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Everything posted by Dark_Reaper

  1. Even with those legs he looks magnificent
  2. Welcome to my humble hole

    1. the_raven


      That's what she said ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  3. Hood should be darker inside be still very good job!
  4. Hi Jeff, sorry for bothering you again but can you use your skills and make TOR Imperial trooper ? I know that we already have him made by Sentra but lets be honest, its reskined swamptrooper and I want real trooper from swtor https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/imperial-soldier-125 or https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/imperial-guard-26
  5. Can I put my small request here ? https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/sunder-2
  6. SP windows 7 normal keyboard game works fine im running openjk_sp_x86.exe I have latest openjk no no
  7. Hey I have a problem with OpenJK. Everything works fine but when I open console it shuts down when I write something, even when I press single button on my keyboard. Do you know how to fix it ?
  8. yeah I know but he didnt release it yet. I also checked "Kualan mega pack" but it seems that it wasnt updated for a couple of time
  9. Has anyone got good "Sidon Ithano" model ?
  10. I know that movie battles has it but I couldnt find any glm model, only textures
  11. hey Jeff, could you do shoretrooper from rogue 1 ?
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