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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. now, just wondering if someone could contact or email Darth_Linux and ask if he had some of the files not included in the 6-level demo, like maps, textures, models, sounds, shaders, all of that, and if he doesn't have it, ask if any of the other members has them, the link to the original site is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20110905081533/http://darkforces.jediknight.net/index2.shtml

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. I don't see why I would. Nobody wanted to help with mapping while I was working on it. I'll let @@Jeff know he can release Jan and the updated Phase II.

    well really, coding and mapping are the main things needed to be done, the modeling/skinning are minor, i've just started to learn how to use gtk radiant, so i could probably help with mapping, if you'd like you can pm me the source, and i'll take a look at the maps

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  3. Fair enough, but let me throw out a few counterpoints. The customization never has to be used by a player, and the original look is the default. As far as the robotics facility, I do what little I know how to with the tools. Most of the interior had already been done and was so to a very high quality. As I played through the original I see how it follows the spirit of the original, much like the other maps. For the exterior I'm doing what I can but in all honesty mapping using Radiant is an incredibly infuriating process. I try to keep the spirit of things, but when I try to stay true to things I get criticized for it not looking high-def enough, and when I go for something higher def I get criticized for it not staying true enough. 


    Regardless I start my new career job a week from Monday and it so at that point I'll probably stop the mod. I hadn't planned on announcing it yet, but it's just too huge and undertaking and expectations are such that it's assumed that I'll finish most of the levels. That's just beyond my capabilities.

    if you do end up stopping the mod, do you intend to release any source files so that someone else can continue?

  4. Upgrade: entities on landing pad are placed: 2 fake rakto , 1 fake jaden, 2 rodian shooters 1 assassin droid and 3 cams for the first cinematic. 

    the door that lead to swoop race is locked now, it's unlockable with scripting when the first assassin droid is died.

    i also save in map apart a copy of padmé ship, so is possible to easyly isolate the texture name used for it.

    They are:

    Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_coruscant/big_floor_1"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/light_broken"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_starship/hold_door1"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall_panel"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall2"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/wall"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_coruscant/base_2"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/landing_pad2"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/ship_top"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_starship/hold_floor1a"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/hold_door2"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/dome1"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_starship/hold_floor2"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/Asjc_homestead/flare_white"
    Loaded Texture: "textures/asjc_coruscant/landing_pad1"

    @@Cerez the starship folder of cullen pk3 i suppose contain the texture of the ship. there ore however some texture that i am afraid are shared with map scruture, too >.< this make retexturing difficult. can get unpredictable effect on map.


    Now for swoop race trace i am pretty confused: i never understand how really works the swoops mercenaries on t2_trip. in the decompiled map i see just there ares human_merc entities near to swoop vehicle. how work it? the mercenary automatically run and go inside the nearest a swoop when they detected the player or there some special parameter or script for making this? @@eezstreet maybe do you know?

    the human merc is automatic, i believe almost any enemy npc will go for a swoop excluding droids, and reborn/cultists

    Darth Sion and Cerez like this
  5. That's not at all what he meant, actually. He meant rig it in 3DSMax/Softimage XSI to the original Rocket Trooper skeleton (hex editing won't help). But again, it's not necessary. They look great with the default skeleton. The Phase III might need torso animations that are wider so the arms don't clip, but the Phase II is fine. I haven't really looked much into the Phase III other than playing a round of multiplayer with @@Jeff's converted model. Since it'll be literally the last thing the player encounters and we may not get that far I don't want to spend a lot of energy on it.

    maybe not nessecary, but it would be an enhancement, part of the reason i'd like rocket trooper anims on the phase 2 is because i don't want it to look like its firing a blaster pistol when holding a repeater:


    and who wouldn't want to see a phase 2 posed like this:



  6. the above screenshot with the jo stormie, text in the console, but replace the last part(53 != 236) with (0 != 40), what i did was i modified the model.glm with hxd hex editor, and changed its anim path from models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid to models/players/rockettrooper/rockettrooper, as the rockettrooper anim gla is located there

  7. This is commonly known by most that have been modding this game for a while. Anything can have it's own skeleton, you just can't have a player in MP with a custom skeleton, all players in MP must use the _humanoid.gla. It's all about the compiling process, you need in depth knowledge of a 3d program and assimilate to make it all happen. I can share my knowledge of such things but most people just instantly assume it's too difficult without even attempting it.

    the screenshot was sp

  8. So does this mean I can go ahead and port Kreia, Nihilus and Scion over and release them? I just want a solid yes or no, either way I'm porting them anyway even if they aren't allowed here. No one has taken the time to make good models of them and I don't have the time to do it from scratch.

    hold on, i swear on gamefront, there was ported kotor 2 models, and all 3 sith of what you mentioned are included as well

  9.  @@eezstreet sorry, i not know that. so is possible to edit a BSP simply with a notepad? interessing, but it's not little hard to make?

    i tryied to make that one time, and i get only a corrupted bsp unreadable. o.o


    @@Darth Sion :

    i never watched star wars rebel and i am not interessed to watch the show.

    if you keep calm i decompile the two maps and paste the entity of original t2_rogue into the coruscant map of cullen just now. about place fine all entities in the correct place, and making a waypoint grid this need time. okay? :)

    yes, i will decompile the night version of the map. Civilian entities? these require custom NPCs stuff and models. this become little big as project, more big of what i initially think.

    Sure it's  more realistic, but it's difficult. it require a lot of models of humans and aliens and also NPC customization of these models.

    at moment is the last of our troubles.


    Otherwise, if you learn a lot of little jedi patience, young sith, everybody can work more relaxed ;)

    it's not possible to edit bsps with something like notepad, the bsp will simply break

  10. okay, i found out something: the hazardtrooper gets its animations not by getting hardcoded via class, but by a hazardtrooper.gla and animation.cfg in its model folder, so the phase II can get its animations by having its model.glm modified to use those animations


    EDIT: actually, the model.glm NEEDS to be modified in terms of bones, as i just did what i said above, but i got an error saying the model.glm's bones are different from the animations: 3bHnWvR.jpg


  11. actually, openjk is really a mod that fixes ja bugs and maybe do enhancements to some of the coding, like remove npc limits, which is already done, enhancements like additional weapons will never happen in openjk, jedi academy enhanced, however will do that

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