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Everything posted by Fuse294

  1. The same issue occurs with any NPC given the Sith Sword, it makes them undying due to the script code on the blade.
  2. Added second Jedi faction server.
  3. There are a number of Bothan models floating around, that one above being the base that all others are off, the only others I've seen belonged to past members of JEDI.
  4. I tried it just now and it still displays the same error when you replace the ( entity ID ) with a client number. Maybe an active example of how it's suppose to look when typed would help cos we're clearly typing something wrong. EDIT: We discovered it only worked when done as /rcon lua GetEnity( ID ):Scale( <Value> )
  5. I don't think I can do anything else with my map without breaking anything (else that has been fixed afterwards) so I'll release it in it's current 'completed' state I guess.

  6. For the Crafting/Scav, perhaps create 'material piles' with a chance to roll a random tier based material/ammo: Tier 1 Pile - You can only find Common/Uncommon/Rare Tier 1 mats/ammo type. Etc. Piles can be placed by an admin with parameters like: /place matpile [Material Type] [Tier Rank] [Respawn Timer] <X> <Y> <Z> Params: Material Type - Can be set as 'Random' or assigned a type 'Bio', 'Metal', etc. Tier Rank - (eg) 1-5 or random. Respawn Timer - When set to 0, the pile won't respawn, any value above that is in minutes (When used alongside a Random for one or both of the previous params, it will spawn a completely new pile each time it respawns) XYZ - Co-ordinates on the map to place it (Best used with a /where command to get the co-ordinates) It's just an idea (from thinking of how the SWTOR and WOW crafting system works), not that I expect many to support the idea or if it's even do-able (I know a few MD3's exist in base that could at least cover the metal side)
  7. Why not just make a standard command out of it rather than a new configuration file? That way people can just type /scale like on OJP.
  8. Due to some disagreement, we're scrapping the idea of 'Chapters' in favor of Story Arcs with flexibility for other Organizations to do their own thing.
  9. I approve of you using the exiles 'Canonical' name, Meetra Surik.
  10. Nice to see server activity booming.

  11. Literally type them both into the console and see if anything happens.
  12. Looking for a decent Dromund Kaas lookalike map (since I know non of it exist)

  13. http://japp.jkhub.org/download.html Select Client then your make, then whatever followed by assets.
  14. Worst nights sleep of the year so far <_<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fuse294
    3. Onysfx


      Stayed up till 3 2 nights ago myself.

    4. Onysfx


      EDIT: Stayed up till 3:00 AM two nights ago.

  15. I don't actually think it's possible, as the NPC's are Hard Coded to use specific weapons, the NPC.cfg is completely different to the .npc files used in Jedi Academy. Outcast NPC's: Tavion { playerModel tavion rank commander saberColor red reactions 3 aim 3 move 5 aggression 3 evasion 4 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 playerTeam enemy enemyTeam player // race human class tavion snd tavion sndcombat tavion sndjedi tavion yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 health 300 dismemberProbHead 10 dismemberProbArms 35 dismemberProbLegs 10 dismemberProbHands 50 dismemberProbWaist 10 } Lando { fullName "Calrissian, Lando" playerModel lando snd lando reactions 3 aim 1 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 1 intelligence 5 rank crewman playerTeam player enemyTeam enemy // race human class lando snd lando sndcombat lando sndextra lando sndjedi lando walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 yawspeed 120 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 }Unlike Academy, there is no weapon field as you can see above, where as Academy had a more flexible system for NPC's in terms of abilities and so on, even if you COULD give Lando a Saber, you couldn't really give him Force Powers as not even the Force Users have them listed. Academy NPC's: Lando { playerModel lando weapon WP_BLASTER rank captain altFire 1 health 2000 snd lando reactions 3 aim 3 move 3 aggression 3 evasion 3 intelligence 5 rank crewman playerTeam TEAM_PLAYER enemyTeam TEAM_ENEMY // race human class CLASS_LANDO snd lando sndcombat lando sndextra lando sndjedi lando walkSpeed 120 runSpeed 200 yawspeed 120 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 } Tavion { playerModel tavion rank commander saber tavion saberColor red weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 5 FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 2 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 2 FP_LIGHTNING 2 FP_RAGE 2 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 0 FP_DRAIN 1 FP_SEE 1 FP_SABERTHROW 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 reactions 3 aim 3 move 5 aggression 3 evasion 4 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER // race human class CLASS_TAVION sex female snd tavion sndcombat tavion sndjedi tavion yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 health 300 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 }
  16. I can think of a few I'd like to see: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/AAC-1_speeder_tank http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/T4-B_heavy_tank http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/T2-B_repulsor_tank
  17. If anyone is interested in possibly helping out in minor roles, let me know: http://s15.zetaboards.com/Galactic_Resurgence/topic/8378768/1/?x=0#post8111675

  18. That last one looks perfect for a team deathmatch, Blasters only.
  19. For starters, the idea of this sounds like erasing someones hard work just for the sake of vanity, Movie Duels may have died as a continued project long ago but it's still liked by many who were disappointed to see the project end before the OT was done. IMO it's fine as it is, there is nothing wrong with the models as a lot of them are still used in Movie Battles 2, the mod only died because the creator had no time available to keep working on it, that said there is nothing to stop anyone trying to resurrect it by creating what was left out.
  20. Here's another teaser featuring @Inyri's Geth Trooper.
  21. I actually downloaded the source files for the DF mod to take a look, in hopes of perhaps (one day) trying to create the missing levels, I don't think I'm near a point right now I could do it without outside help but I have some confidence so far in my skill. Hard to believe that the original game only uses up 71mb of space on a hard drive, that's insanely small compared to games today that take up several gig.
  22. For chapter 2, I'll be looking for volunteers to assist in NPC roles, anyone can help out with the missions and it will be focused away from official characters in the beginning, I'll explain more when the time comes.
  23. I have strong reason to believe the base game treats the jetpack as a full model itself, which is inside Boba_fetts model folder as boba_jetpack, I would think you'd have to track down the MB2 one and port it over into the original folder to replace the existing one or create an override.
  24. Had this PC for about 4-5 years now, it's at a point where it's ALWAYS low on space so I'm constantly removing games and other content.
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