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Everything posted by KiraImmortal

  1. as a long time player of the souls series this just gained my full respect now we can all engage in jolly cooperation in jka as well ^^
  2. thank you to unlock the bonus area you'll have to find every secret! 6 of them to be precise
  3. thanks for using my skin
  4. i wanted to do this in the near future, but i'm glad that actually someone with more talent made this already, good job mate
  5. sounds cool
  6. oh, i didn't even know it was you i modified a bit on them and the username i found there was in a readme file if i remember correctly
  7. thanks everyone DrXann : the generator itself screws up your connection with the force and it's the strongest in the area where it is located. when you turn it off, your force powers will be even stronger than they were at the start dark_apprentice: yes, i changed it, i did not have the goal to keep the style of the force unleashed i just like the design you made there hopefully it's not that big problem i usually change minor things in everything that i use from other authors to make it fitting to my mods
  8. that's like a bonus part and it was included in the example files so why not use it for a different purpose in a first map
  9. in the future i plan to make a 2.0 version with outside areas as well IF SOMEONE CAN HELP ME WITH THE FOLLOWING ISSUES PLEASE HELP ME WITH TIPS! - Better, working AI for swoop riders (they sometimes do not move from their places at all) - Using combat points and navgoals - Changing behaviour style of enemies - Cinematic scenes I'd appreciate tutorials also if there are any for these
  10. Version v1.0


    Obscure Garrison ----------------- My first single player map for Jedi Academy made with GTKRadiant. ----------- -FEATURES- ------------ - About 30 minutes of gameplay (not counting possible deaths ) - Challenge with many enemies - Puzzles - Objectives - Custom npcs, graphics and models (most of them by other authors) - Pretty basic story without voice acting or cutscenes - 6 secrets - UNLOCKABLE BONUS AREA -------------- ---REQUIREMENTS: ----------------- - Jedi Academy 1.01 patch - A clean installation without any other mods in the base folder ----------------------------------------------------------- Story involves the jedi academy's student, who travelled to Rhen Var in order to investigate the believed to be abandoned outpost the remnant imperial troops used during the galactic civil war. The planet's history dates back to the ancient times, thousands-year old Jedi relics can be found throughout and it's the homeworld of the legendary Solari crystals. Without knowing how important this is going to be in the future, your character found the trail of the Disciples of Ragnos on the planet and tries to learn more before heading back to the Academy. It's an important day, new students are arriving to Yavin4, including Jaden Korr who built a lightsaber all by himself.. Something big is coming up soon. ---------------------- Enjoy, read the readme file for details. Alternative download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ctwzxzmpeo8t1z1/obscure_garrison_v1.rar
  11. there is no weapon like WP_DUAL_BLASTER_PISTOL, the game only gives double from WP_BLASTER_PISTOL to an enemy type reborn from what i've experienced so far
  12. thanks everyone ^^ JAWSFreelao: tips are always welcome since i usually find out everything by myself looking forward to an improved version if you have the mood to do it, but i want to know how you've done it if you do so
  13. ye it works also if i give it class Reborn and EnemyTeam - Player, but that won't make it friendly that's the problem, and i plan to experiment more on it since after my first sp map released in a week hopefully, i'll start a clone wars themed single player campaign EDIT: i tried it and it turns him hostile with boba's weapons, so it's no good :/ yup, actually i have 0% modelling knowledge, so i used up what i could do with textures and npc modifications which i'm more familiar with ^^
  14. 548 downloads

