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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. @@lang_french Damn...I have a horrible feeling nobody on the forums will be able to help, just as I had to figure out the blackscreen issue I was having with JKA awhile ago and I figured it out myself...somehow...I hope you end up figuring it out.
  2. @@lang_french You could always try this: http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/gldirect.html GLDirect, I had to use it to get JKA working on my old laptop, and this one. I got the same error as you, couldn't load openGL subsystem. I'm not on windows 10, so I'm not 100 percent sure this will work, but you should give it a try. It's what I've been using for years now. Just install it and it should automatically be using GLDirects version of openGL. Let me know if it works.
  3. Onysfx

    Makermod on JA++

    Since the Makermod source code has been released, just port it over, and add the other features after . Oh and make sure to include linux support (I don't use linux myself, but some of my friends do).
  4. I believe you just do /map level1 in console right? I forget now. Is there a readme that comes with the mod, you'll want to check that.
  5. Already told him that, guess he doesn't know how .
  6. @@dark_apprentice As a long time Makermod Veteran, my steam name is Onysfx, and I can show you the ways of makermod if you wish. EDIT: Not how to run a server though, I haven't a clue about that.
  7. And he's the famous Venom from V's Makermod. Would be nice to have his server up again, and bring back many makermod players.
  8. You made these? Wow. Impressive. Most Impressive.
  9. Looking forward to the release of this model.
  10. This Mod isn't for Jedi Academy, it's for Jedi Outcast. You will also need the 1.04 Patch for Jedi Outcast as well. @@IrocJeff You know the mod better than me .
  11. Welcome back, your name looks familiar. Must have seen it in the MBII credits.
  12. Let's not judge him too quickly, tons of new players come in without guidance and no idea what the JK community has seen. They probably come across it from videos such as this:
  13. I wished episode 7 ended with "Meesa back".

    1. Onysfx
    2. redsaurus


      Didn't you stay for the end of the credits?

    3. Syko


      Meesa was Snoke tha whole time!

  14. Onysfx

    Twilight Reborn

    Not bad, loved twilight princess, nice reskin.
  15. I really should get back into makermod lol...and since the makermod source code is released, a whole new mod could be made with it, Makermod: Enhanced, or something.
  16. I'm fine with the lightsaber, but everything else you said I agree with.
  17. One of the things episode 7 definitely did right was the godcaster bowcaster.
  18. You guys may hate me for this, but I was disappointed in episode 7. It just didn't have a lasting appeal on me. I definitely liked the new stormtroopers but...it felt like another rehashed action movie.
  19. Just watched episode 7. Maybe my expectations were too high. But I was disappointed. Sure there were some good parts but overall, it didn't have a lasting appeal on me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Smoo


      i loved the movies but i enjoyed the prequels as well

    3. Cerez


      So, in other words, it doesn't even stand up to Attack of the Clones?

    4. Onysfx


      That's right.

  20. I'll be staying off JKHub until I've seen EP7. I've also installed a chrome extension to block spoilers.

  21. Episode 7 is coming out tomorrow. I hope it doesn't get spoiled.

    1. Grab


      I'm not lauchning Steam today lol

  22. Jar Jar Binks should appear as a Sith lord in the new Star Wars Trilogy.

    1. Onysfx
    2. AshuraDX


      100% confiremd - this is canon.
  23. I haven't purchased tickets, and really want to see it, but no doubt it will get spoiled.
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