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Nardja Zuul

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    Windows 7/10

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  1. To getting back into the game, I've started your request for this model last week. However, as a hint for everyone who wants that model for SP, it does not have lip sync in SP and the hood is not textured from inner side.
  2. You can use WinRAR or 7zip to extract the executable versions.
  3. First off, I'm sorry to hear that. At the moment i was not able to test the mod on windows 10. To modify some specific settings, you can go into "GameData\base" and look into the "XYZ.cfg" files (XYZ stands for different names) and set your prefered settings To start it, there should be a "JKJA.bat" or "JKJA.exe" in GameData folder of your installed game version. And for clarification, there is no differences between retail & steam/gog versions. Non of these hypocrites fixed something on his released "platform" version. I've played and compared all three of them. kk, not in direct link library. But i would not bet on that^^
  4. Sorry for late answer, many things changed in my life. Now i got what you mean^^ I can look through files in freetime besides my mod time to ensure you the files ONLY. I've done some other things for the mod, most time polishing and adjust work. And now with a special from User Fire_Phoenix which was one of my longest awaited features for a retail version mod (non openjk) ever! (Thank you again to him for his help!) At the moment i am experimenting with the saber styles and his popular fast (blue) saber style stuck Bug in retail version code! But I can not say when I can say or am ready for a release.
  5. Removing the first two lines will give a graphical glitch in cutscene and a cvar error in wpnselect menu So it needs to be changed to You are the first one with such a detail hint and the (maybe) only one who knows about sp in depth. Thank you for help +hint.
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