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Everything posted by ZelZel

  1. I do hope it wasn't cancelled :') I know a lot of people have been waiting for this map for a long time. I hope all is good!
  2. That looks siiiiiick. Do you plan on releasing it for others? I'd be so down to play as that model. Great job. Also, what stance mod is that?
  3. How's it coming along?
  4. Woah! Can you, by a chance, tell me what mod that is?? That looks wicked!! Especially that beam, always wanted a mod that has that! Thanks!
  5. Maybe in future versions, if possible, have there be destructible parts of the map. Like in the show, they blow one side of the arena, a chunk falling off into the abyss, ye know? And maybe, if possible again, have it switch through different music. Overall, i love it very much, map is bigger than i expected; love it!
  6. Yes! This is awesome! I've always hoped someone would make this, and you've done it! Thank you!
  7. Hello all, my name is EvilNurseMD1, or in the Clan, JAO, Cortana Eve/Zelos'Koon. Do you like Pie? (Catch you attention yet? ) I am posting this to let everyone know we are still alive and running, since 2014. Have you always wanted to Role Play as a: Jedi MasterSith Lord of the DarkSmugglerBounty HunterSoliderand many, many more? Well search no more because you came to the right post! We have many members who are always active just about everyday! Your character can start as whatever you want, but, of course, you would have to progress your character in training, missions, exciting adventures and drama in order to do so. You can also be almost any species you want! We accept all! But do not worry, if you do not feel like doing those all the time, feel free to stay at the Temple and train on your force powers, Lightsaber skills, Blaster skills, you name it! We want everyone who joins to tell their unique story. The Members here are willing to hear your ideas and or suggestions, taking all into account. We hope to see many new Jedi, Sith, Soldiers, Bounty Hunters, and many more unique people in the vast open Galaxy full of adventure, Mysteries, and...Fear. Thank you for reading, i hope to see some new exciting members!! Prepare for an exciting Adventure in our year of 385 ABY!! Forum Link: https://discord.gg/a4s6KxU
  8. JAO IS STILL FUNCTIONING AND RECRUITING!!! Hello all! I am EvilNurseMD1, or, in JAO, Cortana Eve! I have been apart of this clan for about 2 years, still going. This clan is tons of fun, our members are just about active everyday! We are an Jedi RPing clan for JKA, but don't get fooled, we not only RP Jedi, but Sith, Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, You name it! You can RP here what ever you would like, you truly make your own story, the way you want it. We are always recruiting, always open to new and exciting people, if you like Mission, Sith, and other fun RPs, this is the place you want to be, we work with everyone here and appreciate everyone that joins as we love new people who come to tell their story in a Star Wars Universe. Do not feel nervous to come and talk on our Forums and or Servers, we will not bite If you want to scout out and see what we do on the Servers, then by all means, go for it, we welcome it! And if you are scouting in, we don't mind extra people to RP with, we will welcome you in to RP, not shut you out. So please, if you are interested in an awesome RP experience in Star Wars, please go to our Forums, have a look around and put in an application, or as i said, scout through it. I hope i see a lot of new people coming in the future!!! http://jao.enjin.com/ ENJOY!!!!
  9. Gosh, i really can't wait for this map, me and my friends are eager to RP on this lol
  10. ZelZel

    TIE Striker

    Nice!!! Now all we need is for someone to make a U-Wing
  11. Awesome, downloading it now, but can you tell me the lightning mod, it looks cool with the Emperor, thanks!
  12. Thank you!!!!
  13. can you please give a link to Shae Vizla? it would be nice
  14. ZelZel


    this is a nice model but the outfit from the end of the movie is a little big in my opinion. She looks fat from the side when i play as her
  15. how can i get JK2 textures because its nothing but black and white pixles
  16. how do i use it? i put it in my base folder but it dosn't show up.Can anyone help please?
  17. is there any server's playing on this map? If there are then could someone please tell me. Oh and how do i get the map on MBII i tried to look for ir but it didn't show up.
  18. ZelZel


    this is so awesome!!! thank you! now we need a Finn model for singleplayer (Hint,Hint) ;D
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