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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. Just got several map sources from @@hhunter6 -- most of them are the same as what I have or close to it. Some just have fixes and optimizations, but Nar Shaddaa is really far along. That'll help immensely. Posting screenies. No enemies cuz I done killed them all before thinking about taking screenshots. I'd say the geometry is only about 60-70% done, but what's there is totally complete, including finishing work. All the enemies have waypoints, lights are in place, finishing brush work, etc.










    holy crap thats cool  :sun:

  2. This isn't the same map. I completely scrapped the exterior of that version because of the crashing, which is also why I needed the break. After starting the outside over again I think it looks much better. The outside walls look closer to the original (might still swap textures) and I like the way the ice canyon walls surround it.

    well, thats good to hear :), and have you already shared the map? i wondered that because you gave the framerate warning



    Still VERY work in progress, but this is an improvement over the old version, yes?


    **Ignore the framerate. I haven't done a -vis pass yet, so that will improve.






    what framerate? because the map crashes for me everytime with the 2nd backup :(, and this is on a fresh 2nd build backup, as well as replacing all dlls, i don't wish to bug report, but do you know anything about this @@Teancum?

  4. Its just a matter of matching the mesh to an other JKA mesh. So make all the settings the same, reparent the tags, add the armature, weigh the verticies, and some other stuff

    alright, but did you use blender? if so, could you tell what you did with the tfu qui-gon jinn model to get it working as a ja playermodel?

  5. Posting another backup. Again, please remember this isn't a beta or anything like that. It has everything up until I started having troubles. I think it's dated May 25. It doesn't include the new Dark Troopers or Jan that I know of. Just posting on the web so I have an alternate backup. I need to take another break as my maps build fine but they won't load in-game, staying at roughly 1/3 loaded and then eating a ton of CPU cycles and memory indefinitely.


    Again -- NOT A BETA. It's just an online backup that other people can play around with. DO NOT REPORT BUGS



    oh relax, i'm not gonna report bugs, in fact, i might as well post some footage of the backup so that people can get an idea of what to expect :)

    TheWhitePhoenix and Teancum like this
  6. Relax a bit, you just need to make a new version of the NPC without force powers, then rename it to avoid sharing the same name as your other NPC, because when force powers are maxed out and you encounter the force selection screen again, you'll be softlocked.

  7. I suppose so, but I don't have much in the way of customization to work from. It looks like just four skins. I suppose if people wanted to do the white Imperial Security Bureau uniform that might be one more.


    Hmmm.... I tell you what. If someone makes that model a "species" that you can customize for regular JA -- complete with proper icons, I'll add it to the mod.

    thats what i can do :D

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  8. Read above, the mod is still being worked on, why would we want all the stuff out in the open?


    When I posted my message I meant for DT to PM me the link personally, didn't think he was going to openly post it.

    your post had appeared before i was even done typing, it was only after i reloaded the page that i saw your response was before mine, also, if you want modeling help, ask @@Jeff, he's actually a cool modeler who does things pretty accurately :)

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