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Everything posted by ooeJack

  1. Sorry mate, I've got no idea. Hopefully somebody can help you out here. Good luck! ooeJack
  2. ooo This is the fun part. Where you're finding the bugs in your code or have found previous work that you've finished which is working, and are doing the same thing now, but it's NOT working, and you gotta find the differences between the files etc. Good fun Welp.. Good luck with it!!! I don't think I can help much with this apart from some words of encouragement. ooeJack
  3. Heya DarthStevenus. I believe you should have something that looks similar to this (link below) in order for it to work. This is the final way mine looked as I exported the character and set him up in-game all working, so it's a working hierarchy. Check if you have the model_root in there. Note, the "_0" after every name, I believe, doesn't make a difference in things. As long as you have the actual correct name of what the object/bolt/cap etc is in the 'Ghoul 2 Properties' part, it should be ok. http://i.imgur.com/w1gZ4Yn.png If this doesn't help you out, post some screenshots of your stuff to give us a better view of what's going on exactly. Good luck! ooeJack Edit: Note also you might not be up to the part where all your mesh has to be all hierarchy'd, so don't worry about that if you're not up to it yet, I'm sure the tutorial will explain it. But just to make sure that you have your model_root and the other stuff there.
  4. I understand everything you're saying here, @@Psyk0Sith. I plan to texture highlights across the model, fix up shadows that the sculpt didn't get too right, etc. Half of the reason I'm sculpting here is because I've never done a full sculpting project before, and I've wanted to for a while. I know that doing a sculpt for a game like JKA isn't the best place to do it, but it's a great start for a beginner like me. I will continue to sculpt more in the future, but probably not for JKA until the rend2 renderer comes along. @@AshuraDX - Thanks! I'll give your lighting method a go. Thanks for your help, fellas! ooeJack
  5. Any type of sculpting work would transition well to a normal map bake and be effective in adding more detail to any ingame model, @@Psyk0Sith. Unless you mean grabbing the blue channel from my normal map and adding it to my AO wouldn't make much difference in this case. ooeJack
  6. I don't think we can do that man. Normal maps are its own thing and can't be composited in with the diffuse. AO, on the other hand, can because it's just shades of black and white. ooeJack
  7. Not sure if I could do what you're suggesting, @@minilogoguy18. I've been sculpting my mesh to get an ambient occlusion bake onto my model. I previously was sculpting all my detail relative depth to each other, so like, a small scratch on armour would be a small indentation, and a big sword cut would be a deep cut etc. Doing this only made the deep cuts visible in the AO bake (Even then, in some places it was a bit tricky to see). So I've had to go and make everything deep cut to be able to see it. So if I'd need to get a normal map ready, I'd probably need to redo a bit of the sculpting and make the scratches more like scratches etc. Looking at the sculpt now, it looks a little silly having very little variation in depth, but it works out in the AO bake, so it'll look great in-game, so I've had to do it this way. I feel like showing a bit of him. This is his mask: Sculpt: - http://i.imgur.com/ktDxiRR.png AO bake render on lowpoly: - http://i.imgur.com/i8liHpz.png ooeJack
  8. Yea, that's true, @@Boothand. So I won't be able to include a normal map in the release of my current character, but I could always add it in at a later date when rend2 comes out and people are using it. So it'll be ok. Perhaps if you'd like, @@Xycaleth, I could send you a part of my character to help you test your renderer on. If so, let me know here or in a pm and I'll send it your way. Thanks for your help, fellas! ooeJack
  9. Heya @@Boothand, thanks for responding! I'm working on this character for a server with a whole lot of players. Rend2 renderer seems to half fix the problem. It adds the possibility to have normal maps and more, but this software would need to be downloaded and used by everybody who would be using/seeing this player model and other models with extra texture maps to be able to see the extra detail. I would like everybody else who plays to be able to see it. That's why I'm hoping to find a way to be able to have the normal map injected into the original JKA game engine renderer through a complex shader script or something of the sorts. I'm not sure if many people in the server I play on are using rend2 renderer. However, I'll ask them and maybe this will be indeed the way to go. Thanks again mate! ooeJack
  10. Heya guys! I am working on a character for JKA and will be making more in the future. I am currently in the process of sculpting detail into a high poly version of the player model and am going to bake an ambient occlusion map onto the base mesh that will be going in-game. Ambient occlusion on its own looks fine, and definitely adds to the detail and realism I'm working on, but also being able to add a normal map would make it looks amazing! Unfortunately, I read that normal mapping in JKA is not supported. I am wondering if there is perhaps a work-around or some kind of scripting way to be able to add a normal map to a player model. I'm looking for any help that could allow me to do this. Thanks! ooeJack
  11. You should be able to find some handy tutorials here on JKHub. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to places outside of JKHub, but if you cannot find any tutorials here, these should help you out: - http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/jk2_guide.htm - http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/spacemonkey/jk2.htm Good luck! ooeJack
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