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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. Got it, @@DT85 could you remove the link? We still want to go forward with the mod, it's been slow but moving, would rather keep the content private until release.

    i kinda also wanna know why, the source didn't have much in it other than .max files, .psds(which are textures i managed to convert with gimp), .map files(which are actually useful), menu textures(buttons and some of the menu art are enhanced), the full cantina music track, some of the df2 enhanced textures(including the hud, but that looks like it hasn't even been finished), and the video, which looks like its only the very intro cutscene, with the text crawl and jerecs ship

  2. Looks like other people want Gorc and Pic model so Jerec's Seven Dark Jedi are complete.

    well i'm pretty sure other people want them because it'll help finish all the character models for df2, when gorc and pic are done, we could have these guys:


    sentry droid(in df2 mod source files, kept by @@DT85, will only pm his dropbox link to members of the df2 mod team as although hes retired, he doesn't want it to die out)

    water cyc

    grave tuskens 1 and 2


    kell dragon

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  3. and i did say in the video that i couldn't wait for the map optimizations :)

    The flying dark troopers are actually already running the rocket trooper animations through code. I agree the Phase III will eventually need more advanced attacks. As far as accuracy that's something that definitely needs to be addressed. 

    thats when you had the reskinned hazardtrooper as the main model, but with the new phase II model, its literally holding it as if it were a blaster pistol

    Teancum, KyleKatarn1995 and Omega like this
  4. I wasn't able to read most of those as YouTube wouldn't play it back in a high enough resolution. Why not just type it out? 

    ehh, i kinda felt like showing off footage of all the phases of the dark troopers, so heres what i typed in the vid:


    the phase I can be improved by adding a new class for it that makes blaster bolts deflect off of it, but do partial damage to it as well, and have it not do so much damage that it allows me to be killed in 2 hits


    the phase II can be improved by adding rocket trooper animations onto it and having more accuracy


    the phase III can be improved the same as the phase II, but with some more attacks


    the mortar should have its own ammo instead of me having to bind its ammo type to detpack


    i replaced the weapon pickup sound to that of the unused ammo sound in the df game files as it sounded more realistic to that of an actual weapon pickup noise


    i gave the phase III 2500 health so you could use the big guns on it


    i also replaced the phase I sounds with that of the higher pitched voices in the files(there were wavs in it that couldn't be played by windows media player, so i used online-audio-converter.com to convert all of them to mp3 and get rid of the lower pitch voices)


    phase I kills in 2 hits with full shields and health, melee also seems to affect shields, which i don't like since shields are supposed to only protect you from guns and not physical attacks

    Teancum likes this
  5. Cool! What's new?

    well a bunch of new weapon fx, some fixed npcs, your new altyr5 map, an extremely wip dromund kaas map(level 11) that i'd like you to finish, since i'm not that god a mapper, new character sounds that are taken straight from mots,, converted, and renamed to work with ja, like new mp vader sounds, haps bespin luke, haps darth vader with fixed shaders by @@Jeff, new sith-statue npc, resembles jerec from df2, would be cool if @@katanamaru made custom animations for it, new kappa_throne map, and i think thats it

  6. alright here's my build of the mots mod: https://www.mediafire.com/?l9q51moiuc7sq5n 


    to access the maps, type in


    for the altyr5 map: map altyr5


    for the asteroid crust map: map asteroid_crust


    for the kappa's throne map: map kappa_throne


    for the extremely wip dromund kaas swamp map that i'll probably never finish: map darkswamp


    for the mara shrike map: map marashrike

  7. I hadn't planned on the overcharge powerup. The revive is easy since it can be attached to an Icarus script. Touch-->Set player health to 100, sheilds to 100 (200 on easy), and done.

    the overcharge was in the first level in the original game, it was in the secret area behind the giant wall that could be brought down with a switch, contained in a room where you first saw the interrogator droids(which you should modify their class to be able to shoot), there was also super shields, which made your health and shields on your hud(along with their numbers) yellow and gave you unlimited shields for a limited amount of time

  8. the revive has a different look in df, and the df mod team actually made a revive powerup model that looked like the original game's version


    also, i'm not sure how you'd use scripting to make weapons fire faster with the faster firing powerup, as it seems the only way to change weapon firing speed is by modifying weapons.dat, unless you code it in to actually override the weapons.dat when you pick it up

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