    ------CLONE SNOWTROOPERS----- --Author: KiraImmortal --creation time: Some hours from 2 days Hey! This is my first skin/playermodel ever for this game, so it's pretty basic. I modified the original snowtrooper character to fit for these EPII clone armors made for "cold war". The whole modification is based on the Clone Wars series, especially s01e15 where these units appeared. Thanks for Lucasarts/Disney for the concept idea, and Raven Software for the snowtrooper model. This might be a nice addition to the 501st pack by Kualan. The pictures were taken in Prequel Conversion mod by Master_Ibonek. This pack contains: - 2 models, one basic snow-themed clone, and captain Rex's own commander armor. - 4 npcs, enemy and friendly versions for both. The codes for "npc spawn" are - clonetrooper_snow (uses repeater, as in most clone-wars based mods) - clonetrooper_snow_rex (uses blaster pistol) - clonetrooper_snow_evil (uses blaster) - clonetrooper_snow_rex_evil (uses dual blaster pistols) Feel free to change them/create more. - Multiplayer images for both models. This pack does NOT contain any new sounds (i use some imperial-trooper sounds), weapons or effects. ---INSTALL: simply copy the pk3 file into your gamedata/base folder uninstall is simple too, delete the previously copied pk3 --BUGS: -I'm a beginner texturer, the thing is pretty basic, shapes are far from perfect!! -I wanted dual pistols for friendly Rex too, but the game did not allow that sadly. IF SOMEONE KNOWS HOW TO DO IT WITHOUT EDITING WEAPONS.DAT, CONTACT ME! Thanks for downloading, KiraImmortal 29/05/2015
  15. great work i'll definitely use these in one of my upcoming mods ^^
  16. okay i played through the whole mod, so i will finally write my review here. it took me days to finish, so the length is really long, there are tons of enemies to kill. much creativity was shown, however gameplay was more annoying than challenging sometimes. i accepted your mapping style, you balanced your lack of details with puzzling and surprises. still, there's much to improve. the biggest mistake of the mod was that you forgot to set doors open/close state to pernament, which means no matter if i opened a secret door with all keys, i had to noclip through the doors cause they closed like 5 seconds after i used the keys. this is also true to other key-doors which made me unable to explore after finishing the level without cheating. even if the mod was long, and it was funny to play through, you could have added a lot more enemy types, not everything should have been available from the start. so all in all i was entertained but bored sometimes too due to the linear level design and same types of enemies/areas with minor changes. secret levels are good ideas though, i've been to all of them (i spent my time finding all keys however), i wrote all numbers down but where do i use them? i got ending1 where i can't do anything. i still thank you making this huge campaign as i wasn't playing jedi academy for years (since i released my ultimate academy mod) and this was a nice (and long) platformer experience. work more on the story next time, add more objects which break linearism, more enemy types, only far challenges, and a plain start with more findable resources and force powers. 6/10 in my opinion
  17. as i was lucky and got the whole jedi knight bundle at a 70% discount today on steam, i decided to play around a bit with jedi outcast once again, i usually play every release i can get my hands on for outcast and academy. i'm personally a fan of saber duels, but i did not lose my interest when i saw the lack of these in this mod. i should say i enjoyed these levels much more than the ones in the official game where i had no lightsaber. it was a miracle that i managed to not die at once throughout the maps but i was really close to it sometimes. this gives away the fact how splendid resource management is. i found the presence of objects of our world a bit bothering, i guess they were there for joke or fun, they just didn't fit the environment (like the cola-machine, etc.), and also the story was not meant for the star wars universe. however this was just said because there's no perfect mod in the world. a definite 10/10 for me, i don't know if you plan on a sequel, maybe you should take what i've said into consideration, but i'll be satisfied enough if it goes on this way as i've witnessed oh one thing, next time please add more weapons :c good job!
  18. missing from credits: thanks for DarthStevenus for the lightning effect! EDIT: Added - although in future if you have alterations you can edit your submission!
  19. well this one is a good idea, even with some minor errors in luke's mission briefings, and some imperial alert sounds in some maps, it's quite well done. i played through with my modified anakin model and saber, it was real fun 5/5
  20. Version v1.0


    So.. these are my first real and released maps made with the jk2editor for this game. This mod has 2 normal levels and one testmap, all made completely by myself. They're random themed, i used quite strange design ideas inspired by abstract wallpapers and some weird dreams i had some time ago. They are made in some sort of ladder style, surviving waves and that stuff.. Fighting until it ends. I wanted to write a story for this and make it longer, but i'm not interested anymore in this theme, so i thought i'll finish them quickly and release. This is a final version, and there will be no updates (just a bugfix if necessarry, but it should work perfectly as it was planned). Have fun, slaughter all those remnant and sith guys there and write a review about what you've experienced! I have some experience with this kind of editor, but these are my first maps for this game made with the editor, consider that! Thanks for DarthStevenus for the lightning effect!
  21. lol i don't know what's the solution :| i thought i eliminated that problem. i created many empty ones from the original npcs, and i tested the mod on 2 computers, both with fresh Jedi Academy install :| maybe a reinstall will help you also. by the way, as you know my mod uses savegames. i tried it and it worked that even if you delete npcs, they will still be functional during my maps. so try to open the package uacademy.pk3 go to ext_data/npcs and delete civilians.npc. if that's not enough, search for other npc made by me, and delete those also. i hope it will help
  22. true. sorry
  23. it is a single player mod, which will let you play all multiplayer maps in single player. also it contains many gameplay and effect improvements.
  24. Version v1.0


    GreenTechB proudly presents: Jedi Knight JA - Ultimate Academy mod 2012 This mod features: - 10-14 hours of gameplay, depending on your skills. - 50 new modified conversion maps. - The best weapon, effect and sounds mods by other authors now together. - Musics from the first three Star Wars movies. - A modification of the famous Jedi Outcast mod, the Remnant Rocket Train! It's made in a more modern, Ultimate Academy way. Original idea by Rod MacLeod. - Many bonus maps, for example a bastion defence, where you can't fall because you die, you have to push back everyone who tries to take your place up there! - New hud designs, new loading screens for every map. and more... details in readme you can follow upcoming addons here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ultimate-academy/addons
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