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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Capture the Flag
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Pro

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  1. Any news? I wanna join!
  2. Yeyeye! The name is commed from mixing onossia and esophagus!
  3. SkippyMaster


    Very very good work! This is fine too for replacing the ugly original trandoshan model! 10/10
  4. Thank you guys
  5. https://youtu.be/sd4bqmP_460
  6. 618 downloads

    *********************************** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *********************************** TITLE: Onphagus Reserve AUTHOR: SkippyMaster E-MAIL: oligellen@gmail.com WEBSITE: FILENAME: Onphagus.pk3 FILESIZE: 25,1 MB DATE RELEASED: 15 May 2016 CREDITS: Skippy, Mormord INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Only put the pk3 file to: jedi academy/game data/base folder. DESCRIPTION: The story continues. Maybe this little duel map contacts somehow with the Onossia Jedi Academy? Give it a try! This is just the new beginning of something big secret. No secret places added to this map! BUGS: In spectator mod you can't enter in the main hall from the floors. In the main hall, on the basic wall got some texture bugs. COMMENTS: Special thanks to Mormord for some shaders and many helps, to Adriano and Bexen for keeping my motivation up, and the whole DeathWatch clan for testing and using this map!
  7. Version v. 1.0


    That was my first published map from 2008! I found it on the internet and now i download up here for the JKHub community. I hope you will enjoy, new maps from me comming in 2016! The original readme file: *********************************** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *********************************** TITLE: Onossia Jedi Academy AUTHOR: SkippyMaster E-MAIL: oligellen@gmail.com WEBSITE: FILENAME: onossia_v1.pk3 FILESIZE: 22,4 mb DATE RELEASED: 17 December 2008 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Only put the pk3 file to: jedi academy/game data/base folder. DESCRIPTION: This is the onossia map's final version, with many good solution, and with some secret. BUGS: It hasnt got any bugs COMMENTS: Special thanks for the JoP clan and the tusken gang
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