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Everything posted by KiraImmortal

  1. new version here if you are interested http://www.moddb.com/mods/ultimate-outcast/downloads/ultimate-outcast-v11 make sure you delete the earlier file before using the update. next week ultimate academy is coming.
  2. Version v1.0


    So here is my 'map pack' called ultimate outcast, which is not made in a simple way. It uses the original JO multiplayer maps, i modified them, so they're now full with opponents. You won't find a complete storyline, there is no connection between each map. I didn't use any weapon or npc modification, this is some kind of 'oldschool' mappack with the original jedi knight 2 atmosphere. There is no ending area in any of the levels, you just have to eliminate every enemy, which is in your sight, but i will give you some short objectives for every map. Thanks for Raven Software for the original maps. I only had one reason to create this, because the levels are fun to play this way also (:
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