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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. heres all of the sound fx from the psp version of tfu: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8w1k3tau2cabui1/tfupspsounds.zip 


    they haven't been modified with audacity to be the right speed, and i don't think i can do it considering i discovered theres at least 6266 sounds in total, minus the voice lines that i haven't included with it, and also discovering that alot of the sounds will require different speed values to be the right speed and pitch


    Here's literally all of them




    dear f*cking sh*t, thats a whole lot of games

  3. Yes, they are. I assume you know what Emulators and Roms are? There are Roms for PSP games that can be downloaded and extracted on external websites, you'd only have to figure out how to access the files stored inside and crack into any audio file you come across.

    do not worry, i have extracted the sounds from the psp version of tfu, all with 25% more speed, but with a post of mine above, can be slowed down a bit, and i believe i can help @@Seven with kento nion sounds from tfu

  4. Winamp can open rkv files, can't remember how though, I'm sure there's a tutorial on Youtube somewhere.

    how does it open them, when winamp is an audio/video opening type program? and btw, theres no tutorial on it, rkv is just not popular


    You could try a sound ripping tool. They usually rip WAV files from any game file container.

    did you use one, possibly with the rots game?

  5. I tried to figure it out with dolphin emulator, but the files are unrecognizable.

    i tried to extract the sounds from the psp version of tfu, and i made very minor progress, i found a file named LngEN_pp.rkv, which i know for sure is what contains the english voices, i don't know how to open it sadly, as its unrecognizable :(

  6. i'm just wondering if the sounds from the wii, ps2, and psp versions of tfu are available online, because i know theres some extra vader/kento lines in them, as well as lines for darth desolus and darth phobos, as well as revoiceovers of vaders lines from esb with the tfu vader voice in psp

  7. i have made a tfu emperor palpatine soundpack, but i have one question: i have for the combat1 line "you could have ruled by my side!", and for victory1 "you could have ruled the galaxy by my side", should i keep one and get rid of the other, rid both of them, or keep them both?

  8. @Scerendo


    HI dudes!! about this masterpiece of Scerendo, i made a quick job over the Rey's face... cuz this model its amazing, I retouched minimally with expression lines and some details from Daisy Ridley... AND LOOKS FINE ;)   what you think Scerendo? It is worthy?  .... regards



    that actually looks really nice, also accurate and realistic to daisy ridley :)

    yeyo JK likes this
  9. Well all that was left was dialogue that was directly connected to the game. I could probably duplicate some of the sounds I have, but hearing "You won't get to those droids!" every time he taunts just makes zero sense.

    yeah, i was being smart when choosing my sounds, i can edit some of mine, like edit my non-ghost obi's anger1 to be " I should have known" instead of having the "the emperor would replace vader"

  10. it would be cool if you implemented the etr tracks via code into the game, like you know how when all enemies are clear, the music makes a transition from action to explore via atr, ex. secbase_atr00, well in the original df, it had that, but with a bonus: transition from explore to action, and ja does not have that, i remember reading a txt document in the df mod source files detailing how they tried to implement etr tracks without having to change the code by setting up the dms.dat to be like this example:







    marker0 0.00

    marker1 34.65




    nextfile secbase_etr00

    nextmark marker1

    time00 11.79

    time01 18.94

    time02 28.79

    time03 34.65

    time04 45.04

    time05 56.00

    time06 64.17

    time07 85.54

    time08 105.41

    time09 134.65







    marker0 0.00

    marker1 37.91




    nextfile secbase_atr00

    nextmark marker1

    time00 5.29

    time01 8.74

    time02 20.02

    time03 37.91

    time04 51.95

    time05 73.15

    time06 82.52

    time07 85.93

    time08 93.72



    the way they tried to make it work is trick the game into thinking it was exiting the action music, when it was really exiting the explore music, it then goes right to the action, then does the action to explore transition, then explore again, but it didn't work, as action music still goes instantly instead of getting a transition

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