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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. Thanks to @@Jeff for the Phase II. Just got it and I'll be adding it tonight.


    @@KyleKatarn1995 -- I don't think Luke's shirt would fit well. Remember Moff Rebus is kind of fat.


    I think this guy's body (remove the tattoos, add hair) is a great model for Moff Rebus. He's the right build, the right age, and he's wearing the right shirt. I agree with Jan's goggles, but maybe have them up in his hair, as it would probably look weird otherwise.



    Welding goggles like this might work well. They'd fit in universe, not straight rip off Jan, and the forehead position would let us see Rebus' eyes. It's all up to @@Jeff though. I trust his judgement.






    Hmm, with Moff Rebus being a weapons designer, maybe I should put the disruptor rifle or fusion cutter in his "fortress". This is a number of years before Jedi Outcast, so we could say maybe Rebus designed the prototype?

    maybe someone can make a new model of the disruptor? and have moff rebus actually defend himself with the weapon he's holding?

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this
  2. so i found some unused sounds in the df sound files, sounds like realistic ammo collect, goggles turn off, alt-repeater fire heard in df2, mortar gun select(blaster select in df2), footstep sounds for snow and ice cleats, alt-probe about to explode beeps, and a screenshot take sound(yes, it seems screenshots were going to be a thing in df)

  3. @@eezstreet is there a thread that talks about the things that need to be implemented? If not, then there needs to be one, I think it'll totally speed up the completion of this mod.

    i know there is @'s review of it, it has what he thinks should be changed and implemented, as well as all the things he thinks are great in the mod

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  4. Because my buddies and I keep a bunch of them for quick and easy LAN parties. It's lots easier than lugging around a bunch of PCs.


    On a different note, how about a few VERY Work In Progress screenshots? Below you'll see the start of the robotics facility weather system, a second Phase II fight, a close up of the Phase II's height (still the rocket trooper model) for size comparison, and the debug message you'll get upon "completing" any level that isn't finished yet.







    what a coinsidence! the kyle customization model you're using looks just like the one i use  :lol:

    KyleKatarn1995 and Teancum like this
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