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Status Updates posted by Fuse294

  1. Well, Resurgence finally has a focus for RP (for the moment), now to just find the (active) members for it.

  2. Worked out how to place triggered NPC spawns on my map =D

  3. Yey, finally some real server activity =D

  4. Once this maps finished I'm already planning what I might do for my next one :D

  5. Version 2 of the NPC Patch is pending approval, it introduces new models, new npcs for your enjoyment.

  6. Version 2 of the NPC Patch is now live.

  7. Razor, you need to update the bit-field page so people can actually use notarget.

  8. If anyone is interested in possibly helping out in minor roles, let me know: http://s15.zetaboards.com/Galactic_Resurgence/topic/8378768/1/?x=0#post8111675

  9. Looking for a decent Dromund Kaas lookalike map (since I know non of it exist)

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