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    Video games, anime, drawing, writing, photo editing, movies, etc.
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. I will admit, I'm not really looking forward to the movie. However, I did think the new stormtrooper design was pretty sweet. And with DT making the model for JKA? Might have to go into my happy dance XD
  2. Bane_Ross


    Um, the Hoth outfit is there. Unless you mean you want that option all the time. But I'm not going to mess with this one anymore. It's done. Also, the hilts are my reskins of various authors' work, and therefore are not available for release.
  3. I like the way the hair is going, but I think you need to work on making it less uh, mirrored. That's what really sticks out to me. And I know that trying to make the hair on hapslash's model look good is a pain, but try to add some variation to one side of the head, so it looks a little better when wrapped onto the model. Other than that, I definitely like the way your textures are progressing
  4. "Since Disney is crapping all over the EU" ...exactly how I feel, man. Also, the skins look great!
  5. I can die happy now.
  6. *Leaves the land of Skyrim to visit the curious mortals of the internet* *Sees 50 billion notifications on activity of thread* *Scrolls through progress of model* *Enters fangirl mode and begins crying tears of joy* Seriously, DT, amazing work. I especially love how realistic his eyes are. And I'm glad the earring was included
  7. Well of course. I just couldn't come up with a fancier explanation.
  8. The Force.
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