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File Reviews posted by GamerRedNeck

  1. The blades are simple but nice.  The trails seem to resemble their Wii counterpart, particularly when using a kata.  The hud on the other hand is very barebones in my opinion.  It feels very basic, even compared to its already basic source design.  The ammo feels a little tacked on the bottom corner and more importantly, I can't see where my shields are.  Which is rather jarring to me.  Still, I can see an update improving the mod significantly.


       266    0

    My only gripe is that I want more of it.  It's small, yet brimming.  Makes me want to set up npcs walking the streets while I play some cards and eat some noodles with friends.  Strong RP'ing vibes here.

    Minoda likes this


       149    6

    It's a pretty straightforward map.  But what it lacks in size and complexity, it more than makes up for in design.  It's very well polished and professionally made.  Very beautiful.  And it has bot support which is always a win.

    biggs and Asgarath83 like this
  2. Honestly, the idea of playing Monopoly in Jedi Academy is just mind blowing and I hope to see updates in terms of adding dice, scoring, etc.  That said, the interactables, the design, and the fact there's even bot support just makes this map that much better than what it could've been.

    Rev Gnosis

       248    1

    This a somewhat strange map to me.  But strange in all the right ways.  It feels very unique in how it makes use of its different elements to divide the map into six sections.  It has an early Jedi Academy mod map vibe as well.  Very much a welcome map to my base folder.

    Arrevanous 7

       1,138    11

    It's rough in spots and maybe a bit unfinished, but I had a great time exploring as much as I could.  Spent about half an hour just walking around and looking.  Absolutely gorgeous and I really just want more of it.

  3. That was loads of fun I must say.  My only gripe was how abrupt the ending was.  Otherwise, it was very refreshing to play a non-Jedi in an environment almost eerily similar to Half-Life's Black Mesa.


    (The ending definitely felt like a cliffhanger/bad ending scenario)


    Mission To Bespin

       824    0

    I really wanted to love this.  The level design alone was great, reminding me of Jedi Outcast's.  And it shines there.  But was I the only one who experienced frame drops?  The pc I used isn't great, but it runs JA with a solid fps.  This is the biggest gripe and what hurt the experience for me.  I will look forward to updates however.  There is serious potential and love here.


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