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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. The whole Rosh, Jaden, and Caelum thing is getting old.

  2. Made a skiff full of enemies come at you, just to add a little spice. :D

  3. Maybe you should cut that tree down and make a bridge!

  4. What's happened to JKHUB? There's been barely any activity...

  5. I find being cooped up in my house to actually make me crazier

  6. What's happened to JKHUB? There's been barely any activity...

  7. What ever happend to Mog's Blog :'(

  8. I can haz admin powers?

  9. Can anybody make their voice sound like Dooku?

  10. Baby, baby, baby, oh! Baby, baby, baby, oh!

  11. Jesus, I just took out my skybox that I put to encase the entire map and my vis went from 10,000 down to like 5,500 and doesn't take minutes to compile....

  12. Screw it I'm playing jka today.

  13. Old DJE members returns with new clan maps. So happy.

  14. I just realized for the first time that @ChalklYne's avatar has the word "chalk" in it.

  15. Jesus, I just took out my skybox that I put to encase the entire map and my vis went from 10,000 down to like 5,500 and doesn't take minutes to compile....

  16. Check out the latest new article! Submit your best screenshots!

  17. Just locked up one door in my map, displays a message if you don't have the key as well. :)

  18. cout << "Hello, world!"

  19. Jedi Outcast just arrived; going to install it tomorrow and start the campaign :)

  20. There are now Steam and Xfire fields in your profiles. Fill them out if you want.

  21. I'm disappointed that we've never had a functional AT-AT vehicle in Jedi Academy.

  22. I'm disappointed that we've never had a functional AT-AT vehicle in Jedi Academy.

  23. I'm disappointed that we've never had a functional AT-AT vehicle in Jedi Academy.

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