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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. yes, haps did have quite the good models, including a darth vader one, which i presume was wip and being made for the df mod:



    and btw i got the model from the mots mod source files, fully rigged, but without a shader to fix the inside of his cape being invisible, however @@Jeff made a shader to fix that

    Langerd likes this
  2. Wavepad sound editor?

    BTW, I just tested by putting all the audio files on 32 kHz instead, and now instead of it being completely mute, I hear a high-pitched beep where the audio is supposed to occur.

    try this website: 

    i had a bit of trouble converting music with it, but sounds are fine, a list of steps on how to convert sounds with it:


    1. click on advanced settings, then set channels to 1

    2. click on open files, then select the files you want to convert

    3. click on convert, then when its done, download it

  3. i checked it, maybe its because the sounds.cfg and npc have sounds binded to JediTempleGuard, when the sound folder is named jeditempleguard, case-sensitivity i guess, so presumably changing the name in sounds.cfg and the npc file to jeditempleguard should fix it, either that or the sounds weren't converted to be used in ja

    J450N likes this
  4. hello redsaurus


    i love your amazing lightsaber effects in ja enhanced and it works absolutly perfect on win7.

    One question: Is it possible to get just the improved light saber effects and trails for single player by pasting the "dll-file"  with the code modification and the "pk3-files" in the base folder of JA ?

    The reason for my question is, that i frequently play "jedi academy mobil" on my samsung galaxy s4 an it would be nice to have those beautyful lightsaber trails on my mobilphone too. The content in base folder

    is absolutly identic with those of the pc version. The only difference is that there is an apk-file to start the game  instead of an exe file. - you know !  ;)

    Could you help me? 


    many thanks in advance  :)

    the mod was really made for the pc version of ja, the new exe file is required to play the mod, or else it will not work, i'm sorry

  5. for a raw conversion, the geometry wasn't too bad, i just now modified the asteroid_crust map to fix these things:


    - map leaks(in a secret area with lava near it, and a corner in the area with the added crashed tie fighter)

    - invisible imp shuttle(no map object was placed)

    - invisible st transport from the dfmod(was intended to be put in the area with the crashed tie, marked by the odd red physics clip kinda shaped like it)

    - added disruptor in little room with the blastable switch to get in(would be the blaster scope in mots)


    i'm currently compiling it at the time of writing

  6. I'm still working on the soundpack, but heres a look at what I've been working on


    i see you're making kento marek, awesome, but i have been making a kento soundpack as well, and i had trouble because in the original game, sadly he had only spoke like 3 lines, the rest is pain sounds, the only way to finish the soundpack would be to take sounds from ja and modify them via audacity to sound like kento

  7. Make sure you select only one of the two brushes that are fighting so it can subtract from the other.

    tried it on a z-fighting caulk(all the z-fighting textures are caulks), but no matter what, every one of them still z-fight, even when i try the csg subtract, i can send you my .map if you'd like to take a look at it

  8. It's because the sounds.cfg inside the model folder is linked to hs_kenobi_rots when that's non-existent, it should be linked to benkenobi instead, you can open up the sounds.cfg with any text editor and replace "hs_kenobi_rots" with "benkenobi" without quotation marks.

  9. Still, his version is assuredly better. (it's level 7, actually :D)  If I get his files I want to move the Zuckuss/4-LOM fight to Nar Shaddaa

    don't worry, i found screenshots of it from the web link above :), i'm just wondering this: if he finds it and sends it to you, will it come packed with the other df recreated textures for it, like the doors, tantive IV lookalike hallway textures that look something like this?


    and an end that looks like this?



    KyleKatarn1995 and yeyo JK like this
  10. Nope -- just .map files. DarthLinux and I are Facebook friends now, and he's trying to get me in touch with DarkStarMojo, who has already agreed to send me what he has. Now hopefully he still has his completed Ramsees Hed. If he does I'll trash mine and not feel bad about it. If he also has his Icarus scripts that'll make Nar Shaddaa much further along as well. Really the only textures I'm missing now are some Treeboy used on the Executor. I've already replaced some of those with existing textures, but I kept the untouched .map file in case those textures turn up.


    All of this would be so much less frustrating if I didn't have to mess with maps lol. If those were done but none of the code was I'd be happy as could be, but I'll settle for finishing level 8 and hoping his level 7 is done. Then I could release an 81/2 level demo (Nar Shaddaa would still be unfinished I think). I also thought I could "warp" players to level 13 since that's pretty much done too.


    Basically at this point I'm waiting to see what DarkStarMojo has for me.

    oh come on, your version of level 8 isn't that bad, in fact, i liked the zuckuss/4-lom boss fight

  11. Already have been in contact. Everything I now have is the most recent ... that is of the files that still exist. He's put me in touch with others from the team, but the useful stuff actually came from hhunter6. Everything else was older.

    what kind of useful stuff? i know about the maps, but did they come with any new textures, shaders, models, any of that?

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