit the edge normals according to Blender, the vertex normals stay the same. The vertex normals are the ones that need to change. http://i.imgur.com/2lOl4ef.png Select a segment, go to edit mode, and open the side panel that's on the right hand side of the 3D view. Find in there a subsection called 'Mesh Display', and there you can toggle the vertex normals. As you can see in the above image, along the seam, there are 2 vertex normals pointing in different directions. That's what's causing the normal seam. If we can get those vertex normals to be like the rest (just 1, or both pointing in the exact same direction), it should be fixed. ooeJack
  21. Turns out I was quite wrong. I wasn't 100% sure about it at the time, but now that I've finished my first character for JKA, sculpting is great for it! Sculpting all of the extra detail and rendering the normal and ambient occlusion maps in Blender has garnered great results that I know I wouldn't have been able to achieve just by using Photoshop. Thanks to everybody here for helping me out with the issue. If you'd like to see what all this was going towards, check out my 'Darksiders II - Death' player model for JKA here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3258-darksiders-ii-death/ Cheers! ooeJack
  22. Welp. nvm. After I posted this, I went to my file submission to add this link to it so that people can check out the discussion topic from the file if they wanted to, but when I did that, the file's gone down again and is awaiting approval. Sorry about that. Edit: Death has been approved again. Thanks mods!! Check him out using the link above. ooeJack
  23. Hey guys! This is my very first player model for JKA. Death from Darksiders II. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3258-darksiders-ii-death/ Any discussion and bugs etc. can be posted here. I hope you guys like it! ooeJack
  24. hehe. Welcome.
  25. Hey mate. Welcome! ooeJack
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